Chapter 7: Kise Ryota!

  The day always goes by very quickly, especially when there is something to do.

  For those students who are full of energy, going to and from school is simply a time to eat.

  "Classmate, are you really not considering joining the basketball club?"

  "With your performance, it is very likely that you will become a regular candidate in the first grade."

  The manager of the basketball club looked at the handsome yellow-haired freshman in front of him and said in an expectant tone.

  This freshman named Kise Ryota was obviously his first contact with basketball, but just by watching from the sidelines, he seemed to have learned the skills of his seniors and was able to reproduce them.

  She has never seen such a powerful person, a genius in the true sense.

  "Sorry, I'm tired of playing."

  Although the basketball club has the strength to be a national champion, to be honest, Kise is not very interested. He can easily imitate the movements of those people, although the speed, strength and physical strength There is still a slight difference in softness, but that is just a sign that the physical fitness is not up to standard.

  Once he grows up, those difficult moves will be as easy as breathing.

  Therefore, Kise did not intend to waste time in the basketball club. After all, there would come a time when he would no longer be interested, so it would be better to leave as soon as possible.


  Without any infatuation at all, Kise left the basketball club without stopping to dissuade others.


  Kise's eyes were filled with boredom as he washed his slightly sweaty body in the sink.

  "Aren't there any sports that are eye-catching?"

  Kise sighed as he wiped the water droplets with a towel. Because of his talent, he learned anything very quickly, especially those who imitated others. Good at.

  Therefore, he has wanted to pursue some difficult challenges for a long time, but has not encountered any decent sports so far.

  "By the way, did you know? I heard that the tennis club has been rebuilt."

  "I know, it seems that the third-year seniors were forced to withdraw from the club, and the new first-year students reorganized the tennis club."

  "It sounds really good. It's funny, they are all freshmen."

  Two students passed by in the corridor, and Kise listened to their conversation quietly without any disturbance.


  "It seems I've never played it before."

  "But the kind of sport where you wave your racket and chase the ball shouldn't be difficult, just like table tennis."

  Kise realized that he had never played tennis . , but in my impression it doesn't seem to be much different from table tennis.

  With a boring attitude, Kise prepared to go to the classroom, pack his schoolbag and leave.

  Class 9 of Year 1...

  This is the classroom where he is.

  "Well, I remember that there seemed to be a classmate named Aomine in the class who was also playing tennis?"

  Looking out the window, if Kise remembered correctly, he seemed to be able to directly see the tennis court behind the teaching building from the classroom on the second floor.

  And there is also a weirdo in their class who is keen on playing tennis.

  Picking up his schoolbag, turning it over his shoulder, and holding it in his backhand, Kise approached the window and looked at the tennis court.



  (So fast...and that action?)

  Kise recognized Aomine who was playing on the tennis court at a glance and was surprised by his performance.

  In his sight, Aomine was fighting back with a completely irregular posture, but even with such an awkward posture, he could still easily hit the ball back into the opponent's court.

  But this weird running movement makes it hard to believe that it is a racket-swinging movement.

  "It looks interesting..."

  Rarely, Kise looked a little fascinated. Just when he saw Bai Mao swinging his racket, something incredible happened.




  The schoolbag hit the ground, and Kise showed an incomprehensible expression.

  "What happened?"

  He held his hands on the window sill excitedly, staring at the ball on the tennis court with his eyes wide open, and was shocked.

  At that moment, the white-haired man swung the racket, and the tennis ball emitted a shrill bird song, like many birds chirping in unison.

  What was even more shocking was that Kise seemed to see blue lightning.

  Is this tennis?

  However, what was beyond his expectation was that although Qingfeng did not catch the fantasy return ball this time, he did touch it the next time.


  "Over there?"

  Facing the "Chidori" attacking again, Aomine quickly turned around and ran, holding out his racket.


  But unfortunately, the scratches on the top of the racket expressed the slightest distance.

  "Hey, one more shot, Bai Jin!"

  "You are a monster, right? What are you doing these days that doesn't rely on your eyes, but purely on your feelings? Are you no longer a human being? Have you evolved into a wild animal?"

  "Fight quickly! Fight quickly !"


  Listening to the exchange between Aomine and Shirogane, Kise's arms began to tremble, and the fingers on the window sill unconsciously began to tighten.


  "I can't stop shaking."

  "Isn't this true?" It

  was completely an expression of excessive excitement, and Kise couldn't control the shaking all over his body.

  baseball? basketball? swim? track and field? Table tennis? badminton?

  Nothing could make Kise feel so shocked and excited.

  That white-haired swing was beyond Kise's imagination.

  A flash of lightning?

  He seemed to be able to describe it like this. In the blink of an eye, the ball had already fallen to the opponent's court.

  He couldn't even try to catch the ball's trajectory with his eyes.

  Not to mention catching the ball, he tried to imitate the opponent's unremarkable swing, but this time he didn't feel like he had learned anything at all.

  Because of this, he seemed to be on steroids, and his whole body became "hot-blooded".

  "Finally found it!"

  "A sport that allows me to pursue it!"

  His mouth couldn't help but open up, his eyes widened, and Kise finally made up his mind.


  Want to play tennis!

  Thinking of this, Kise did not leave the school in a hurry. Instead, he stood on the second floor and watched the game between Shirogane and Aomine until it was over, and then he left the classroom with unsatisfied intentions.

  On the way home, he deliberately walked into the bookstore and picked out a book called "Introduction to Tennis Basics".

  He has never been exposed to tennis before. Although he has also played table tennis, the nature is completely different.

  Therefore, it is necessary to understand the rules and basic gestures and grips.

  Imitation also requires the most basic foundation. Just copying a tiger and drawing a cat will not work.

  "I still have to fix a tennis racket..."

  "Okay! Wait until we go to the shopping street. We'll go to the tennis club tomorrow!"

  Already feeling a little "thirsty", Kise couldn't wait to run towards the shopping street.

  (Tomorrow is really exciting...)

  There has never been a day that Kise looked forward to tomorrow so much.

  As a result, his excitement led him to spend a sleepless night in bed, which is another story.

  (End of chapter)