Your Island Now My Property II

At the capital city of Miseri Do Mar in the late morning, the baffling citizens of the city were gazing upwards from the windows or from the streets with a silly expression on their faces as the God-Prayers started filling the clear blue sky with their white hull and the humming noise of their engines.

Before that, the people in the city had already heard the series of explosions from the naval base, and when they're wondering about what happened, the numerous GPs had already arrived at the city and instantly asserted their dominance over the sky without giving them the time to ponder further.

And then, without any warning, the GPs suddenly launched a volley of missiles upon various buildings in the city, causing a series of explosions that blew up the buildings and terrified people out of their wits as the first waves of explosions rocked the entire city before plumes of smoke and debris rose into the sky.

The once quiet streets now echoed with the sound of terrified screams of men, women, and children alike while they ran for their lives, some abandoning their vehicles to hide in the nearest building, some finding a manhole to hide in, and some just recklessly driving their vehicles to escape from the city. It's total chaos.

After that, the GPs swiftly drop the Geborgs from the sky as they land on the streets and the roofs of various buildings in the city with a surprisingly soft landing.

"Move! Move! Move!"

One of the Geborgs shouts as they get in position across the city while looking out for any threat that might appear.

"What the fuck are you...?!"

A Wild Gangster appeared!

A Wild Gangster used the Intimidating Shout!

Geborg is not affected!

Geborg used the Lasgun Shot!


A Wild Ganster lost his leg!

A Wild Gangster is incapacitated!

Such are the common occurrences right now in the city as the invasion began, the panic quickly spread across the city like a wildfire as citizens instantly realized the gravity of the situation and started running for their lives and trying to find shelter outside of the city or in any random building that seemed sturdy enough to withstand the chaos.

The sound of laser fire and explosions grew frequently, echoing through the streets as time passed while Liberty's force advanced deeper into the urban area, their futuristic weapons laying waste to any resistance they encountered. The once lawless paradise of Miseri Do Mar was now a war zone, and the screams of the terrified inhabitants and the resistances were howling in the air like the shrieks of tortured souls.

The Geborgs were swift and precise; their movements coordinated like a machine, which is not far off from the truth. The meager resistance of the island stood no chance against the superior Liberty's force that swooped in from the skies and outside the city, their laser fire and missiles tearing through everything in their paths like tofu.

The city's officials and policemen, who were used to bullying the powerless citizens, were now the only line of defense for the civilians. No one seriously believes in them to be able to do that, of course.

Some of the courageous policemen and gangsters fired their guns at the invaders, trying to fight back the seemingly invincible foes, but their defiance proved useless as their bullets were doing nothing but losing their kinetic energy upon impacts and just dropping on the ground in a futile attempt to resist the inevitable.

The situation became more hopeless as the God-Takers and God-Raiders finally arrived inside the city, bringing in even more Geborgs who were marching in a neat line, following closely behind the GTs.

"Advance! Advance!"

Shouting in excitement, Noa, who was in the Liberty soldier armor with her white cloak fluttering in the wind, pointed her red lightsaber forward on top of the moving GT as she led them in the city like a ancient warlord.

( AN: Noa is the clone of Raynare. )

"Shoot anyone who resists! Chop up anyone who is a mark! No mercy! Hahaha!"

She was totally getting carried away there, as she forgot to announce a warning to the citizens to evacuate the city.


"Umu, it looks like I don't have to go out personally until the end."

Zeno, who was sitting on a captain's chair with White Dream sitting on his lap, said with a smirk as he watched the chaos unfold in the hologram screens from the bridge of the God-Wanderer that just demolished the naval base from existence, his arm warping around his Stand's waist as she fed him a snack.

"Hah... this woman..."

Ruth, who was also staying on the bridge with them, sighed as she noticed that Noa forgot to announce their intention to the Miseri Do Mar citizens. She then gives the orders to the Geborgs as they begin the announcement for the civilians.


"Ahhh?! Please don't-!"

A policeman who just had his right hand that was holding a revolver severed by the Geborg's energy sword cried out in panic as he put his left arm above his head to desperately defend himself from a following swipe of a red lightsaber from above, which ended up bisecting him in half from his left arm, shoulder, and waist.

The policeman can't even make a sound as the two parts of him collapsed on the ground with a shock expression on his face, as if he were still unable to believe that he was killed by a lightsaber, something that shouldn't even exist in this era in the first place.

It's fortunately that the energy sword also cauterized the wounds, so the mess was kept at minimal.

"The last red targets here were eliminated; the police headquarters had been secured!"

The Geborg looks around inside one of the offices they are currently in as they report to the comlink, while outside of the room, the other Geborgs are currently dragging either unconscious bodies or dead bodies of the police outside of the building.

"Good work; proceed to hold your position and await further order."

"Yes, ma'am!"

The voice of Ruth sounded a couple of seconds later in the Geborg's helmet as they accepted the order, and then the Geborg was walking to the corpse of his victim and then started dragging it outside of the office.

