Back To The Abandoned Church

In the early morning on top of the abandoned church in Kuoh Town, Zeno in his SS suit was perching on the edge of the roof while in an invisible state. He was back here again to clone the fallen angel Mittelt before their boss Azazel recalled the group back since he had already given Raynare to the Devil. They will definitely interrogate her and complain to Azazel later so Zeno has to do it now.

Zeno senses the presence of the people inside the church, they are probably stray exorcists he thought. The fallen angels should be in the underground of the church or currently outside. He will probably have to interrogate the exorcists for the fallen angels where about.

"Suck for you guys..."

He muttered with a deep distorted voice as his maw came out while he was invisible. He then jumped down from the roof and decided to go in through the front door. They are all just a bunch of low-class level beings anyway so he doesn't need to do anything complicated.

As Zeno opened the door with a screeching sound, he could see three stray exorcists loitering around inside. They looked weak like typical small flies, and they seemed alert to the noise of the door being open.


One of them muttered in confusion since they didn't see anyone at the door.

"Is it just the wind?"

The same exorcist said as he scratched his neck unaware of the threat that stood there. Zeno, in his invisible state, smirked as he saw their confusion. He decided to make his move now before they could react.

With a sudden burst of speed, he lunged towards them, his arms stretched forward as his hands grabbed the heads of the two exorcists that stood close to each other. The two exorcists were taken by surprise and couldn't react as they were pushed downward with their heads slammed hard on the ground by him.

"What in the...?!"

The third exorcist, who was further away, jumped back in surprise and alarm. Zeno, still in his invisible state, chuckled as his deep distorted voice scared the third exorcist.

"What are you?!"

The exorcist shouted in a random direction and quickly backed away as he guessed that the unknown attacker might be invisible. He pulled out a pistol and waved it around like an idiot.

"Oh, I just want some information."

Zeno replied before he moved with great speed to the front of the exorcist and grabbed his neck as he came out of the invisible state, revealing a tall black humanoid monster with a muscular body and a maw full of sharp fangs to the terrified exorcist who drops his gun. The exorcist tried to scream, but Zeno's grip tightened on his neck and denied his scream. He then squeezed the exorcist's neck harder, choking him as his face started changing color.

"I want to know where the fallen angels are hiding."

Zeno asked in a deep and distorted voice as he squeezed the exorcist's neck harder, causing his eyes to bulge. The exorcist struggled violently as he tried to tell Zeno to lose his grip before he crushed his neck and killed him. Zeno then loses his grip so the exorcist can breathe and speak.

"You shouldn't play around with your life."

Zeno warned him to not play games with him as he waited for the exorcist to answer. The exorcist, terrified and barely able to breathe, gulped his saliva and tried to speak between ragged breaths.

"They're... they're in the underground chamber... under the altar."

He managed to gasp out before Zeno released him from his hand. He fell on the ground and breathing in the air greedily before the exorcist could do anything more he got a knee to the face and lost consciousness.

Zeno grinned, pleased that his target was here. He turned his attention to the altar, remembering what the exorcist had said. He walked to the altar and scanned the area for any hidden entrances or switches that could lead to the underground chamber.

After searching for a few moments, Zeno spotted a small hidden lever on the side of the altar. He grinned and pulled it towards him, causing a section of the floor to slide open revealing a dark staircase leading down. He then turned invisible and disappeared into the staircase, eager to clone his next victim.


Under the church in the underground chamber, Zeno senses the presence of the three fallen angels in the room at the end of a dark hallway. As he made his way through the dark hallway, Zeno could hear the faint whispers of the three fallen angels. Their voices were filled with anxiety as they talked with each other.

"Where the hell is that haughty bitch...?!"

"She doesn't come back since last night..."

They complain, unaware of the danger that lurking closer to them. Zeno decided to interrupt them with a knock on the door.

"Who's there?"

One of the fallen angels asked with a hint of suspicion. Zeno didn't answer, instead, he pushed open the door. The three fallen angels were surprised and confused since there was no one behind the door.


One of the smallest fallen angels, Mittelt his target muttered as she and her two fellow fallen angels looked at the entrance in confusion. Zeno, still invisible, ignored their reaction and sneaked into the room quietly without them noticing him.

