Peace Conference End

In the conference room of Kuoh Academy before Zeno knocked Katerea out, the people inside the room were watching the situation outside with mixed emotions. The representatives from the three factions thought that they might have to make a move personally when the magicians suddenly appeared and the barrier was enacted to prevent their troops from entering the school grounds.

But to their surprise, the situation quickly got under control as the bounty hunter group that Sona hired as an additional guard in this not so peaceful anymore conference immediately decimated all of the cloaked magicians and their leader, Katerea Leviathan, who was currently being sent flying with a punch by the leader of the bounty hunter group.

"Wow, Zavior-san and his girls are really strong! Oh~?! Katerea-san just got kicked away; that must have hurt a lot."

Serafall commented animatedly before she exclaimed with some sympathy as she saw Zeno brutally kick Katerea through the building.

"So-tan did great that she hired them as a guard, right, Sirzechs-chan?"

Serafall turned to look at a handsome man with shoulder-length crimson hair and blue eyes in a white formal suit and a black cape with a smug face.

"Yes, yes, she sure did."

Sirzech Lucifer said to her with a wry smile as he glanced at Serafall, who started brags about her little sister's deed with a smug expression. Sona, who was beside her big sister, felt a bit embarrassed as her cheeks reddened from the exaggerated bragging of her sister for the others to hear. All she did was just hire someone she knew; she really didn't do anything that great to be praised.

"Onee-sama! Stop it...!"

Sona whispered as she pulled on Serafall's arm with a mix of embarrassment and anger, but Serafall pretended not to notice, continuing to brag much to Sona's embarrassment.

"It seems like everything is under control now."

A gentle voice sounded, drawing everyone's attention to a handsome man with long blonde hair, green eyes, and a golden halo above his head in a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb as well as golden shoulder plates with a white sash. He is Michael the Seraph, and he is also the current leader of the angels.

"Well, it seems so, brother."

Azazel chuckled as he glanced at Vali, who also glanced at him. They seem to be communicating silently with only their eyes, without anybody noticing. Vali nodded his head a little to Azazel while leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, waiting for an opportunity to strike.


Meanwhile, inside the occult research club room, Rias, her peerage members, and the silver-haired maid, Grayfia, just successfully rescued Gasper the Dhampir from the cloaked magician as the barrier covering the entire school started to disperse.



Issei and Gasper, who were in the Kuoh Academy's female uniform, hugged each other dramatically and then gazed at each other in the eyes like a pair of lovers. The two of them have gotten closer to each other than when they were in the canon, as there are no other girls that require Issei's attention, so Issei ended up awakening something he shouldn't have after spending more time with Gasper.



Rias watched the two of them with a speechless expression, while Akeno watched them with amusement.


Koneko said as she clapped her hands with a deadpan face. No one noticed that Kiba was watching Issei and Gasper silently and enviously.


Inside the school building, where Zeno was standing over the bound and unconscious body of Katerea, Zeno suddenly had an idea about how to clone Katerea without being interrupted.

He will smuggle her out to his underground base, cloning her inside the time chamber, and then just tell the devil that she threatened to blow herself up so she could escape from him without him being able to do anything more after he comes back to the school when he is done. It shouldn't take longer than five minutes.


Zeno smirked, and then he pulled out his smartphone to text his girls about his plan. After he received their replies, he quickly started casting a spell to make the teleport point that would connect to another teleport point he had created secretly somewhere inside Kuoh Town that would teleport him to his base.


He sighed as the magic circle materialized under Katerea's body, and now he only has to wait for the barrier to disperse and the opportunity before he can teleport out with Katerea without anyone being able to notice.

"It's here!"

Without having to wait for long, there was a sound of an explosion occurring outside the building where he was, and Zeno immediately activated the teleport point as they vanished from inside the building.


With a booming sound, Azazel was sent flying outside of the conference room through a wall as Vali, in his Balance Breaker Divine Dividing: Scale Mail, followed him outside.

They talked as Vali revealed himself to be a descendant of Lucifer and grandson of Rizevim Lucifer, much to the shock of everyone that was watching them, and declared his intention of joining Khaos Brigade for the chance to fight strong people.

