Onsen Trip

It was the morning of May 5th and the sun's rays filtered through the thin curtains in front of the windows. Yuna woke up between Izuku and Natsu who were still sleeping peacefully beside her, clinging to her arms.

"Huh? I don't even remember falling asleep." Yuna said as she looked over at Izuku then at Natsu and smiled. Natsu was snoring lightly as he held onto Yuna's left arm. Izuku started to stir and raised his head. He yawned and rubbed his eyes with his free arm. His other arm was wrapped around Yuna's right arm.

"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to cling to you like that!" Izuku apologized frantically as he let go of Yuna's arm in a panic. Yuna chuckled as she placed her hand on his shoulder and caressed it with her thumb.

"It's okay Izuku. I actually like it when you're close to me like that." Yuna said as she pulled Izuku's face towards hers and pressed her lips against his. His eyes widened for a second before melting into the kiss. When she pulled away, he leaned in as if he wanted more.

"That was my first kiss. It was even better than I imagined it would be." Izuku said in a dreamy tone. A gentle smile made its way onto Yuna's face.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. But that wasn't my first kiss. Natsu was the one who got my first kiss." Yuna said, a guilty look replacing her smile. Izuku gave her a somewhat surprised look.

"When did this happen?" Izuku asked Yuna. But before she could respond, Natsu answered his question.

"We kissed at the competition thing. After meeting you, on the way to where Yuna's class was sitting. She was the one who kissed me by the way." Natsu said as Yuna and Izuku turned to him, startled because they thought he was still asleep.

"Natsu, you're awake?!" Yuna said in surprise.

"Of course I'm awake. I have exceptionally good hearing. I woke up as soon as you guys started talking. I just pretended to be asleep because I didn't want to interrupt anything." Natsu said, winking at Yuna and Izuku who both blushed. Suddenly, Izuku's phone started vibrating. He checked to see who it was and saw that it was his mother calling. He immediately jumped off the bed and answered his phone. Him getting off the bed woke Zoey up who stretched and yawned.

"Hello Mom? Yeah I'm okay. I'm just at Yuna's place." Izuku said to his mother on the phone.

"No, nothing happened at all, I swear! We literally just fell asleep while watching a movie! Honest!" Izuku raised his voice frantically as his face became bright red.

"What movie? Oh, we watched the Lion King franchise... Yeah, I had fun... Okay see you soon!" Izuku said as he hung up the phone.

"I should get going back to my apartment." Izuku said as Yuna's mother, Aya, came knocked on the door.

"Come in." Yuna said as Aya entered the room.

"I made breakfast for everyone. Izuku you're welcome to join us if you want to." Aya said before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

"Why didn't she include me and Zoey?" Natsu asked.

"She probably assumed you were staying with us until you go back home. Izuku actually has a place to live in this world." Yuna clarified.

"Ohh. That makes sense. Anyways, let's go eat! I'm starving!" Natsu said as he got off the bed and headed straight for the dining room. Zoey got off of Yuna's lap and followed Natsu.

"Well, are you gonna join us?" Yuna asked Izuku who shrugged.

"I guess I will." Izuku said as he and Yuna left her bedroom to go to the dining room where everyone was waiting. During breakfast, the subject of Natsu and Zoey's stay came up.

"So Natsu, how long are you and Zoey planning on staying here for?" Yuna's father, Makoto, asked.

"Hmm? Dunno. Depends on how long Yuna wants me here." Natsu said, looking at Yuna who was in the middle of chewing a bite of bacon.

"Well, I have two days off of school so how about you stay today and tomorrow. I can bring you back home at the end of the day tomorrow." Yuna suggested.

"Sounds good to me! What about you Zoey?" Natsu said before stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Yeah, I'm okay with that." Zoey said as Yuna's family and Izuku looked at her funny. Zoey hadn't talked at all around Izuku or Yuna's family so they were surprised.

"Wait you can talk?!" Yuna's younger sister, Manami, raised her voice.

"Yes, of course I can talk. Why? Is that weird?" Zoey said as Manami nodded her head.

"Cats don't talk like humans in our world. They can't fly either." Izuku revealed as Yuna's family looked at him then Zoey with confused looks.

"Wait, you can fly too?" Manami asked Zoey who nodded her head and manifested her wings and flew around the dining area. Yuna's family watched Zoey in fascination, especially Manami. After her demonstration, Zoey landed to finish her breakfast.

