Chapter 140

"Momma," Miley let out muffled screams the moment Amelia got into the car. "Momma, untie me,"

Amelia was startled. She faced Dmitrii who sat on the seat beside the driver. "Untie her," she commanded.

Dmitrii smiled. "I just tied her up a few minutes ago. She won't shut up," he sounded irritated but maintained his smile.

Amelia gritted her teeth. She rushed to Miley's corner and untied her mouth tied with a piece of cloth.

She bent to her legs and untied her whole body, bonded by a rope like a sack of potatoes. Miley rushed into Amelia's arms the moment she untied her and wept.

Amelia dropped a kiss on her head. "Hush, baby," she comforted her and wrapped her arms around her protectively. "Where are you taking us?"

Dmitrii turned to her with a wink. "You'll see," turning to his driver, he commanded, "Go. We have a lot of things to do today,"