Chapter twenty-two. Fire, water, love and other elements

Since childhood, we have been limited by norms. "You can't do that," "It's not accepted here," "Don't do that — I'll punish you." And we're listening because you can't. Because they will be punished. Because it is not accepted. And in most cases, this is correct. But what if this phrase is indifferently spoken to both sides after or during the conflict, and the other side does not even think to obey the rules?

It's wrong to obstruct a guy, even if he didn't reciprocate his feelings. It is wrong to mock a girl at the behest of the top. It's wrong to slap and kick a fat guy. It is wrong to arrange a fake vote, choose a couple as the "king and Queen of the evening," and pour gasoline or worse on them to make fun of them. Or you can go further and still "accidentally" set fire to this gasoline.

Wrong. But that's how those who do it anyway are. If the actions are not followed by punishment, then, from the point of view of the person who committed this act, he did nothing wrong, and it was recognized.

Yes, attempts to suppress bullying often do not help, but at least they show that the school staff does not give a damn about the students. And the most inveterate hooligans and troublemakers know that they are being watched. And they understand, even if it is not always realized, that if they cross a certain line, punishment may follow. They should at least hide their actions and not show their intentions for the show.

If teachers, head teachers, and the director do not even do this and do not outline certain boundaries for students, then there is no end in sight. Bullying will get worse and worse until it leads to serious injury or death. Then maybe the bullies will sober up if they get punished. And if, by this point, they remain human beings and not animals who have become savage about their impunity.

After all, impunity corrupts. And absolute impunity corrupts absolutely.

Some things still depend on the victim—a little bit, because it's difficult, even very difficult, to be alone against everyone. But if there are at least two of you, it's much easier. It is possible to respond much more successfully than alone, especially if you have been driven to despair and it seems to you that there is nothing more to be afraid of.

However, there is a completely non-zero chance of evil not defeating but joining it. And there is a non-zero chance to end your life both literally and figuratively.

You can talk to adults again, and they will finally be able to apply at least some measures of influence. At least they will talk and shake a finger, threaten to exclude, or refuse to participate in a circle or section.

But the usual methods with those who have learned their impunity will not work. They would have worked at the very beginning when the bullying had just begun when the freshly baked "tough guy" had just begun to test the boundaries of what was allowed. If you start up the case, if you give him a feeling of power over others, if you don't put him down hard in time, then this will not help.

Therefore, none of those who are used to subjugating students to their will took Anpan-kun's threats seriously for a long time. Kyoko and he were left behind for a while, but no one thought of leaving them alone completely.

But Hideki himself knew perfectly well that his haters would still try to take it out on him; he was too defiant with Haire. Even twice. And even if Khair sat quietly for the rest of the year, no one says that he will not try to recoup on the last day or earlier. But there was a week left until the prom, and everything was quiet so far. Hideki suspected that the prom would be difficult from the moment their class voted almost unanimously, choosing them and Kyoko to be responsible for the prom; the second bell was the masquerade ball. Well, and the third…

"Hideki—kun, we need to talk." Can I drop by your house today? Kyoko looked too serious, even though she whispered the phrase practically in his ear, smiling meaningfully. It was a blatant and brazen flirtation for the whole class, but Hideki felt that she was too tense.

"Of course, Kyoko," he smiled just as meaningfully, not lowering his voice much. Since the last lesson had passed, he slung his bag over his shoulder, took Kyoko, who was waiting for him, by the arm, and under a whole host of glances, from envious to hating, he left the classroom with her.

In the last couple of months, Kyoko only dropped by Hideki's house a few times a week, but usually, it was decided on the way; they talked and discussed what they would do next. Sometimes, they broke up and just called or corresponded. Sometimes, we went to Hideki's. Occasionally, we stopped by Kyoko's house.

Hideki watched Kyoko as she carefully took off her school shoes and put on the slippers she had bought especially for her a long time ago.

— Sorry for the intrusion.

— I'm at home.

— Welcome home, little brother, Kyoko-chan.

— Hello, Yumiko-chan.

— Yes, yes, hello, big sister. Are you going to lock me in the room with my brother again and won't let me in? And why?

—That's right, Yumiko-san. Kyoko did not deny it, blushed a little, and pulled Hideki by the hand into his room without answering the last question.

Kyoko sat Hideki down at a low table in his room, sat down opposite him and looked at him seriously.

— Kyoko?

"We haven't talked about this lately, Hideki—kun, but have you changed your mind about applying together?"

Hideki didn't think for a second.

— And maybe live together? Kyoko tried very hard not to blush, but her ears still gave her away.

