The Wild Himiko Appear!

In the living room of Zeno's apartment, Zeno could be seen sitting on a couch in front of Asia who awkwardly sat on a chair that Leila brought for her. Zeno had already told her everything about what happening to the fallen angels that invited her to come to Kuoh.

The girl looks really troubled by the news as she makes a sad face while holding her hands together like she is praying for them.

"As I said earlier, I am willing to take you in as a healer in my bounty hunter group. I will pay you 20% of every bounty reward and I will provide you with all your basic needs such as shelter and food."

Zeno said to her with a serious expression without any deception as the meek Asia seemed to be thinking about his offer. She was still quite shocked that the people she was supposed to meet were arrested for operating illegally in the devil's territory and also glad that she still had another option. She really didn't have any choice other than to accept his offer since she didn't know where else to go.

"Yes... I will join your group, Zeno-san."

"That's good, you can rest for today and tomorrow I will tell you about your schedule."

Asia nodded her head, accepting his offer. She felt relief a little as she now had a place to stay. On the other hand, Zeno sighed with relief as Asia decided to simply join him without any drama, it would be quite awkward for him to choke her out if she refused his invitation. Zeno then smiled and stood up, walking towards her. He extended his hand, offering her a handshake.

"Welcome to the team, Asia."

He said with a gentle smile. Asia hesitantly reached out and took his hand. She feel a bit glad that he welcome her to his group kindly.

"Thank you, Zeno-san."

She said as they separated. Zeno then turned to the two maids who currently gave Asia an appraising look nearby.

"Leila, Noa, guide Asia around and help her out, I'll go out and buy her things."

"Yes, Master."

The two fallen angel maids nodded their heads in unison and then they moved quickly to sandwiching Asia from both sides. Asia feels nervous around them as she looks at the two maids who eyeing her like a predator. Then they lift her up from her seat by her armpits as her feet dangling from the floor.

"Come, Newbie, let us show you where you will sleep."

"Ahh... y-yes."

Noa said to her with a smirk as Asia was carried away by the two maids, they will tell her about the unspoken rules around here.


In the student council room of Kuoh Academy Sona and members of her peerage are working on their school documents as usual when suddenly a teleporting magic circle materializes in the middle of the room, drawing their attention.

Then a woman with long black hair tied in a twin tails hairstyle and blue eyes materialized in the magic circle. She is dressed in a pink magical girl costume and a magic ward, she looks like a cosplayer.

She looked around, her eyes scanning the room as Sona peerage watching her curiously until her eyes landed on the embarrassed Sona.

"So-tan! Onee-chan have come to visit~!"

Serafall Leviathan exclaimed happily, rushing over to hug Sona with a bright smile on her face. Sona blushed slightly, feeling a bit overwhelmed by her big sister's enthusiasm as she denied a hug to Serafall's disappointment. The other members of Sona's peerage watched the interaction with interest.

"Onee-sama, it's been a while. What brings you here?"

Sona asked with a frown, trying to keep her composure despite feeling a bit flustered that her big sister trying to hug her in front of her peerage members.

"Well, I just wanted to surprise you and hang out! You know? Isn't that great?"

Serafall replied, her smile not fading for a moment. Sona couldn't help but smile wryly back at her sister's enthusiasm.

"Of course, it's great to see you too. Everyone, this is my older sister, Serafall Leviathan."

The other members of the peerage bowed their heads in greeting as Serafall waved at them cheerfully before she turned back to Sona.

"So-tan, what have you been up to lately? Anything interesting happens?"

She asked curiously, clearly enjoying spending time with her little sister. The two of them talk for a while before Serafall asks about a certain bounty hunter.

"What about that strange bounty hunter?"

"Zavior-san? Hmmm... he's been quite busy as he told me. I haven't seen him around recently."

Sona replied, remembering that he mentioned he would be busy with something for a week.

"Oh really? Well, I have some news that might interest him."

Serafall said with a mischievous grin, causing Sona to raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"What kind of news?"

Sona asked, intrigued by her sister's words. She wonders what it is about. Serafall leaned in closer to Sona, her voice dropping to a hushed whisper.

"I heard that the Governor General of Grigori wants to meet him after he knows about an unknown individual with strange abilities who hurled his unruly underlings in jail."

