Untold Details

Inko called Izuku and Yuna into the dining area to eat. She had made Izuku's favorite meal katsudon. It was also one of Yuna's favorite dish.

"Your katsudon is as amazing as always Inko." Yuna said as she ate.

"Why thank you Yuna. I haven't spoken to you in a while. How've you been?" Inko said as Yuna swallowed her food.

"I've been pretty good. I managed to win first place in the U.A. Sports Festival." Yuna said as Inko got excited.

"Oh I know! I was watching the event on TV. Congratulations! You know, I was rooting for both of you from home." Inko congratulated Yuna.

"Thank you Inko." Yuna said as she took another bite of her katsudon.

"Oh, how was your trip to the onsen resort? You and Izuku went with that friend of yours you brought over during the sports festival tournament, right?" Inko asked Yuna who nodded.

"Yeah, his name is Natsu Dragneel. He won three tickets to stay two nights free of charge while he and I were out window shopping. So we decided it would be fun for the three of us to go together. It turned out that the tickets were a means to bait people into going to the resort so that the staff could capture them and send them off to this group called the Shie Hassaikai." Yuna started to explain. Inko listened intently as Yuna told her more details of what happened to them during their onsen resort stay, including using her quirk to bring Asta back with her to help with the situation. Inko then turned to her son with a stern but concerned look on her face.

"You never told me all of this happened." Inko said to Izuku.

"I... I didn't want to worry you Mom." Izuku said as Inko sighed.

"But I'm your mother. I should know about stuff like this." Inko said as Izuku lowered his head.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Sorry Mom." Izuku said, letting out a sigh.

"Anyways, we all got back safe and sound, the resort staff have been arrested, and my dad's hero agency is going to be investigating the matter." Yuna said, trying to lift the tension of the atmosphere.

"Well I'm just glad you guys made it back okay." Inko said with a grateful tone.

"I know unlicensed quirk usage is illegal, but I had to do something. I couldn't just let them take us away." Yuna said as Izuku nodded in agreement.

"Even though you broke the law, you made a good decision. But things still could've gone very wrong. You're lucky everything turned out alright. Just be careful." Inko said with a stern expression on her face. Eventually normal conversation returned to the dining table. After dinner, Yuna helped Izuku and Inko with the dishes. Once the dishes were done, Yuna and Izuku hung out in his room for a while and chatted. Yuna took this opportunity to tell Izuku something important.

"Oh Izuku, I almost forgot, there's something I need to tell you. I'm going back to the Clover Kingdom on August 18th. I'm going to be gone for at least two weeks. I made a promise to Asta that I'd come back to travel to the Royal Capital and go take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam together with him." Yuna informed Izuku.

"What about your studies at U.A. High?" Izuku asked Yuna who thought for a moment.

"I don't know yet, but I'll figure something out." Yuna answered as Izuku sighed and shook his head with a faint smile. Suddenly, he remembered something.

"Oh speaking of going away for a while, my class's internships are next week. I'm going to be staying with Gran Torino for the week for my internship." Izuku said as Yuna's facial expression saddened.

"Wait then who am I going to study and hang out with next week after school?" Yuna asked Izuku thought for a bit.

"Maybe you could invite a classmate over or maybe even see Natsu or Asta." Izuku suggested as Yuna thought about it.

"Hmm, I'm not exactly close with any of my classmates yet like you are with some of yours. So I wouldn't exactly feel comfortable inviting any of them over to my place. Natsu is probably busy going out on jobs posted at the guild. And Asta has training to do for the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. Speaking of which, I should also train for the Magic Knights Entrance Exam too. I guess I could train with Asta after school. I don't want to be rusty for the exam." Yuna said, going over the options Izuku suggested.

"There you go." Izuku said with a smile.

"Well I better get going back home. It's getting late." Yuna said as she got off Izuku's bed and gave him a hug and kiss goodnight. He accompanied her to the door. On her way out, she said goodbye to Inko and went back to her apartment where she changed into her pajamas and went to bed.

~Time Skip (5 Days)~

It was May 13th, the first day of the week hero course students had internships and Izuku had already left for his. Yuna had just gotten back from school. She finished her homework then put away her school materials. She changed into comfortable clothing and grabbed her grimoire. Then she placed her left index and middle fingers to her forehead. She closed her eyes and imagined the Hage Village church. She appeared in the middle of the church, surprising Father, Sister Lily, and the kids. Asta and Yuno weren't there, both of them out training for the exam that was in a week and three months. Yuna greeted everyone and left to go find Asta at the spot he normally trained. He was doing his one handed handstand pushup routine when she found him. He was so focused on his workout that he didn't notice her approach him.

"Hey Asta!" Yuna said, startling him as he yelped and lost his balance and fell onto his stomach with a thud.

"Ouch! That hurt... Oh hey Yuna. I wasn't expecting you to show up. It's really great to see you again!" Asta said as he got up, brushed himself off and gave Yuna a hug.

"So what brings you back to Hage?" Asta asked as Yuna then explained that she would be visiting around this time everyday for the entire week while Izuku was away for his internship back in her world.

"I figured I would train with you after I finished my school work so I wouldn't get too rusty before the Magic Knights Entrance Exam." Yuna finished explaining her plan.

"That's sounds like a great idea! Let's start training together now. After all, that's what you came here for." Asta said as he pulled his sword from his grimoire and readied himself.

"Right!" Yuna said as she opened her grimoire.