He then belittles Issei as a weakling and not worth fighting as he is right now since Issei has no opportunity to grow stronger because every opponent that he will face gets taken care of by Zeno and his girls.

Then Bikou, the descendant of Sun Wukou, appears, and together with Vali, the two of them teleport away like in the canon.

"Whoa, what a drama!"

Ezrah said as she and the other girls watched the scene from the distance inside the van. They're already prepared to go back, and they are only waiting for Zeno. And fortunately for Invincible II, Zeno didn't forget to tell the girls to retrieve it from the roof.

"It's so overdramatic, in fact."

Leila commented while raising her eyebrow at the scene she saw. Everything just seems so unnecessary to her.


Inside the time chamber, Zeno has arrived with Katerea in his hand. He put her down on the ground before grabbing her face as he cast a spell to put her into deep sleep.

Seeing the spell take effect as magic circles materialized on both sides of her face, Zeno sighed in relief before sitting down next to her body while his hand remained on her face.

He gazed at her voluptuous body and was tempted to play with it, but he quickly shook his temptation away since he would get rid of her afterwards, and that meant devouring her, literally.

"It feels wrong to molest your food; I'm not going to do that..."

Zeno muttered to himself as he thought about something else—something positive and wholesome, something cute, something like a kitten or puppy—and tried not to have any weird thoughts about the woman lying on the ground next to him.

Well, to be honest, it's not that hard since her face is already ruined and one of her arms is missing. But don't get him wrong; the reason he wants to molest her is because he was attracted to her large breasts and only wanted to play with them.

"How boring..."

Zeno grumbled to himself while waiting for the time to pass. He wished that the internet signal could penetrate inside the time chamber, so he would at least have something to do while he waited for the cloning process to finish.

After one hour passed, Zeno quickly stood up on his feet. He gazed down on Katerea as a maw appeared on his face. Then he grabbed her neck while she was still sleeping on the ground and picked her up to his face. His maw opened up as his long tongue stretched out, ready to bite her head off.

Then, with a strong bite, Katerea Leviathan lost her head as the lower half of her long brown hair that came undone fell to the ground before her twitching body followed as he devoured her down his throat.

After devouring Katerea, Zeno immediately felt his demonic energy surge suddenly to a Satan-class level. He guessed that it was probably because of Ophis' snake. And then he also gained the clan trait of Leviathan, the Sea Serpent of the End, the ability to manipulate water, especially sea water, and the ability to transform into a serpentine dragon to enhance the power to manipulate water and be able to fire a powerful aura blast from the user's mouth.

Zeno clenched and unclenched his hands while feeling great power inside his body, which just adjusted to becoming a bit more powerful.

After that, Zeno turned around and went out of the time chamber with quick steps. He still has things to do, after all.


Zeno, who teleported back to Kuoh Academy, immediately went to the place where the three representatives gathered and reported the made-up story about what happened to Katerea with an honest voice that he could manage.

"...and so she immediately teleported away after that."

Everyone sighed with helpless expressions after hearing his report since they couldn't expect Zeno to do something about it if Katerea wanted to blow herself up and take Zeno out with her. He was just a hired guard; after all, it's unreasonable to expect him to risk his life in this scenario.

"Well, I don't blame you since you did not get paid to kill targets but to protect us instead."

Azazel said with a shrug as the others also expressed similar reactions.

"That's right, Zavior-san! You have done everything you can; you and your group did a very good job taking care of those magicians and driving Katerea-san away!"

Serafall also said this as she patted his arm while Sona nodded her head with a smile to reassure him. Zeno felt a bit guilty after being comforted by them, so he nodded his head, acting like he was glad they were not blaming him.

After that, Zeno stayed with them until they started to leave after they signed the treaty of peace between the three factions, which he barely paid attention to, and then he said goodbye to the Sitri sisters and the other devils before going back with his girls inside the van.

Tomorrow, Zeno will be a very happy man, as the devil is very generous and has rewarded him with 50,000,000 dollars for his work.