~Time Skip~

After breakfast, Yuna and Natsu said goodbye to Izuku as he went back to his apartment. Yuna went to her bedroom to get dressed for the day while Natsu waited outside her door. When she came out, he immediately approached her.

"So what are we going to do today?" Natsu asked Yuna who thought for a moment.

"Hmm... How about we go to the local shopping district and look around. Does that sound good?" Yuna suggested as Natsu nodded.

"Yeah, sounds fun. Let's go!" Natsu said with a bright smile as he grabbed Yuna's hand and practically ran out the door with her. They headed to the Tatooin Shopping District and looked around at the shops there. At one of the clothing stores, Natsu found a vest that looked pretty much the same as the one that Bakugo destroyed during the U.A. Sports Festival tournament match. He also found a pair of pants that were similar to his own and a pair of flame patterned boxers he liked. Yuna bought him the clothes since he had no money in Japan's currency. After they left that store, they heard a loud voice.

"Test your luck to win! Match the colors and numbers to the prize board and win great prizes." A guy outside a clothing store at a stand with a bingo ball cage shouted. He was a lean young guy in his twenties with tan skin, really short white hair, and ruby-colored eyes. And he wore a Hawaiian style shirt and cargo shorts.

"Ooh let's go check out what that's all about!" Natsu said as he pointed at the guy at the bingo ball cage stand. Yuna nodded and they walked up to the guy who beamed at them.

"Why hello! Care to test your luck to win some awesome prizes? It's only ¥100 per turn." The guy asked Natsu and Yuna who looked at each other and nodded.

"Everyone is a winner, but some prizes are grander than others. You can win anything from ¥1000 to an all-expenses-paid two-day trip to a luxurious onsen resort for one. Okay, so here's what you have to do: turn the ball cage until a colored ball with a number falls out. Then match the ball color and number to the prize chart to see what you've won. Simple enough, right?" The guy said. Yuna paid and Natsu stepped up and began to turn the ball cage until a red ball came out.

"What number is on the ball?" The guy asked as Natsu picked up the ball and looked at it.

"Number 6." Natsu said as the guy searched the prize chart.

"Red 6 gets you... an all-expenses-paid two-day trip to a luxurious onsen resort for one! Congratulations!" The guy said as he handed Natsu a ticket-like slip of paper in exchange for the little painted wooden ball.

"Would you like to try again?" The guy said as he put the ball back into the ball cage. Natsu nodded and Yuna paid the guy for him to go again. He turned the ball cage and got a red ball. He checked the number and it was the 6 ball again.

"It's the same ball again!" Natsu said raising one eyebrow while looking at the ball. The guy took the ball from him while handing over another ticket.

"Congratulations! You now have two tickets for an all-expenses-paid two-day trip to a luxurious onsen resort for one. Now you can take your lovely lady with you. Would you like to go again?" The guy said as Natsu looked at Yuna for permission with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, but only one more time." Yuna sighed with a smile, not able to deny Natsu when he made that face. She paid the guy again and Natsu turned the ball cage and out came a red ball with the number 6 again.

"It's the red 6 ball again." Natsu said as the guy's eyes widened.

"Wow, I've never seen this before! You drew the same ball three times! This must be your lucky day! I appreciate you taking the time to play today." The guy said as he took the ball from Natsu while handing him another ticket. Yuna and Natsu then thanked the guy and went on their way. They were headed back to Yuna's place. On their way there, Natsu stared at the tickets.

"We should take Izuku with us to this onsen resort place. Wait, what's an onsen resort?" Natsu said.

"An onsen resort is a resort built around a hot spring where people go to take relaxing baths." Yuna explained.

"Oh. Yeah we should definitely go together then!" Natsu said enthusiastically. When they got back, they knocked on Izuku's door and he answered the door.

"Hey what's up Izuku? Do you have any plans for today or tomorrow?" Natsu asked Izuku who looked at him a little confused.

"Nothing really. Why do you ask?" Izuku said as Yuna stepped in.

"Natsu won three tickets for an all-expenses-paid two-day trip to a luxurious onsen resort. We were wondering if you'd like to go with us." Yuna told Izuku.

"Sure, why not? I'd love to go. We do have two days off of school after all. I'll let my mom know. Then I'll start packing right away." Izuku said as he went back into his apartment to pack.