Tsubaki who was listening carefully to their conversation on the side, widened her eyes in surprise. It seems like the bounty hunter, Zavior-san, might be in trouble. She knew that Grigori was a powerful organization of the fallen angels. Their leader Azazel is without a doubt a strong ultimate-class.

"Hmm, that sounds like it could be trouble. Is there anything we can do to help him?"

Sona asked, worry creeping into her voice. She knew that Zavior was quite strong himself, but fighting the Grigori was an entirely different matter. Serafall thought for a moment before shrugging.

"Well, I don't think there's much we can do directly. But if Zavior-san needs any help or support, he can contact us."

She said with a shrewd look on her face. She doubts that it will be anything serious though since he has not killed any of Azazel's subordinates. But if he asks for help she will not might put him in her little sister's debt. Then her sister will have some strong helper to help her out when she needs it. But she will not tolerate him getting close to her So-tan though!

"I'll make sure he knows once I meet him. Thank you for letting me know, Onee-sama."

Sona nodded seriously to her sister and the rest of her peerage looked concerned with the tense atmosphere while some seemed more curious than anything else.


At the same time that Serafall visits Sona in the student council room, on the streets of Kuoh Town, Zeno who is dressed in a white coat over a black shirt, black track pants, and white running shoes could be seen walking leisurely on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets. He is currently on his way to buy the necessary household items for Asia.

With more mouths to feed in his group, Zeno will have to go on a bounty hunt to secure more funds again soon. Not to mention that he has not even created a clone of Mittelt yet. As he was lost in thought, Zeno didn't notice a figure approaching him until she spoke.

"Ano... excuse me, aren't you Zavior-san?"

A female voice called out to him, causing Zeno to turn around and look at the speaker. The figure who spoke to Zeno was a bespectacled woman with short black hair in a concave bob hairstyle and amber-colored eyes. She wearing a black business suit with a mini skirt, pantyhose, and high-heeled shoes. She looks beautiful, even though she wearing thick-frame glasses on her face.

Zeno immediately recognizes her as his acquaintance from his illustrator job. She was the manager of one of his clients who contracted him for the illustrations of their novel.

Himiko Murabiki, he believed that was her name.

He kind of knows why she calling out to him. Well, this woman has a crush on him, love at first sight you could say. Also, in case you forgot, Zeno is a somewhat attractive young man with blonde hair and blue eyes as well as a tall muscular body. It is not strange that some woman might fall for him.

Himiko looks at Zeno and smiles brightly, her heart pounding in her chest. She had been wanting to talk to him for so long but was always too shy or worried about appearing like a creep. Now that she met him on the street by coincidence, she can't help but greet him.

"Hi, Zavior-san. I was wondering if you remember me?"

She asked a bit nervous and she might just hang herself if he didn't recognize her. And fortunate for her, he remembered.

"Murabiki-san, right? I remember you. We met during my last job. What can I do for you?"

He asks casually, keeping his tone friendly but not overly familiar. Himiko blushed slightly, she was happy that he still remembered her.

"Oh, um, it's just... well... I was wondering if maybe we could go to a cafe... together... or something?"

She asked timidly, her heart pounding in her chest. She doesn't know where her courage is coming from to suddenly invite a man to a date. Zeno looked at her with a slight smile, noticing her nervousness. He knew that she had a crush on him, and he didn't mind but not now, right now he couldn't go with her.

"I don't mind if you want some company but I am busy at the moment, maybe later?"

Himiko looked at Zeno, her heart sinking a little at his response. She knew he might be busy, but she had been hoping that maybe he could go with her.

"Oh, um, I understand. Maybe another time then?"

She said, forcing a smile. Maybe she shouldn't have hastily invited him, now she feels bad. Stupid, stupid, she thought repeatedly.

"Yes, another time would be nice. Just let me know when you're free and we can arrange something."

Zeno said with a reassuring smile, he didn't want to hurt her feelings too much. Himiko nodded, feeling a little disappointed but also grateful for the future opportunity.

"I definitely let you know, Zavior-san!"

Zeno nodded and continued on his way to the store. Himiko watched him go with a longing look in her eyes. She is hopeful for the future. She can't wait to go on a date with him.

Himiko doesn't know that she just signed her fate for something beyond her imagination.