"Who's there?!"

The only male fallen angel, Dohnaseek asked again with a loud voice filled with even more suspicion. Suddenly, Zeno lunged forward and grabbed Dohnaseek by his neck with one hand, lifting him off the ground. The other two fallen angels took a back as they saw their comrade being levitated by an invisible force suddenly.

"What the...?!"

Zeno kept quiet as he squeezed Dohnaseek's neck and punched him in the stomach with such force that the male fallen angel coughing up blood. Zeno then chokeslams Dohnaseek, causing big cracks in the floor. The two remaining fallen angels, Mittelt and Kalawarna, backed away in trepidation as they watched their fellow fallen angels being manhandled by an invisible enemy. They quickly conjured a light spear in their hand and threw it in the general direction where Dohnaseek lay unconscious, hoping to hit the invisible enemy.

Unfortunately, the two light spears failed to hit their target as Zeno just casually dodged them and they embedded themselves into the wall behind him, creating a small explosion of dust and debris. Zeno, still invisible, moves with great speed behind the two fallen angels without their notice.

"Show yourself, coward!"

Kalawarna demanded as she conjured another light spear. Her body tensed.

"Here Zavior!"



Zeno mocked playfully as he showed himself behind Kalawarna as the two fallen angels screamed in surprise. Before Kalawarna could turn around Zeno quickly restrained her with his black tendrils that grew out from his arm and lifted her off the ground.

"Nhhgh...! What are-?! Stop! Nooh-?!"

She struggled desperately, trying to free herself as the tendrils slipped inside under her clothes and pushed into her mouth, gagging her. Her eyes widened in panic as the tendrils even went inside her panties. Mittelt watched on in horror as the black humanoid monster behind Kalawarna seemed to molesting her with a nasty grin on its maw.

Zeno chuckled in amusement as he turned his attention to the smaller fallen angel who backing away from him, trembling in fear. He walked towards her slowly, his tendrils still wrapped around Kalawarna and molesting her.

"Don't worry, little one, it will not hurt."

He said with a soothing voice that too deep and distorted to be one and caused Mittelt to fall on her butt with a scared expression.

"Ahh... ahhh... no don't come closer...!"

As Zeno approached Mittelt, his other arm started sporting many black tendrils. She watches in horror as his tendrils get closer to her diminutive body. She tried to conjure a light spear again, but she was too scared and paralyzed with fear. Zeno chuckled darkly as he loomed over her, his tendrils stretching toward her menacingly.


Mittelt helpless scream could be heard, echoing inside the underground chamber before it went quiet.


An hour later above the underground chamber of the abandoned church, a magic circle with a symbol of the Sitri clan materialized before Sona and her peerage members appeared inside the magic circle. They slowly getting used to this method of summoning from Zeno so they are not too tense.

"Sona Sitri, you are finally here."

A familiar deep and distorted voice called her as she and her peerage turned to see Zeno sitting on the altar with many of his black tendrils restraining another six people.

"Who are these people?"

Sona asked, her expression shifting to one of apprehension. He is too good at capturing people alive and she can't refuse to deal with the people he brought to her since it was inside her territory.

"They are fallen angels and stray exorcists that relate to that fallen angel woman I gave you last night."

Zeno replied as he got up from the altar. He then released the restained on them and nodded to Sona to leave them for her to deal with as usual. As Sona looked at the group of fallen angels and stray exorcists, she frowned. She noticed the two fallen angel women who were still conscious as they glared at him with blushing faces, they looked disheveled and wet with sweat, especially the big wet spots on their crotch.

"What did you do to them?"

She asked suspiciously. Zeno chuckled as he shrugged nonchalantly.

"I merely pacified them so they don't resist and hurt themselves."

He said as he walked to the church door. Sona's eyes narrowed in suspicion, but she decided not to press the matter further since it did not matter. Sona then turned to the fallen angels and stray exorcists.

"Alright, you're all under arrest."

She said firmly as her peerage surrounded the four unconscious men and the two conscious women. The two fallen angels women looked at each other helplessly before nodding and complying with the devils as they stood no chance in their current state.