"I'll let my parents know as well. They should be okay with it. We should get packing too as well as wash your clothes so they're clean for the trip." Yuna said as she and Natsu went next door back to her apartment. Natsu went to Yuna's bedroom and changed out of his clothes and put his new clothes on while Yuna told her parents about the onsen trip. They approved and she went to her bedroom door to wait for Natsu. When he was done, he handed her his clothes so she could start a laundry load. Then she started packing things for the trip. Natsu only had his two outfits. Fortunately for him though, Yuna's family had some extra toiletries that he could have. When Natsu's clothes finished washing and drying, Yuna packed them in her suitcase. Izuku showed up at Yuna's apartment with his suitcase. They then said goodbye to Yuna's mother, sister, and Zoey. Unfortunately, the onsen resort didn't allow animals so Zoey couldn't come with. Yuna's father, Makoto, drove them there and dropped them off.

"I'll be here tomorrow night at 7:00 PM to pick you guys up. You three have fun!" Makoto said, winking before he drove off. Yuna, Izuku, and Natsu then went to the lobby and showed the clerk the three tickets.

"Would you like to share a room together or have your own separate rooms?" The clerk lady asked as Natsu looked at Izuku.

"I don't mind sharing a room. What about you Izuku?" Natsu said as Izuku shook his head.

"Not at all." Izuku said as he and Natsu then looked at Yuna.

"Looks like it's up to you Yuna." Natsu said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I don't mind sharing a room with you guys." Yuna said as the clerk grabbed three key cards.

"Okay then. Here are your room keys. You guys will be in room 757 which is on the seventh floor. The baths are to the right and elevator is over to the left." The clerk said. The three of them headed over to the hallway and took the elevator to the seventh floor and found their room. It was a large Japanese style room decorated with bamboo plants with a king sized bed against the wall with nightstands on either side, a bamboo dresser along the wall perpendicular to the bed, a sliding door leading to a large bathroom opposite of the bed, and a big kotatsu in the center of the room.

"Wow, this is nice!" Yuna said as Izuku and Natsu nodded in agreement. After they unpacked their bags, they grabbed towels that were on a shelf in the bathroom and headed to the elevator to go to the baths. Yuna went into the women's changing room to change out of her clothes and tied her hair up while Izuku and Natsu went into the men's changing room. When they exited the changing rooms with towels wrapped around them and entered the bath, there was no one else there. It was only them three. The first thing they noticed was there was no separation wall.

"Wait there's no women's or men's sides?" Yuna said in a confused tone.

"Doesn't look like it. Seems like it's a mixed bath." Izuku said, cupping his chin with his hand while supporting his elbow with his other arm.

"That shouldn't matter. I mean, we're both dating Yuna after all. Right Izuku?" Natsu said as he looked at Izuku then at Yuna who smiled shyly while blushing.

"R-right." Izuku said as he looked over at Yuna. He noticed the slight blush on her face. Then his eyes traveled down her body, taking in her curves that the towel allowed him to see. He started to get flustered, a prominent blush forming on his face.

"I guess Natsu is right. I mean, we were bound to see each other naked at some point." Yuna said as she walked over to the hot spring, removed her towel and quickly slipped into the water. Both Natsu's and Izuku's faces got red as they watched her. They followed her lead going over to the hot spring, taking off their towels as well and quickly got into the water next to Yuna on either side of her. She only saw their naked bodies for a short moment, but it seemed they were both semi-hard when they entered the water. Yuna blushed thinking about Natsu and Izuku getting erections to the sight of her body. And from there, her mind started to wander into the gutter. She began to get all hot and bothered from her dirty thoughts. She sunk further into the water to try and hide her flustered face, but it was too late. The two boys noticed her face turn red.

"Are you okay Yuna? Your face is all red." Natsu asked her as she nodded her head.

"I'm fine. It's just... I'm a little hot." Yuna lied as Izuku reached over and put his hand on her forehead.

"Hmm, you do feel a little hot. Maybe you should step out for a bit. We wouldn't want you to faint in the hot spring." Izuku said, pulling his hand away as Yuna shook her head frantically.

"No really, I'm fine. I'm not feeling light headed or anything. I just need to get used to the water temperature, that's all." Yuna said, lying again. She couldn't tell them the truth that she was thinking of them having a threesome in the hot spring. The concerned looks on Izuku's and Natsu's faces were replaced with relieved smiles.

