Chapter 21 . Tezuka and Shirazu! The first showdown!

  "If you think there is no reason to fight with me, what now?"

  Looking at Tezuka who came back again, Bai Jin said bluntly to him.


  Clenching his hands, Tezuka glanced at the seniors who were screaming in pain on the ground, and then walked towards Bai Jin.

  "Is that the strength of Shirazu Tomosei, the deputy director of Teiko Middle School?"

  "What a terrible player."

  "It is conceivable that they can win the regional championship not in vain."

  Inui Sadaharu observed from the side After all the games, he simply couldn't believe that someone could be so good.

  His second- and third-year regular players were easily taken down, with no power to fight back.

  But the other party asked Tezuka by name, which puzzled many people.

  Only Fuji knows this reason. Now, only Fuji knows that Tezuka has been hiding his strength.

  Tezuka could easily defeat his seniors if he wanted to.

  "What on earth do you want to do!?"

  "Nothing, I just want to have a fight with you."

  "It would be a pity if I can't meet you in the main match."

  Faced with Tezuka's question, Shirazu wiped his forehead sweating, he spoke bluntly.


  "Let's go to the stadium next door."

  Glancing at the seniors who fell to the ground next to him, Tezuka was stunned for a while and then said.

  "No problem."

  He knew that Tezuka should understand what he meant, and now he wanted to help Tezuka.

  The stage has been set, and now it depends on how valuable this showdown will be.


  Oishi looked worriedly at Tezuka who put down his schoolbag and took off his coat and started to warm up.

  "It's okay, Oishi. It seems like he won't give up until I compete with him today."

  Moving his body well to avoid unnecessary injuries, Tezuka took the racket handed over by Fuji and walked into the court. .

  "Is he really that powerful?"

  Kise looked at Tezuka who walked in with curiosity on his face. Bai Jin had specifically warned him before.

  (How much you can learn from this game depends on your understanding. Maybe you can see a higher level of skills.)

  Holding the barbed wire fence with one hand, Kise stared at the game that was about to start in the stadium and thought of Shirazu. The words spoken.

  "Then I'm welcome."

  Although there was no referee, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not ask for this.

  With the level of the two of them, it doesn't matter whether there is a referee or not.

  Seeing Tezuka standing indifferent at the baseline, Shirazu knew that he was going to give the serve to him first.

  Perhaps it was because he had played a few games before, and even if he won easily, he might still be physically exhausted.

  "That's so magnanimous, Tezuka."

  "But, I'm serious."

  He took the ball out of his pocket, hit it on the ground a few times, and then twisted his wrist to spin the ball the moment it was thrown up. .

  "This serve?"


  "Is this!?"

  Inui Sadaharu, Fuji, and Kise outside the court were surprised when they looked at the obvious movement of the wrist.


  The ball was hit, passed the net and landed on the ground, then bounced up. Tezuka immediately rushed over and swung his racket to try to hit it back.

  "Ugh!"   " Thump

  thump   thump   !" feeling of heaviness.   If you look at it with the naked eye, you will find that the network cable has been distorted and even slightly uneven.   Realizing that he couldn't make a hard hit, Tezuka immediately moved his racket away and gave up the point.   "Bang!"   The ball slipped off the racket, landed on the ground with a strong spin, and rolled out of the ground.   15-0!   "It's actually possible to give the ball that kind of rotation when serving."   "In addition to having both power and rotation, it can even be done."   "It makes the opponent unable to grasp the return stroke of the racket due to the friction and sliding of the ball when receiving the ball." Point, the body will be offset, which will make it difficult to exert force."   "A very powerful serve."   

  Fuji and Inui Sadaharu both watched the game carefully.

  "What? It turns out that there is such a move hidden, and it has never been used in intra-team competitions."

  Kise looked at Shirazu's serve with gleaming eyes and said happily.

  "This move is called the Rasengan."

  "Can you catch it?"

  Shirazu picked up the ball again, glanced at Tezuka and asked.

  As always, he twists his wrist the moment he throws the ball up, and then swings his racket when the ball falls.


  This time, Tezuka changed the racket to his left hand.

  "Look, why did Tezuka switch his racket to his left hand?"

  "Is it possible that he is actually left-handed?"

  Compared to Fuji, Oishi, Kikumaru and others did not know the true situation of Tezuka, so they saw Tezuka change his racket. Racquet in hand, they were amazed.


  He swung the racket with his left hand and touched the violently rotating tennis ball again, exactly as he felt before.



  "Look, Tezuka!"

  The tennis ball rubbed against the silk thread and twisted it, but with Tezuka's stability, it was still unable to break through, and then began to shift from its original position, like Like a mouse ready to sneak away.

  But Tezuka was already prepared. He directly moved his arms to follow the deflection of the tennis ball, trying to maintain his balance.

  (As expected of you. Normally, when most people catch the ball for the first time, the racket is penetrated, but you can still stabilize and even make up for it.) I

  can only say that a genius is indeed a genius, and he is only second. Ball, Tezuka seems to have found the trick.



  But it's one thing to find the trick; it's another thing to be able to fight back.

  Tezuka stared at the tennis ball on the ground, not knowing what he was thinking, and then turned to look at Shirazu.



  The next two "Rasengan" serves were still won steadily, and even though Tezuka intercepted them twice, he still could not get them back.

  This time, it was Tezuka's turn to serve.


  The ball quickly flew to the bottom corner. Bai Jin stood up and swung the racket to hit it back.






  The two exchanged blows back and forth for several times. Tezuka took the opportunity to hit the net at close range to win the point.

  "Not bad."

  After being taken away one point, Bai Jin was not discouraged, but became more interested in the next battle.






  Even if there is no referee counting, everyone can still remember the current score.

  "Okay! Tezuka has won the first game!"

  Kikumaru said happily looking at Tezuka's performance.

  "Don't be too happy, it's the opponent's turn to serve again."

  "Yeah! How on earth are you going to break that serve that spins violently like a top!"

  But Gan Sadaharu's words made Kikumaru's heart rise again after he had just put it down. got up.

  (Are you not planning to use it yet?)

  Shirazu looked at the calm Tezuka, who seemed to have no intention of going all out.

  He had already seen Tezuka's plan, and he wanted to forcefully crack his "Rasengan" without relying on hard work.

  "You're looking down on me too much, Tezuka!!"



  (End of this chapter)