Chapter 5: The Elder's Counsel

The week passed slowly for Marcus as his curiosity grew. He replayed his experience with the believers in his mind, pondering their messages of hope. While their teachings intrigued him, Marcus still had many questions.

One evening, as the sun dipped low in the sky, Marcus set out in search of Titus. He recalled the elder speaking wisdom to others at the gathering. "Titus will have answers," Marcus thought to himself.

It didn't take long to find the home Titus shared with his family. He lived on the outskirts of the city, nearer the farms and pastures. Marcus approached and knocked softly on the weathered door. After a few moments, it opened to reveal Titus, now grayer but still with a keen mind behind his eyes.

"Marcus, I expected you might come. Please, come in." Titus greeted him warmly and ushered him inside. The home was humble but tidy. In the sitting area, Titus invited Marcus to have a seat. "You have questions. I will do my best to explain," Titus began. "Where shall we start?"

Marcus took a breath. "Tell me more about this man, Jesus. I have heard such varied stories. What do you believe about who he was and what he taught?" As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the land, Titus led Marcus towards a small olive grove on the edge of his property.

Once within the shelter of the twisted trunks and silvery leaves, Titus lowered himself to the grass with a contented sigh. "We can speak freely here without worry," he assured Marcus.

Following the elder's lead, Marcus took a seat across from him, gazing through the dappled light at Titus expectantly. After a long draught from his water skin, Titus began to speak in a low, tranquil tone:

"What I am about to tell you must remain between us for now. The authorities watch our movements closely, seeking any reason to accuse. Here in this grove, may the Lord grant us safety as I attempt to explain all that I've come to know about Jesus and his message."

Marcus listened intently, grateful for the elder's willingness to enlighten him on these dangerous matters away from prying eyes. A gentle breeze stirred the branches overhead as Titus prepared to unveil the Christian teachings. Titus regarded Marcus with a kindly smile. "It gladdens me to see you taking interest, my son. Too long have you walked in darkness?"

Though a champion of the arena, no hint of judgment lurked in Titus's gaze. Only compassion shone there. After moments of quiet study, Titus spoke.

"Your past need not define you. Our Lord sees each heart and invites all to his feast, from the lowliest beggar to the mightiest king. Within these olive branches, such worldly distinctions hold no power. You come seeking truth, and for that I praise God."

Titus laid a gentle hand on Marcus's shoulder. "Here you will find only friendship. Now come, let us reason together about higher things. Ask what you will; I am here to serve."

His warm reception set Marcus at ease. In Titus's presence, the burden of his violent calling seemed to lift. Hopefully, honest answers might fill the emptiness that remained. Marcus took a deep breath, letting the olive grove's tranquility seep into his troubled spirit.

"I come with many questions, teacher," he began. "For years, I have known only death in the arena, dealing with it and witnessing it. There is an emptiness growing inside that victory can no longer fill. Tell me of the man these believers follow, the one called Jesus. What was his message that gives them such life and joy, even amidst persecution?"

Titus nodded slowly, a gentle smile forming. "You have felt it then—this thirst for meaning beyond flesh and bone. Jesus came to quench that very thirst, child of God. He spoke of love transcending worldly bonds and laying down one's life not just physically but spiritually."

His words kindled a spark of recognition within Marcus's soul. Perhaps here lies the answer to the seeking of his heart. He leaned closer as the elder began to unveil Christ's teachings of redemption. Titus' face grew solemn as he prepared to impart sacred truths.

The Lord our God is love, he said. From eternity on, he designed a grand plan to rescue lost souls. Being good, he could not stand idly by as humanity drifted into sin. So, in His mercy, God sent His own Son to redeem us.

Jesus walked among us, healing the broken and speaking the truth. But the priests and elders hated his light. He threatened their power, so they planned his death. Yet even as they crucified Him, Jesus forgave, for His mission was love's sacrifice.

Three days later, death could not claim God's son. Jesus rose, conquering sin and Hell forever! And now, anyone who believes He paid their debt may gain eternal life. Salvation is found in no other, for Jesus alone is the way.

By His stripes, we are made whole if we surrender our wills and make Him Lord. This is the good news, Marcus—that even the lowest may rise through what Christ has done. Do you begin to understand God's great mercy? Titus sighed softly. Let me show you the mystery, he said.

On the ground, he drew a cross with a fallen olive branch. There at Calvary, Jesus suffered, the shining Son eclipsed beneath a sky of torment. Yet even amid anguish, He prayed for mercy on His killers. True light can never be overcome by darkness.

