Chapter 3: The miracle of gathering!

  "Fuck! What kind of subtle script is this?"

  Bai Jin couldn't help but complain, leaning on the window sill in the corridor and listening to the seniors' conversation.

  Some people in the tennis club quit the club because they lost and couldn't get good results, but the rest were in ruins but not bad.

  "Listen to me, it's better to go to the basketball club."

  "The members there are very good and have good results. They are national champions every year!" "

  And the quality of the cheerleading team is very good!" "   Really


The senior also narrated the history of the school with his eyes turned, while looking nostalgic.

  The freshmen who received the flyer next to them immediately started asking questions with admiration.


  "Wait a minute!"

  Suddenly, a dark-skinned boy passed by them, seemingly disdainful, and was chased by a young pink-haired girl.

  "Isn't that Xiao Taozi and Qingfeng? Sure enough, they are also in this school."

  The sharp matching made Bai Jin see through the two people's identities in an instant.

  Aomine Daiki and Momoi Satsuki...

  As expected, they all came, including someone's current position and the seventh miracle.

  "Hey, what should I think about?"

  Although I know that there are some bastard seniors in the tennis club, but in Shirazu It seems that's not the case.

  As long as all the miracle combinations are included, it will be more than enough to form a team with good foundation.

  But the question is, how to start this?

  "Forget it, after thinking about it, I might as well just ask." Bai

  Jin leaned against the window sill and looked out at the sky. Bai Jin simply didn't want to mutter.

  This may be the most direct way...


  "Akaashi, have you considered going to the tennis club?"

  After the class, Shirazu cleared the tables and chairs and asked directly, looking at Akashi sitting in front of him who had not yet gotten up. road.

  "Tennis club? I just wanted to take a look. I haven't had the chance before."

  Unexpectedly, Akashi turned around and answered softly without refusing. At the same time, he took out a key from his pocket.

  (This guy)

  understood at a glance that this was the key to the club room. Bai Jin could only sigh that Akashi had been prepared for it. I was afraid that even if he didn't say anything today, Akashi would go to the tennis club alone to check on the situation.

  (What will he do?)

  However, Akashi should also know about the tennis club, so Shirazu is also curious about how he will face the upcoming "evil words".

  "Kurizi, are you going too?"

  Although Kuroko was not found in the classroom, Bai Jin believed that he must be nearby.

  "Huh? How did Baijin-kun know that I also play tennis?"


  "This reason is not reliable at all."

  When the three of them came to the tennis club together again, the scene was unimaginably bleak.

  Except for the neatly arranged props and activity room, there was no trace of people at all, and even the tables had a lot of dust accumulated.

  "I heard that after the seniors of the previous class graduated, the remaining people no longer have the heart to practice ball."

  Picking up a tennis ball that fell on the ground, Akaashi put it into the frame and said.

  "But if you really want to play tennis, you won't just give up, right?"

  Kuroko couldn't understand this behavior at all. If he didn't want to play tennis, why would he join the tennis club?

  "The seniors' affairs are not important either. The main reason is that the current tennis club is a complete empty shell." "

  If you want to revive it, you must at least meet the minimum number of people."

  "There is no coach, no director, There are no people, so what kind of club is that?"

  Bai Jin also didn't include the remaining "seniors" in the tennis club. In his opinion, these guys have chosen to mess around, so they have no right to stay and occupy positions. It's disgusting. people.

  "It seems that there are still 6 people in the tennis club, all seniors in the third grade. They should not have left school at this time."

  Akashi pointedly picked up a tennis ball and a tennis racket, and at the same time handed a tennis ball to Shirazu. vice.

  "What about you?"

  Bai Jin took the racket and tennis ball, feeling a bad feeling in his heart. He had a headache when he saw Akashi suddenly changed his aura in front of him.

  "It's a simple matter. We won and they all resigned."

  "What if they don't agree?"

  "They don't have the right to choose. I have given the seniors a very honorable way to move. No one can violate it." Go against me..."

  As expected, there was no sign of respect at all, only the cruel and ruthless words of command.