- yes! And I'll talk to your parents.…

"It's definitely unnecessary..." muttered Kyoko, but still added, "we'll see." But I want to discuss something else now. Hideki-kun, we need to…


Having asked for help with the cleaning of the hall with her company, Gila checked all the preparations two days before the prom and was satisfied. The gasoline pouring machine was checked several times, however, with water, but everything worked clearly. Crowns with blunt spikes broke through the pad only with a strong enough pressure, but even if it couldn't be broken at first, then Haire-kun promised to take care of it later, press on the crown. Voting ballots for the best couple were also prepared, which, in principle, were not so many. One of these couples (finally!) Gila and Khair became friends. Convincing Haire that it would be easier for them to act that way, especially if they became the number two couple, was simple. White prince and princess, what could be more impressive?

In the airy princess costume she had chosen, Gila looked like an ethereal fairy, whom, according to her friends, "I just wanted to admire." She still hoped to use this last opportunity to impress Haire properly. Haire himself, whom she met not far from the entrance, seemed so beautiful to her that she once again took her breath away.

However, he let Haire himself limit himself to responding to her greeting.

"You look good, Gila-san. — Gila herself was pleased with this for the time being.

The evening has begun. Hideki and Kyoko did not show their faces, being busy organizing. Gila craned her neck, trying to see them somehow, but she couldn't find them and see them until the couples contest in which they participated began.

The first unpleasant surprise for the troublemakers for Kyoko and Hideki was their costumes. Kyoko looked dazzling even in her school uniform. Only a few classmates saw her in casual clothes on occasion, but even they, including Haire, were not ready for this. Ame Kyoko, in a black and scarlet succubus costume, in a tight short dress, white stockings, black high—heeled shoes, a short ponytail with a heart at the end, and flirty horns with a crown around her head was stunning. Akita-san, her sister's manager, was to be thanked for the costume. She also offered to help Hideki with the costume, but he thanked her for a few accessories and said that he would take care of the costume himself. And he took good care of it. A black suit, a white shirt without a tie, a black raincoat with a bloody lining, the same horns encircling the head, and a small baton. To sum up, in such a costume, Hideki no longer looked like a funny fat man but rather a big guy, causing fear and almost awe.

Haire's gaze at Ame cut into her heart with a rusty blunt knife. Motoyama noticed the grimace on her face and muttered softly to himself:

— Nothing, Terikoto-san, it's coming soon.

The competition went exactly according to their plan, and Hideki and Kyoko received the first prize. Still, when the crowns, followed by Motoyama's restless gaze, tried to put on their heads, one problem arose, unpredictable by anyone.

The problem for their enemies was that their false horns already looked like crowns, and they did not need another crown, and there was no way to put it on the horns. The Yamagawa responsible for this point hesitated, not knowing what to do.

Therefore, with this point of the plan, Gila decided to hurry things up. But as soon as she pressed the button, Hideki, who seemed to be standing calmly, threw aside the Yamagawa, rushed to Kyoko, lifted the right half of his cloak, and managed to cover her and himself with his head. The liquid partially poured onto the floor and partially doused the front rows, including Khair and Gila, making the latter wince at the smell of gasoline. However, Hideki himself was standing in a puddle of liquid that was dripping from his cloak. Hideki whispered something to Kyoko, who nodded, took one of the crowns in her hand, and stepped back a little. Hideki grinned the smile of the demon king and walked over to the microphone mounted on the stand. After an incomprehensible incident, the entire crowd of graduating classes was noisy, and the hum was quite strong.

— Good evening, everyone! Hideki spoke into the microphone, and the noise subsided a little; he pulled the microphone from the stand and now held the microphone in his left hand, and his right hand, he held the "crown of the king" and he stuck the "Demon King's rod" into his belt, "I will thank everyone for such a flattering choice for Ame—san and me, but first, let me put crowns on those who deserve them no less than me, Haire Lin and Gile Terikoto.

Кайдзи Мотояма, буквально несколько минут назад утащивший из зала Мизури— сенсей, их классного руководителя и по совместительству единственного учителя в зале замер на месте в дверях. Поскольку сцена в зале была невысокой, высотой всего в две-три ступеньки, Хидеки с легкостью спустился и надел на голову оторопевшему от такого поворота событий Хаире корону. Гиле же корону одела быстро и как-то незаметно со стороны подошедшая Кеко.

Ни Хаире, ни Гила не успевали ни начать протестовать, ни сопротивляться.

— Как-то они не так сидят, — бросил Хидеки, — Ты не находишь, Кеко?

— Мне тоже так кажется, — Кеко стала совсем рядом, и ее голос был слышен в микрофоне достаточно хорошо, — Надо бы поправить.

Мотояма издал какой-то странный звук, между хрипением и плачем, и, наплевав на свою мнимую болезнь, понесся в сторону Гилы, четко понимая, что не успевает. То вещество, что он зарядил в подушечки короны, которые вот-вот проколятся, было не обычной бытовой хлоркой, в которой приятного мало, и если быстро не отреагировать, можно и слепым остаться, а соляной кислотой, растворяющий мягкие ткани на раз два, и слепота была наименьшей из проблем. Убийцей Мотояма становится тоже не хотел, поэтому раствор был достаточно сильным, чтобы оставить плохо излечимые и болезненные шрамы, но все же не настолько концентрированным, чтоб убить. Но ему и в страшном сне не могло присниться, что орудие его мести может быть применено против Гилы.