A wind stirred the branches above. Titus swept the scene away with a gentle hand. Then, with a finger, he slowly inscribed the risen Christ emerging from a cave of olive wood. Dawn's rosy fingers caressed the stone; lo, there were only linen winding sheets and angels proclaiming, "He is not here! Death's bitter cup is drained; eternal life flows free for all mankind."

Marcus gazed in wonder. Titus smiled softly. This, dear one, is our hope. Even in our lowest moments of despair and undeserved agony, God's glory emerges victorious in the end. The grave could not hold our Savior, and so shall we rise with Him to unending peace and joy. Titus gazed thoughtfully into the deepening twilight. By His death, Christ conquered death itself, he said. And His purpose was love's victory over hate.

On the cross, Jesus absorbed every lash of wrath and nail of persecution meant for us. There, he drank the last dregs of human sin and travail. Yet in the midst of shame, he loved, forgave, and prayed. Through His mercy, even demons and darkness are transformed.

This is salvation's power, dear boy. Though the world seeks to annihilate the good, love's triumph cannot be extinguished. Evil is vanquished by meeting it with selfless sacrifice. This is how God wins souls—not through cruelty or force, but through Christ's perfect example of compassion.

In Him alone, we find the strength and grace to triumph over sin and walk this dark road without fear. His light redeems all darkness if we accept His outstretched hand and make His love our own. This, Marcus, is what it means to follow Jesus. Titus fixed Marcus with a steady gaze. This is the summons, child—to take up our cross as He did and wander the way of humility, mercy, and sacrifice. To renounce worldly power and embrace the powerless.

Each day we die to self and sin, just as Jesus gave His all. Our lives are no longer our own but belong to the One who bought us with His blood. This is a hard road; make no mistake. But it is the sole path to peace.

When fear or pain come, when hatred rears its head, we reply as our master did—with love, patience, and forgiveness. We carry our crosses step by step, trusting the Father's plan, though it seems senseless. And at the end, we find our souls remade in His likeness.

This, dear Marcus, is the high calling—to live as living sacrifices, as lights in a fallen place. Not avoiding wounds but embracing them, as Jesus did, for the healing of others. Will you take up your cross and follow Him? The choice and joy are yours.

Marcus sat pondering these mysteries long into the gathering dusk. And therein first saw glimmers of redemption's hope for his weary soul. Marcus sat in silence as a flock of birds sang their evening song in the olive branches above. After some time, he spoke quietly.

"For years, I have known only violence and death. The arena consumes lives for sport, and I have helped feast that appetite with my blade. But what purpose has it truly served?"

He turned to Titus. "Your words give me a glimmer of hope that even from sorrow can come redemption. If I embrace this new path, perhaps the lives I have taken might then help others find salvation, as Christ redeemed mankind through His suffering."

Titus smiled, laying a hand on Marcus's broad shoulder. "Now you see, my son, God's light can transform even our greatest stains into beams to guide lost souls home. Through Christ, all things, even our sins and scars, will be repurposed for good."

Marcus nodded slowly, a steely determination entering his eyes. At long last, he glimpsed redemption's possibility, and his soul embraced it with new-found hunger. The night grew deep as the mentor and student sat illuminated by hope's gentle glow. As the stars emerged, Titus rose and smiled down at Marcus. My words are but faint echoes of Christ's love. Let His light be your guide from this night forth.

Marcus stood also, hope reigniting his soul. Teacher, your wisdom has shown me redemption's grace like dawn breaking. I devote my days to finding purpose through our Savior's call. Will you help me walk this new road?

Joy lit Titus's face like the moon. Nothing would gladden me more, my son. Come, let us pray, and commit your way into God's keeping. Then you must rest; the morrow herald's change.

Side by side, beneath the olive boughs, they lifted voices to the Father. And as 'Amen' faded into silence, Marcus felt old shackles fall away. Anew he rose, Spirit-born to run life's race with heart, staying fixed on the divine prize awaiting all who follow Christ. Here began redemption's song. As they made their way through the shadows, Marcus turned to Titus. On the morrow, I wish to be baptized—to wash away my old life and rise renewed in Christ, as you have taught the believers to do.

Titus beamed. What joyful news you bring, my son! Nothing would please our Lord more than to receive you into His fold through the waters of new birth. I shall make preparations at dawn; you will not journey this road alone.

The elders and saints will welcome you with glad shouts of praise to the Savior. A fresh start is yours, by God's grace. May this night's rest prepare you to walk in His light forevermore.

With a firm embrace, the elder sent Marcus on his way, his heart swelling with hope for what tomorrow's dawn might yield. As our new brother rises from the baptismal stream, his soul is reborn! What glory awaits at the journey's end, when all God's children are gathered into the light of His eternal welcome? For now, change begins—redemption's song is sung.