Chapter 118

Cullen pulled Amelia close to him and kissed the top of her head the moment she walked through the doors.

Amelia's shoulders slumped and she fell into his arms. A light hiccup left her lips at the feeling of his hold.

Cullen picked her from the floor. He carried her in a bridal style and walked towards the couch. Sitting on one of them, he parted her bangs from her scar and dropped a kiss there.

Amelia coiled further into his arms. She wanted to hide from everyone and the world except him. His icy masculine scent wafted through her nostrils and was a big help for her.

"Bad day?" His deep velvet voice asked after a brief moment of comfortable silence between them.

Amelia shook her head softly. Daniel doesn't have the power to make her day good or bad. She only wanted to be with Cullen again and that's all.

Cullen's thumb caressed her cheek fondly. "You don't want to talk about it?" he asked lightly.