Chapter 78

Cullen's fingers paused briefly on his laptop when he heard a slight knock on his office door. He sighed softly and pinched the skin between his brows.

"Come in," he permitted and shut his laptop.

From the outside, Daniel took in a deep breath and pushed the door open. Cullen's eyes squinted when he saw who just walked into his office.

Daniel, dressed in a black suit had his dark eyes fixed sternly on Cullen as if they shared a long-time bond.

Cullen relaxed into his seat, wordlessly letting Daniel know who owned the den he just walked into.

While Cullen tagged Daniel as an enemy prawn, Daniel viewed Cullen as a business friend whom he needed to get closer to for more benefits and social respect.

He has never spoken one-on-one with Cullen due to the man's unapproachable and mysterious aura around him.