"Well that's good. You were worrying me there a little bit, Yuna." Natsu said with a grin as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah me too. I'm glad you're okay." Izuku said, sighing with relief. Yuna felt so lucky to have such caring boyfriends. Eventually the awkward atmosphere subsided and the three of them were able to talk normally while being naked in the bath together. They soaked in the hot spring for about a couple hours before getting out and going back to the changing rooms. After they were dressed again, they explored the resort a little. It seemed unusually empty for such a nice resort which they found a little strange, but shrugged it off. After all, Golden Week had just ended which meant that people were back at work now. After they were done exploring, they went back to their room to chill out for the rest of the evening. The three of them sat at the kotatsu together, chatting away.

"So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?" Yuna asked Izuku and Natsu who thought for a moment.

"There's a massage room here. I could use a good massage." Natsu said as he tilted his head back and forth, cracking his neck.

"That sounds like a great idea. What about you Izuku? Wanna go for a massage tomorrow?" Yuna said.

"Yeah sure. That sounds nice." Izuku said, agreeing with Yuna and Natsu. The heat from the kotatsu was starting to make them feel sleepy.

"I'm gonna head to bed now. I'm feeling pretty tired." Yuna said as she got up and walked over to the king size bed and got under the covers.

"Yeah me too." Izuku said as he got up too and walked over to the bed.

"Me three." Natsu said as he followed Izuku to the bed. They got under the covers with Yuna on either side of her and scooched in close to her.

"I love you Yuna." Izuku said to her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too, Yuna." Natsu said as he gave her a kiss on her other cheek. Yuna smiled and put her arms around Izuku and Natsu and pulled them in closer to her.

"I love you guys too, Izuku, Natsu." Yuna said as she gave each of them a kiss on the forehead. The three of them cuddled together until they fell asleep. The next morning they went straight to the massage room, pushing the curtain aside and peeking inside. There was one woman there waiting for any customers to come by.

"Why hello and welcome. What kind of massage would each of you like to get today?" The woman greeted the three of them.

"There's different kinds of massages?" Natsu asked as the woman nodded.

"Of course there are! We offer sixteen different types: Swedish, hot stone, aromatherapy, deep tissue, sport, trigger point, reflexology, shiatsu, Thai, prenatal, chair, lymphatic, cranial sacral, Abhyanga, myofascial, and couples massages." The woman replied as she went on to explain in more detail what the different types were and their benefits. Yuna chose a Swedish massage, Natsu chose a hot stone massage, and Izuku chose a sport massage. The woman called in two other women looking identical to her. They must have been triplets.

"The three of you will have to remove your clothes, but you can remain in your undergarments if you prefer. You can just change in here. There are lockers in the corner to put your clothes in over there." One of the women said pointing to the small lockers in the corner of the room. Then she and her sisters left to give them privacy as they changed. Yuna, Izuku, and Natsu looked at each other and shrugged and took off their clothes, leaving their underwear on. Shortly after, the women came back inside and led each of them to their own massage table.

~Time Skip~

A couple seconds into their sessions the three of them all blacked out. Yuna woke up to find herself sitting up between Izuku and Natsu who were sleeping next to her. Her hands and feet were tied up in front of her. Izuku and Natsu were tied up in the same way. They were still in the massage room, but they had been moved off the massage tables and placed at the edge of the room where they were leaning up against the wall. Yuna managed to stand up and make her way to the locker where her clothes and the bag she kept her grimoire in were. She struggled, but she managed open the locker and get her grimoire out of her bag. Then she started to make her way back to Izuku and Natsu. Her plan was to teleport Izuku, Natsu and herself to Hage Village so that they could get away from the resort and have Asta cut them free of the ropes binding their hands and feet with his sword. Then bring them back unbound to help her deal with the massage triplets and anyone else they may have to take down. Suddenly, Yuna heard female voices outside the massage room heading towards the entrance. It was the massage triplets.

"Hey do you think the Shie Hassaikai will leave us alone if we deliver these people to them?" The first sister asked.

"But is three enough?" The second sister asked worriedly.

"It's gonna have to be. Otherwise we're in trouble." The third sister said.

"Geez, that guy Takashi said he had a great idea to bring in a ton of people. He said he could use his quirk Chance to give away a bunch of all-expenses-paid two-day trip tickets to our onsen resort. But he only managed to bring in three people!" The second sister said.