Хидеки посмотрел на короны, на Хаире и Гилу, и синхронно с Кеко они хлопнули их по коронам, насаживая их поглубже на голову, и как знали все заинтересованные, пробивая подушечки. Мотояма в этот момент был на полпути, и только и мог смотреть… как струйки грязной воды стекают по лицам Хаире и Гилы. Гила закричала… Крик ее рванул сердце Мотоямы, но спустя секунду он понял, что кричала она не от боли, а от ярости…

— Что такое Терикото-сан, размер не подошел? — с фальшивым участием спросил Хидеки. — Ой-ой.

Мотояма упал на месте, где стоял.

— Лин-сан! — требовательно обратилась Гила к Хаире. Мотояма и его маневры остались незамеченными. То есть она видела, что он куда-то там бежал, но никакой важности этому не придала. Хаире пожал плечами. Внимание всего зала было приковано к ним с Хидеки.

— Да как ты! — прорычал Хаире. Впрочем, микрофон Хидеки держал цепко, и его рычание в отличие от ответа Хидеки в микрофон было мало кем услышано.

— Да ладно, что ты мне сделаешь, Лин-сан?! Духу у тебя не хватит.

Хаире вместо ответа достал из кармана зажигалку. Хидеки не сделал ни попытки убежать, не противостоять, просто ждал, что придало Хаире смелости. Огоньком зажигалки он ткнул в плащ Хидеки, в то место, где виднелись потеки жидкости. В толпе раздались сдержанные вздохи. Большинство убедили проголосовать за Анпан-куна, уговаривая, что «будет прикольно». Но то, что дело закончится поджогом никто и не думал, и сейчас люди стали немного побаиваться, чем это закончится. Мизури-сенсей, до этого пытавшаяся подойти к сцене, от вида огня замерла на месте.

Пламя пожирало бензин на плаще Хидеки, поднимаясь все выше, Хидеки просто отогнул воротник и вообще не был похож на человека, одежда которого горит.

— Ой-ой, горю! Лин-сан, ты все-таки смог. Ну так и я смогу.

Хидеки, нажал какую-то кнопку на своем жезле и ткнул в лужу разлитую рядом с Хаире. Из-под ног Хаире взметнулось пламя, и он с писком отскочил назад. Что характерно, Гилу стоявшую рядом, он оттащить даже и не подумал. Последнее сделал Мотояма, уже отошедший от шока и с тревогой вглядывавшийся до этого в лицо Гилы, не нашедший никаких следов повреждения кислотой, а просто потеки грязной воды, частично размыли макияж, и сделавшие ее вид похожим на вид поклонницы глэм-рока.

Раздался еще какой-то шум и, наконец, завыла и запустилась система пожаротушения

— А что это у нас течет? — задал наводящий вопрос Хидеки, — Запах какой-то странный. Вроде даже не вода. А ну как из-за огня Лин-сана загорится, — проговорил он во все еще работающий микрофон.

Но тут все в зале осознали, что то, что потекло из системы пожаротушения не совсем вода. А скорее даже совсем не вода и не пена для пожаротушения.

— Неужели тоже бензин? — Задал риторический вопрос Хидеки, — Надо же и кто это заменил бензином воду в системе пожаротушения, не вы ли, Лин — сама?

Хаире уже давно отбросил зажигалку, на полу огонь все еще горел, а вот плащ Хидеки уже почти прекратил гореть, огонь еще виднелся на его волочившейся по полу нижней части плаща. Резко развернувшись Хидеки задел плащом рукав Хаире, который тут же занялся.

— Какая неприятность Лин — сама, вы же сейчас всех подожжете. Вы бы поосторожнее, что ли…

Смотревшая на все это с тяжелым молчанием толпа дошла до мысли, что их полили бензином и один из них уже горит. И толпа рванула к выходам. Кого-то помяли, кого-то придавили. Паника — страшная вещь. Сбили с ног и прошлись по пару раз Мотояме, который до последнего пытался защитить «принцессу Гилу». Отбегали как от прокаженного от так же идущего к выходу Хаире. Обгорелый принц, скинул рубашку и торчал в одиночестве посреди уже почти пустого зала и не знал, что делать. Праздничные огни постепенно гасли, а вот огонь у сцены перекинулся и начал разгораться все сильнее.

— Уходим, — Хидеки потянул Кеко. Та показала ему глазами на фигуру недалеко от них.

Хидеки оглянулся и потянул замершую как кролик перед удавом старосту к запасному выходу позади сцены. Туда же, куда пошла Кеко. Как только они вышли за дверь, Хидеки он снял плащ, корону, и они с Кеко смешались с бежавшей толпой и спокойно ушли к выходу со школы, не забыл прихватить находившуюся в явном шоке старосту, которую пришлось еще потом доставлять домой.