  Kuroko's expression was frightened by Akashi's change for a moment.

  "Well, that's a bit much, but I have to say I like this straightforward solution."   

  Although Akashi's approach seemed too rebellious to others, he did not reject this plan. In his opinion, if all those bastards were screened out and then the miracles were stuffed in, not only would he be able to dominate the country in the next three years, But at least it is a national-level team.

  He couldn't stand the treatment that he and Qingxue had to have to pick up the ball for a year before they could shine.

  "Well, there are also many powerful guys among the new students in this school."

  "Even if we don't rely on the seniors, we can restore the glory of the Teiko Tennis Club!"

  Bai Jin's confident words made Kuroko stare at him sideways. Looking at him, he felt a little uncomfortable.

  "What? What's wrong?"

  "What an exciting speech."

  Kuroko responded indifferently. In his opinion, facing a tennis club that has no signs of "reconstruction", Shirazu can be so cheerful. The actions he took were indeed a good attitude.

  You know, after he came here and looked through the window in the morning, he was in a very low mood.

  After all, he didn't want to not even experience the tennis club in three years of junior high school.

  Although he himself is not a very good singles player, he is still eager to go to the arena and enjoy the game with his opponents.

  "Let's go, we have to take the tennis club back from the seniors first."

  After looking around, Akashi turned to Shirazu and Kuroko and found that there was no missing equipment.



  ...The next day...

  "Have you heard?"


  "It seems that the remaining third-year students in the tennis club were humiliated by two freshmen on the tennis court yesterday. He was even forced to quit the club."

  "Is there such a thing???"

  "It's really funny, I can't even beat the first-year students."

  "No wonder they can't even enter the Kanto Competition in the past years, you can imagine that group of people These guys don't have any serious training all day long."

  "But if they withdraw from the club, there won't be enough people in the tennis club to apply for the next regional competition, right?" "

  Who knows, I heard that the current head of the tennis club is a first-year 7 That Akashi Seijuro from the class."

  "The one who seems to have a very gentle personality?"

  In less than a day, the news about the "change of dynasties" in the tennis club was spread, which aroused a lot of attention.

  At this time, the parties involved were taking advantage of the chaos to "recruit troops."

  "Huh? Tennis? Isn't this school's tennis club going to be abolished because of the seniors' mess?"

  Kagami Daiga looked at the white hair in front of him with confusion and asked. He had a little impression of this person. He was blocked yesterday. A strange guy standing in a daze at the school gate.

  "That's why we came out to find someone to rebuild the tennis club. Don't you want to play ball?" "I see, was it

  you who did what happened in the tennis club yesterday? Are you Akashi Seijuro?" "

  My name is Shirazu Tomosei..."

  Bai Jin did feel that Kagami's brain might not be working very well.

  "What's up!!! I can join, but the condition is that you fight me first. I want to see if you are strong."

  Vulcan heard this and shouted to cover up his embarrassment of admitting the wrong person, and then calmed down vocal channel.

  "If this is your request, there is no problem."

  Bai Jin did not refuse, and he also knew what Vulcan was thinking.

  After all, tennis is not a one-person sport. It is meaningless if you are strong alone, so the quality of your teammates is very important.

  He wanted to take this opportunity to observe Shiratsu's level, which would affect his impression of the guys in the new tennis club.

  If it was a group of guys playing house, wouldn't it be a waste of time if he went? He came here from the United States, not for tourism.

  It's so bad that I might as well consider transferring to another school.

  "I'll see you at the Tennis Club in 10 minutes, bring your own racket."

  "No problem."

  Turning around to get his own tennis racket from the classroom, Shirazu was also thinking about how to deal with Kagami. .

  "He seems to be very powerful."

  Heizi, who was silent and undetected, finally couldn't help but say it.

  Although Vulcan had no special performance, judging from the aura he just exuded, he was as frightening as a young tiger cub.

  This was the first time Kuroko felt such an atmosphere.

  "He doesn't look like he has two brushes, but he really has two brushes."

  "However, he will not be my opponent, because I have more brushes than him."

  (End of Chapter)