Chapter 120

As the night prolonged, the event went on. Amelia spoke to a few people who approached her. Most of them made it known to her about their plan to speak to Cullen.

However, the man beside her ignited their existence entirely and only reacted with a glare whenever they addressed her as Mrs. Theodore.

He wondered if they did that to irk him, grab his attention or they just simply got used to addressing her with that title. Perhaps, they were just dumb.

"Miss Hudgens," A deep accented voice grabbed her attention.

Amelia turned to him with gratitude. Among everyone in the room today, he was the first person to address her properly.

Turning to face him, she mustered a smile at him. He wasn't as handsome as Cullen to be able to imprint his face into her brain and every cell in her. However, it was difficult to look away from him.