Then Zechariah left their house at night and went into the former house of Marcus where he opened a cabinet where lies a locket and he took it. After that he send a message to the King of his departure. After few minutes four men arrived in white robes. The man in the right side was a bald man with a dragon tattoo in his head and he wear an iron gauntlet in his right arm. The man next to the bald guy was a young man with long dark red hair. And on the left side was an old man carrying a katana and beside him is a bulky guy with a shaggy hair. The old man approached Zechariah, and Zechariah talked to him

Zechariah:" Capt. Raffus, nice seeing you here".

Capt. Raffus:" We have no time for greetings, Capt. Ryker. Dark shadows are on the move, we've spotted some of their movements near the Zarkar Valley"he said with his strong voice.

The young man with dark red hair tried to speak, but Capt. Raffus looked at him harshly.

Capt. Raffus:" Shut it Basil, don't try to speak, If you have nothing good to say".

Shaun Basil:" Oh right, oh right, you old geezer".

Zechariah:" Why is there only four of you?"

Capt. Raffus:"long story Zechariah.....Ranidel" he speaked to the bulky guy "Take out the mechanical dragons".

Ranidel Rockingham:" Aye, Sir" He took four iron balls in his pocket and throw it in the ground. Suddenly the four iron balls turned into four normal size Dragons.

Capt. Raffus:" That'll be our ride" he said to Zechariah

Zechariah:" That's better than walking, I guess" he laughed

Capt. Raffus:" Capt. Ryker, you will ride with Issachar" he said pointing to the bald guy. " Basil you will take left side while you Rockingham you will take the right side. And I will take the back side, Prepare for any attacks".

Issachar Bunk:" I'll lead the way, The King's army will be waiting in the lake for us, all we have to do is get there safe".

Then they ride the Dragons and just as planned Zechariah was with Issachar. Basil and Rockingham take the left and right side, and Capt. Raffus is on the back. The Dragon start flying, The baby began to cry in Zechariah's arm. Suddenly the moon was covered by dark clouds and Dark shadows in black cloaks starts approaching riding a Nightshader. A bat that is a size of a horse whose eyes are colored red, it's wings was 1.5 meters long.

The Dark shadows started firing Black magic and Arrows towards Zechariah. But Basil and Rockingham are blockings their attack with magic. The two are good sorcerers the way they combat and use magic. There are 17 Dark shadows following them and they are clearly outnumbered. Leading the Dark Shadows is Mansoor Dracule, he wears a hooded cloak and his face was white as chalk and his teeth is as sharp as thorns. He began shooting them with hexes with his bare hands. And greyish lights filled the sky and one of the hex hits Rockingham's left arm, suddenly Zechariah pulled out his sword and point it to Mansoor and shoot a ball of fire. Mansoor managed to avoid Zechariah's attack, but four of the other Dark Shadows were devoured by the ball of fire and fell down into the ground with a screech.

Mansoor:" You cannot run from us, you all are still outnumbered" he said with his devilish voice.

Zechariah:" You will fail, Mansoor. YOU WILL FAIL!" he shouted

Mansoor:" You don't stand a chance Ryker, I'm telling you".

Mansoor started firing hexes towards Zechariah once again, but Basil was blocking all his attacks. Capt. Raffus pulled out his sword and slash the wind and it cut through the bodies of five Dark Shadows. Mansoor became more furious, he changed targets and aim his hexes to Capt. Raffus. Rockingham jump into Capt. Raffus's dragon where he blocks all of Mansoor's attack one handedly. Zechariah then jumped to Rockingham's dragon and glided it over. Two of the Dark shadows followed him down, Issachar pointed his right arm on the two Dark Shadows and green lasers came out of the gauntlet and hit the Dark Shadows. Masoor hurried to follow Zechariah, and as he was on the side of Capt. Raffus's dragon, Capt. Raffus pulled his sword out attacked Mansoor but he missed. Mansoor pulled out his twin swords and battle Capt. Raffus midair with Issachar, Rockingham and Basil behind battling the five other dark shadows. Issachar now was flying with his levitation boots.

Capt. Raffus:" Not so fast Dracule, you have to get through me first".

Mansoor:" I wouldn't mind killing you , Hezekiah Raffus" he said while giving an evil smile.

Capt. Raffus:" Tsssskk, As if I'll die in your hands"

The two continued their sword clash, but none can seem to be better than the other. Issachar who was battling three at once, started releasing lightning with his gauntlet and defeated two of his enemies. At the same time Both Basil and Rockingham throwed powerful spells at their enemies, and the Dark Shadows fell with a scream of pain. The last Dark Shadow retreated as he knew he was outnumbered.

Basil:" Going somewhere, are we?" He said then shoot the Dark Shadow with a spell as the man turned his back from them. The spell hit the back of the Dark Shadow and he fell with a scream.

Mansoor was now the last Dark Shadow, he managed to defeat Capt. Raffus by petrifying him. After that he kicked the petrified body of Capt. Raffus and it fell out from the Dragon. Isscahar glided to catch Capt. Raffus while Basil and Rockingham chased Mansoor as he started rushing towards Zechariah.

As they get near the lake Mansoor saw there are hundreds of soldiers waiting for them in the lake. The soldiers rushed towards them riding Griffins, and Mansoor vanished himself out from the place.

Zechariah get into the lake safe and sound though Rockingham and Capt. Raffus was slightly injured in the battled. Zechariah rushed towards the Captain of the soldiers with anger.

Zechariah:" You send only four of them Capt. Grim? Do you think it'll be enough to protect the boy" he shouted " Some of us almost die, our enemies are throwing hexes and spells. While we are only in defense".

Capt. Grim:" Sorry Zech, Kings' order. The King wants to send only four but strongs light seekers, to ensure that smaller number of Dark Shadows will attack you. He asked us to stay here to at least guard this place, Sorry, mate" he said while scratching his head.

Zechariah:" Your lucky, none of us was seriously injured, or else...".

Capt. Grim:" I'm really sorry Zech".

Basil put a counter spell on Capt. Raffus and he was no longer petrified. The old man stood up and speaked to them.

Capt. Raffus:" I think you should go now, Dark Shadows might just return in greater number. Time is very important" he said.

Zechariah:" You're right, I'll be get going"

Basil and Rockhead speak some enchantments and the water became bright and a portal showed up in front of them.

Capt. Grim:" Goodbye Zech, I'll miss you"

Zechariah:" Yeah yeah, You're too dramatic Grim" he answered.

And Zechariah entered the portal and get into the Human World.

After a while Zechariah find them a shelter in Marcher Place 16.