Chapter 92

"Where are the papers you said you wanted to sign?" Amelia snapped back to reality with a cold glint in her eyes.

Daniel smile flattened. "It's our anniversary." he reminded.

Amelia frowned. "I know," she scanned the room. "Where are the papers you promised to sign if I come over?" 

Her eyes scanned the room. For a man as selfish and heartless as Daniel, he really went extra measures with the decoration. She won't lie, everything was beautiful.

"I'm not signing any papers," Daniel said flatly and slammed the door close behind her with his foot. 

Amelia shut her eyes to prevent herself from reacting to the force he used to close the door. Her hand sneaked to her belt and she held on dear to it.

Parting her eyes, she asked, challangingly, "Was that a trick to invite me over?" 

Daniel threw the flower across the room and nodded. "It was," he cracked his knuckles and changed position.