"Not good. We're losing money and we might get in trouble because we didn't get enough people to deliver to them. What should we do?" The first sister said.

"There's isn't really anything we can do except for turn in the people we acquired. We'll have to deal with the girl first. Since our quirk Sedation wears off much quicker on females than males. We can leave the guys alone for now. They'll be out for a while longer. But the girl we have to put to sleep again. She's probably about to wake up right now." The third sister said. They were just outside the curtain. Yuna didn't have enough time to reach Izuku and Natsu.

'No time to get Izuku and Natsu. Asta should be at our spot at this time.' Yuna thought to herself as she quickly put her grimoire between her knees and put her left index and middle fingers to her forehead and imagined the spot in Hage Village where she and Asta always trained. When the massage triplets entered the room, Yuna was gone and only Izuku and Natsu were still there.

"Where's the girl?! Split up and search for her! We can't afford to turn in less people!" The third sister said.

"But what about the two guys?" The second sister asked.

"Like I said, they won't wake up for a while. Just leave them there. We need to find the girl!" The third sister said as the first sister put her hand on the second sister's shoulder.

"Let's just go. We're wasting time." The first sister said as they left the room and split up to go look for Yuna. Little did they know, she was in a different universe.

~In the Black Clover Universe~

Yuna arrived near the spot she and Asta trained. She heard him counting nearby like he always did when he worked out. She called out his name.

"Asta! I need help!" Yuna yelled out. Asta paused what he was doing.

'Huh, that sounded like Yuna's voice. What's she doing back already? I thought she wasn't gonna be back until August 18th.' Asta thought to himself.

"Don't worry Yuna, I'm coming!" Asta said as he grabbed his sword and ran in the direction he heard her voice come from. He blushed when he saw her in her underwear with her hands and feet tied up. She was holding her grimoire between her knees.

"Yuna! What happened?! And why are you only in your underwear?!" Asta asked, blushing as he used his sword to cut her free from the ropes binding her hands and feet.

"There isn't really time to explain right now. Izuku and Natsu are in trouble!" Yuna said as she opened her grimoire and created a portal. She grabbed Asta's hand and dragged him through the portal which brought them back to the church. They gathered their foster family outside and Yuna explained she needed to borrow Asta for a moment to help Izuku and Natsu and that she needed their help to cast the Door of Fate spell again. Her foster family was confused but immediately agreed to help because of the urgency in her voice. They gathered outside in a circle around Yuna and Asta, holding out their hands and lending her their magic power as she opened her grimoire to cast the spell.

"Compound Gargantuan Magic: Door of Fate!" Yuna said loudly as the giant circle of runes formed around her out to where her foster family members were standing and a giant portal materialized in front of her. She took Asta's hand and nodded at him. Then they walked through the portal together. When they exited the portal, they ended up inside the massage room of the onsen resort. Fortunately, Izuku and Natsu were still where Yuna left them. But unfortunately they were still asleep.

"Oh thank God they're still in the same spot. Asta, can you please cut the ropes around their hands and feet?" Yuna said as Asta nodded and used his sword to cut the Izuku's ropes first. Then he got started on cutting off the ropes around Natsu's wrists and ankles. Suddenly, the massage triplets walked into the room just as Asta finished cutting the last of Natsu's ropes.

"Oh no! They're free! We have to take them down, now!" The first sister said.

"Asta, we've got company. Unfortunately, Izuku and Natsu aren't awake to help so it's on us. Don't let them touch you. They can make you fall asleep in seconds if they lay their hands on you." Yuna said, getting into a fighting stance.

"Got it! Let's kick some butt!" Asta said as he readied his sword.

"Damn, she figured us out!" The second sister said as the third sister smirked.

"Mmhmm, but it doesn't really matter. All we have to do is touch their skin once and it's over!" The third sister said as she lunged at Asta, her hands making grabby motions. But he stepped out of the way and whacked her with the side of his sword sending her flying into one of the massage tables, making a loud crash noise as it fell over and knocking the wind out of her. Her sisters ran over to her to see if she was okay. While her sisters were distracted, Yuna grabbed a sheathed katana on display on the wall. She and Asta both used their weapons and hit the two distracted sisters on the head, knocking them out cold. They fell on top of their sister, trapping her under their bodies.

