No Russian?

In the seemingly endless white space of the time chamber at the area near the dimension gate, two long lines of Geborgs and God-Takers are currently marching to the large white platform with a teleport magic circle engraved on it to teleport them to stations at the two underground bases that the Liberty, or rather Ruth, secretly built them on the Miseri do Mar island to await the time to takeover the island as the vanguard.

"Sister, this is the last batch for today."

Yae in the black military uniform reported as she was walking up to Ezrah, who is also dressed in the same uniform as her and right now standing with two Geborgs next to the teleport point platform, discussing something about the placement of the soldiers and supplies.

( AN: Ezrah is the clone of Irina and Yae is the clone of Tsubasa. )

Hearing Yae, Ezrah turned her head to her before she nodded her head in acknowledgement and then she looked back to the two Geborgs.

"You two make sure to not jeopardize the bases secrecy before the operation starts and you are dismissed!"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

The Geborgs saluted Ezrah respectfully before they walked to the teleport point and teleported to the underground bases that they would be in charge of.

At the same time, inside Zeno's sturdy on the second floor of the villa, Zeno could be seen looking at the long line of his force slowly marching to the teleport point through the large window with a smirk as Zestia, who was also inside the room with him currently sitting on his desk with a HMT in her hand.

( AN: Zestia is the clone of Xenovia. )

"We have mustered a total of 5,000 soldiers, 100 GTs, 300 God-Raiders, and 150 God-Prayers for this operation, Master."

Zestia, in black military uniform, reported to Zeno, who was dressed in an unbuttoned white dress shirt that exposed his bare chest and abs, black shorts, and a pair of white slippers as she looked down at the data on her HMT's screen.

"Umu, this number should be more than enough for this island nation."

Zeno mumbles to himself and then walks to his chair in front of the desk that Zestia is sitting on. He had increased the factory's output to build his force by ten times after the raid of the Old Satan faction, and now his soldier total number is sitting around 7,500 units of Geborgs.

"Of course, Master. Our opponent this time is just a poor, mundane third-world country; after all, with just a single team of Geborgs, you can casually annihilate their entire army."

Zestia snoring in amusement as she thinks that they don't even need that many soldiers to takeover Miseri do Mar, but since her master wanted to takeover the nation, they need the presence of the army to look more legit; otherwise, the people of Misery do Mar might not take them seriously.

"Well, it's our faction debut after all."

Zeno chuckles as he sits down on the chair while thinking that with this big move, Liberty will instantly be on the global stage in both the mundane and supernatural worlds. He doesn't expect much reaction from the supernatural factions, but the mundane countries will definitely try to meddle with him in some way.

Well, too bad for them; his faction doesn't lack any resources or military power, so anything they try will be useless; what can they even do anyway? Sanctions? Condemnations?


Zeno's eyes glinted with malicious intent as he leaned back in his chair, intertwining his fingers on his chin like a supervillain. His thoughts drifted to the unsuspecting government of Miseri do Mar, blissfully unaware of the horrors that were about to befall them.

"By the way, Master, what if the civilians decided to interfere with our operation?"

Zestia asks while wondering how much force is considered excessive force to use on normal human beings so she can beat up those civilians that might try to interfere with her master's operation without accidentally killing them.

"Hmm~? I doubt that they will interfere with our operation though, but if they somehow did, then just treat them as enemy soldiers."

Zeno answered without any concern, as he thinks that the chance in which the civilians will try to defend the country is abysmal considering how corrupt their government is, but even if they did, it will not change anything.

"No Russian?"

Zestia tilted her head cutely and suddenly said a quite ominous sentence with a small smile on her lips that caused Zeno to smirk with amusement in response before he replied to her with the same sentence.

"That's right, no Russian."


Meanwhile, in the living room of the villa, Kuroka, the unfortunate Nekoshou who got forcefully adopted by the Zavior family, is still currently in her cat form with a white collar warped around her neck while she lay with resignation on her feline face on Himiko's thighs as Himiko stroked her back gently on the couch to comfort her, as well as Klara, Noa, and Rurari, who are also loitering around the living room.

( AN: Klara is a clone of Katerea, Rurari is the clone of Ruruko, and Noa is the clone of Raynare. )

Glancing around the room, Kuroka was unsure of what to make of her sudden change in circumstances. She still couldn't believe that she was forcefully adopted by the strange blonde man who somehow sealed her strength and rendered her helpless in cat form. It was quite terrifying how easily she was subdued. 

And not just that, she was also being named by that blonde guy, which coincidentally gave her the same name as her original name somehow.


Kuroka sighed with some resignation at the ridiculous situation she found herself in. She wonders how long she will be in this situation.

