Chapter 99

Daniel remained remarkably composed for someone whose whole empire was crumbling to dust level in a matter of seconds.

His car raced around the streets. His mental mind froze as a result of worry. However, it never showed in his expression.

The moment he got to Rebecca's company's underground parking lot, he rushed down from his car without proper packing and stormed into her company.

"Rebecca," he yelled as he rushed towards her CEO's office. However, a hefty guard stopped him before the door of the office and created a wall barrier.

"I want to see Rebecca," Daniel spat, almost losing his cool. He had been composed all these while because he believed he would meet her.

The guard shook his head. "This is the CEO's office and no one is allowed to step an inch closer than I am,"

Daniel frowned.

Before he could reply, a staff member walked up to him. "This way, please. RHudgens'sHudgens office is on the lower floor,"