"Nice!" Asta said as he gave Yuna a high five. Suddenly Yuna felt someone grab her ankle so she yanked her foot back. Then she began to feel sleepy and collapsed on the floor.

"Yuna!" Asta yelled as the third sister laughed.

"Don't worry, she's only asleep. I grabbed her ankle when she was distracted. Just goes to show you shouldn't celebrate too early." She said as she swiped at Asta's ankles, but he jumped out of the way and whacked her on the head with the broad flat side of his sword, knocking her unconscious. Asta gave a sigh of relief as Izuku and Natsu started to stir. They woke up against the wall of the massage room. There were cut ropes scattered around them, one of the massage tables was laying sideways on the floor, and right by the table were the massage triplets all knocked out cold and Yuna laying down next to them. Then they saw Asta standing over the whole scene. They instantly got to their feet, ready to fight the unknown male.

"Were you the one who did all this?" Izuku asked accusingly as Natsu growled.

"If you harmed Yuna, you're dead!" Natsu said, lighting his fist on fire and glaring at him threateningly. Asta stepped back nervously.

"No no no! You've got it all wrong! Yuna came to my universe and brought me here to help you guys. Then right as I finished cutting the ropes binding your hands and feet, those sisters walked in and caught us. Yuna and I managed to take out two of them but the third one got Yuna by surprise, but I took her out before she could get at me. Apparently they can put people to sleep just by touching their skin. So Yuna's just sleeping, I assure you!" Asta explained as he waved his hands frantically.

"Wait, so you're not our enemy?" Natsu asked as Asta shook his head.

"Of course not! I just told you Yuna brought me here to help you!" Asta said as Izuku put his hand on his chin.

"He must be telling the truth, Natsu. He knows Yuna by name. And if he's from another universe, he must be..." Izuku started to say.

"I'm Asta from Hage Village." Asta introduced himself, putting his thumb to his chest.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya." Izuku introduced himself, offering his hand to Asta who shook it.

"And I'm Natsu Dragneel." Natsu introduced himself as well, offering his hand next. Asta shook his hand.

"You're Yuna's best friends that I've heard about!" Asta blurted out as Izuku and Natsu looked at each other then at Asta.

"We're her boyfriends now actually." Natsu said proudly with a bright smile.

"Wait really?! Both of you?!" Asta asked.

"Yeah..." Izuku said as he scratched the back of his head. A look of hurt made its way onto Asta's face as he looked over at Yuna who was sleeping on the ground.

'Why does my heart ache so much from hearing that Yuna has boyfriends now? I should be happy for her, but instead I'm hurt, I'm jealous of these guys. I thought I love Sister Lily, but maybe Yuno is right. Maybe I really do love Yuna.' Asta thought to himself. As he pondered who he loved more, Izuku brought something to attention.

"We should probably do something about them." Izuku said, pointing to the massage triplets. Natsu grabbed the pieces of cut rope and started tying them together to make six longer ropes. Then he went over to the women and tied each of their hands and feet together. He then went over to Yuna and scooped her up into his arms.

"Hey Izuku, can you gather our stuff? We're gonna go back to our room now." Natsu said as Izuku gathered all their clothes, Yuna's bag and grimoire in his arms.

"Asta, come with us." Natsu said as Asta nodded and followed them to their room. On the way there, Natsu brought something up to Asta.

"Hey, can I ask you something. Do you love Yuna?" Natsu asked Asta who was caught off guard by the question.

"M-me? Do I love Yuna?" Asta said, repeating Natsu's question back to him.

"That's what I'm asking you. Well do ya?" Natsu said, staring at Asta as he carried Yuna in his arms.

"W-why are you asking that all of the sudden?" Asta said, getting all flustered.

"Just answer the question. So, do you love her or not?" Natsu said firmly, looking back at Asta with a serious look on his face.

"I... I... Yes... I guess I do." Asta said as Natsu raised an eyebrow at him.

"You guess?" Izuku said in a confused tone.

"It's complicated. I love Yuna, but I also love Sister Lily too. Yuno, my foster brother, seems to think I love Yuna more than I love Sister Lily though." Asta said as Izuku got curious about something.

"Have you confessed to Sister Lily?" Izuku asked Asta.

"Oh countless times, but she rejects me every time." Asta answered.

"Sounds to me like she's totally not into you, dude." Natsu said, chuckling.

"Have you confessed to Yuna yet?" Izuku asked him.