Kuroka thought back to the blonde hair man, who apparently named Zeno, as he showed her off to various people in the villa after he brought her here in the mysterious all-white space. The worst part was that they knew she was a Youkai but were still treating her like an ordinary cat.

She felt a strange mix of anger and embarrassment being treated like a pet, but she had to admit that the baby, Ziah, was adorable and well mannered, as the baby was not being rough with her.

After arriving here, Kuroka also learned that the residents of this villa—all of them—are apparently a part of this group called "Liberty" or something, and she also heard about their talking about their plans for Miseri do Mar, a place she never heard of.

Kuroka's sharp ears picked up snippets of conversation about the upcoming takeover; her curiosity piqued despite her current predicament. She couldn't help but feel intrigued about what this group wants to achieve by taking over a human nation.

Meanwhile, in the center of the room, Rurari and Noa were engrossed in a fighting game as they kept smashing the controller buttons, trying to defeat each other's in-game character.

"Gunununuuuh! Stop spamming fireball!"

Rurari growled in frustration as Noa kept spamming a range attack against her.

"Skill issue."

Noa responded nonchalantly as she kept Rurari's character in the corner of the TV screen with the rain of fireballs.

"Ara-ara~ which should I invest in today?"

Klara mumbles as she checks out the market on her HMT while elegantly sipping on a teacup next to Himiko.


Looking at Klara while thinking that she was Katerea, Kuroka still can't get her head around the fact that one of the leaders from the destroyed Old Satan faction is here so nonchalantly. What is really going on here, the Nekoshou wonders to herself.

"Your beautiful black fur are so soft, Kuroka-chan~"

Suddenly Himiko cooed as she continued to pet the Nekoshou on her lap more actively, completely oblivious to the cat's feelings. Kuroka gritted her teeth, trying to resist and maintain some semblance of dignity, but the relentless stroking was sending her into a state of unwanted relaxation.

"Hehehe, so cute~"

Himiko giggled as she continued to pet the black cat, whose ears and tails twitched in annoyance, but despite her feeling, the constant stroking had indeed managed to soothe the cat within her, making her purr against her will.


Kuroka wanted to cry.


In the kitchen, Leila is standing beside Marian as she watches over her frying pork slices in the pan. Right now, Leila is teaching Marian how to cook properly since she already mastered all of the other household chores, and only cooking is left before Marian can graduate from the maid in training status.

( AN: Leila is the clone of Kalawarna and Marian is the clone of Momo. )

What about Rurari, you might ask? Well, that girl is only a bit behind Marian in training, surprisingly...

"Umu, good, your cooking is improving, Marian."

Leila nodded in approval as Marian flipped the pork slices with a pair of tongs, her cheeks flushing slightly at the praise. The scent of sizzling meat filled the kitchen, mingling with the aroma of onions and spices. Marian's white apron was tied neatly around her waist, and she had rolled up her sleeves, revealing her slender arms as she focused intently on the task at hand.

"Leila-san, I'm done with the potatoes."

Asia, who had been dicing potatoes nearby, called out to Leila, her long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail as she held a kitchen knife in her hand. Asia was helping out in the kitchen as her daughter was currently sleeping with Charmie, who was watching over her after Ziah tired herself out playing with many people and one extra cat in the morning.

( AN: Charmie is the clone of Mittelt. )

"Thank you, Asia. You're such a big help."

Leila smiled at the blonde-haired girl, who returned the smile as she brought the diced potatoes to the pot on the stove next to Marian, who, on the other hand, was feeling slightly anxious as she flipped the pork slices quickly without letting them burn.

"You don't have to be so tense; relax a little, Sister."


Seeing that Marian was starting to feel anxious, Leila calmly advised her with a gentle voice, which helped her relax quite a bit.


In the intelligence analysis department, Ruth in her work uniform is sitting on the chair, busy with work as usual. She reads various information and watches videos from the records of the spy drones that she has spread to various human countries with a stoic face. She deleted some useless info after she reviewed them and then saved some that might be useful with just a wave of her hand.


Suddenly a ping noise alerted her as one of the spy drones in the villa captured something that passed the AI filter she set up, which means the drone has captured something interesting.


Ruth sighed after she finally brought the feed up to the hologram screen, and she was not surprised that in the feed is Zeno and Zestia currently being naughty with each other in Zeno's study.

Ruth then, with well-practiced hand gestures, commands the drone to record the scene for later use and swipe the camera feed away like usual.

The work of Spymaster is neverending, and she can't be distracted by such a thing.

Let it be known that Ruth is a disciplined woman!