Outside of the police headquarters building, many Geborgs and GRs could be seen moving swiftly and efficiently through the streets and the buildings, with some of the GTs following behind them later to form a blockage along the streets.

All of Liberty's force had now come out of the two black battleships just off the coast and the secret entrance of the two underground bases on the island. They had overrun the city, and any resistance was crushed by them ruthlessly. The city was now 80% under their control in just two hours.

Their mission was clear: to seize control of the island and eliminate anyone who has been marked with a red color by Zeno, who deemed these individuals as trash that needs to be taken out.

The red-mark individuals are those that have either committed quite serious crimes or those that Zeno doesn't mind disappearing from the living world, such as pedophiles or something worse. The spy drones had captured many disturbing things on this island after all.


In a little bar, located on the outskirts of the city away from the mayhem, a group of locals huddled together, their eyes glued to a small, flickering TV that hung precariously from the ceiling. The news reporter's frantic voice was barely audible over the cacophony outside, but the images of destruction spoke louder than any words could.

"It's like something straight out of a sci-fi movie."

One of the teenagers in the bar murmured to no one in particular, his voice shaking with a mix of fear and awe. He even pinched his arm to make sure if he was not in a dream.

"I'll be damn..."

The bar owner, a gruff man with a dad bod, was wiping the sweat from his brow with a towel on his shoulders. He had never seen anything over the top like this before—his somewhat ordinary life had been turned upside down in a matter of minutes. The TV was the only source of information for the people in the bar, but it was fuzzy, and the signal kept cutting out. All they knew was that the island was currently being invaded by a futuristic force that seemed unstoppable, and for what reason? They don't know.

"At least those sons of a bitch Mansfield are finally getting what they deserve!"

A burly fisherman slammed his fist on the counter, his voice a mix of anger and gloating as he watched the news footage of the invaders facing resistance from Miseri Do Mar's pathetic force.

They tried to put up a fight with the invader, but it was clear that they were vastly outmatched by the technologically advanced forces of the Liberty's and their own lack of morals and discipline from the soldiers now coming back to bite them in the rear, as most of the Island's soldiers are quickly dropping their weapons and surrendering after the first crash with the Liberty's force.

"Hahaha, that's what you got, you fucking parasites!"

An old man in a gray jumpsuit spat, his eyes flashing with resentment and satisfaction when he saw the soldiers and policemen getting absolutely wrecked on live TV. The old man shop always gets extorted by the policemen, so seeing them get what they deserved is very satisfying for him.

"They never did anything for us, always lining their own pockets while we barely scraped by. I don't know who this Zeno guy of the Liberty is, but he got my support!"

The old man said with a chuckle while the other people in the bar also murmured in agreement, their fear momentarily forgotten in the face of their long-standing anger towards the corrupt government, military, and gangs. They had suffered under their oppressive regime for too long, and the thought of someone else finally stepping in to take care of the huge pile of trash and take over the island brought a strange sense of satisfaction and some anticipation for a better tomorrow.

But amidst their spiteful laughter and cheers, a sudden silence fell as the TV's static cleared up, revealing an image of the mysterious leader of the Liberty's force, Zeno Zavior, dressed in a dark bodysuit with a crimson cloak. He not only appeared in the TVs but also in the sky from the drones that projected his hologram images all over the island.

smirk at the camera, Zeno opened his mouth to speak to all the people of the island for the first time.

"Hippity hoppity your Island now my property~!"


Meanwhile, in the heart of Miseri Do Mar's capital, the High Estate, aka the White House knock-off, the government officials were in a state of total panic as they realized that the island was under attack. The prime minister, a old man named Vincente Mansfield, was panting heavily as he looked over the chaos that was unfolding before his eyes through the monitors in the emergency bunker. He had never thought that his island would be attacked by such a coordinated and ruthless force, not even in his worst nightmares.

The black battleship, the futuristic planes, the soldiers, the laser weapons... it was like a scene from a sci-fi movie, but it was all real even if he doesn't want to admit it.

The trembling voice of his assistant barely registered in Vincent's panic-stricken brain as he stared at the monitors, his eyes darting from one to another like a cornered animal looking for an escape route. He had to think, had to come up with something, but his mind was as blank as the average politician at best. The only thing he could think of was to protect his vast wealth that he had acquired through years of bribery, corruption, and exploitation.

"Call for backup! Contact the UN, the neighboring nations, anyone!"

He bellowed, slamming his fist on the coffee table. He will not allow anyone to touch his money, ever!

"Sir, the communications are being weird! Our calls only connected to the fast food restaurant somehow!"

The minister of defense turned to Vincente with a grim face while he threw his phone on the ground in frustration. He had connected to all the franchises imaginable without being able to connect anywhere, no matter what number he called.

Vincente's face turned red with rage as he was about to demand they keep trying, but the face of Zeno suddenly appeared in the monitors with a smirk on his lips, and what the first thing he said instantly left all the people in the bunker in rage, especially the prime minister who was forming at the mouth.