"No I haven't." Asta said as they entered their room.

"You should confess to her when she wakes up." Natsu said with a grin as he gently placed Yuna on the bed then sat next to her.

"She'll be really happy to hear your confession. I promise." Izuku said as he set down everyone's stuff and sat beside Yuna on the opposite side of her as Natsu.

"Okay, I will then." Asta said with determination. A few minutes later, Yuna started to stir. She woke up to Natsu sitting next to her on her right and Izuku sitting to her left. Asta climbed onto the bed and sat down at her feet.

"Yuna, I have something to tell you... I-I love you. I think I love you more than Sister Lily. I just wanted to let you know." Asta said as Yuna sat up and went over to him and gave him a hug.

"I love you too Asta." Yuna said as she did something that he wasn't expecting. She cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips against his. Asta's eyes widened at first but then closed as he melted into the kiss. When she pulled away from the kiss, he leaned in as if he wanted more.

"You accepted my feelings..." Asta said as Yuna gave him a warm smile, caressing his cheek with her thumb.

"Of course I did, silly." Yuna said with a chuckle.

"It's just, I'm used to being rejected all the time. So it was a bit of a surprise. But it was a nice surprise." Asta said, blushing slightly. Suddenly, Yuna's phone rang. She went over to her bag and checked who it was. It was her father.

"Hi Dad." Yuna said to her father on the phone.

"Hey Sweetie. I just left the house and am on my way to pick you guys up. I'll be there about thirty minutes from now." Makoto told Yuna.

"Hey Dad? Asta is here too now. I had to bring him here to our universe because of something that happened here. I'll explain everything later. Just focus on driving. I'll see you in a bit." Yuna informed her father.

"Oh okay. See you soon then. Love you." Makoto said.

"Love you too Dad." Yuna said before hanging up. She looked at Izuku and Natsu.

"We should get dressed and pack up our stuff." Yuna said to Izuku and Natsu as she started to gather her clothes from earlier today. Izuku and Natsu were also still in their underwear from the massage session. The three of them got dressed and started to pack. Asta offered to help and Yuna gladly accepted his assistance.

~Time Skip~

Yuna, Izuku, Natsu, and Asta were waiting at the entrance to the onsen resort when Makoto pulled up with the car. Yuna explained everything to her father. She told him about what happened in the massage room: that they were put to sleep then tied up and that she used her quirk to escape and bring Asta over to free Izuku and Natsu. She told him what she overheard the massage triplets say about the Shie Hassaikai and delivering people to them. When she finished her story, her father Makoto nodded.

"Okay. Thanks for telling me. I'll call the authorities now and look into it later with my agency." Makoto said as he pulled out his cell phone and called the police while they loaded up the car. They waited for the authorities to arrive then stuck around to explain everything to them so they could begin their investigation and arrest the massage triplets. Then they headed back home. When they got back, Yuna gave Izuku a hug before he headed over to his apartment next door.

"Despite what happened at the onsen resort, I still thought it was a nice trip. I enjoyed being there with you and Natsu." Yuna said as Natsu put his arms around her and Izuku.

"I guess we did have a pretty good time together, huh." Natsu said as he pulled Yuna and Izuku in close to him. Asta just stood there, feeling a little left out. Yuna noticed him standing awkwardly to the side and motioned for him to come closer. When he approached, Yuna threw her arm around him and pulled him close to her.

"And we wouldn't all be back here without your help." Yuna said as she squished Asta against her chest briefly, causing him to blush.

"Yeah, thanks a bunch man." Natsu thanked Asta for his assistance back in the massage room.

"You really should be thanking Yuna. She's the one who brought me to you guys." Asta said, scratching the back of his head.

"But you still played a vital role." Izuku reminded Asta, smiling and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Exactly! Thanks for saving us Asta!" Yuna said, bringing everyone into a group hug. When they separated, Izuku headed over to his apartment next door. Before he entered, he looked back at Yuna, Natsu, and Asta.

"I'll see you later at school tomorrow Yuna. It was a pleasure spending time with you and Natsu. And it was really nice meeting you Asta. I hope we can all hang out together again sometime." Izuku said, waving goodbye to Yuna, Natsu, and Asta. They all said goodbye to him and waved back. After he went inside, Yuna opened her apartment door and gestured for Natsu and Asta to enter. They went inside and Yuna shut the door behind her.