Chapter 27. The growth and battle of miracles!

  Although the four schools have already obtained the right to participate in the Kanto Competition, the championship and second place positions in the Tokyo Competition still have to be decided.

  A week later, Seigaku will meet Hyotei, while Teikou will meet Yamabuki.

  No matter which school it is, people are full of curiosity and attention.

  "I heard that Yamabuki and Hyōtei are both very powerful."

  Around the tennis court, Akashi led everyone to run in circles, and Kise spoke curiously while running.

  He only played tennis for a short time, and he really didn't pay attention to which school's tennis club was better.

  But judging from the information Momoi had brought before, it was obvious that Yamabuki and Hyotei were also a wealthy team.

  Putting aside the fact that Yamabuki has a very powerful old coach, Hyotei is a school that focuses on strong lineups and downright meritocracy, which is not easy just thinking about it.

  Coupled with the rise of Qingxue, the situation became even more chaotic.

  "It seems that since the start of the metropolitan competition, they have also replaced the main selection with most first-year freshmen."

  Momoi stood outside the field, holding a form in his hand, observing the situation of everyone running laps, and said when a few people passed by.

  "Hey, aren't you just imitating us?"

  Qingfeng was a little disapproving of this, but now he was looking forward to meeting the school called Qingxue.

  It would be best if he could face the player named Tezuka Kunimitsu in singles.

  "The first-year students from both schools also won every game and never lost."

  Kuroko knew that Aomine must not have read Momoi's report in detail, so he reminded him.

  "Isn't that really interesting?"

  "Let them see who the strongest first-year player is!"

  "Players of the same age, I don't think we will lose."

  When Kagami heard this, he immediately became excited. He raised his head and answered regardless of the wind pressure.

  First grade versus first grade?

  He really doesn't think his side will lose.

  I fight against these monsters in my team every day. How can ordinary players defeat them?

  Bai Jin agrees with this.

  For example, at first he thought that the level of each miracle was slightly weaker than that of the "princes", but now the actual situation is somewhat beyond expectations.

  If you really want to compare it, it's probably like people from the low-level martial arts world move to the middle-level martial arts world. Although they will be at the bottom for a while at the beginning, through various opportunities or training, they begin to gradually grow beyond the aborigines.

  Perhaps Kagami and Aomine may not be able to compete with "peak" players like Tezuka in the future, but if they are at least one level weaker than Tezuka, there should be no problem at all.

  This is all due to various training and coordination within the team.

  The God of Fire, who had not even awakened his wild nature at first, has now successfully mastered it through training and confrontation.

  Aomine has grown to the point where he can fight back Chidori with one hand, making him much more powerful than before.

  Other miracles have grown more or less through training and "failure".

  After all, Akaashi had completely turned Shirazu into a sparring partner who died of overwork, dragging him off to give other Miracles one-on-one confrontations whenever he had nothing to do.

  Under Bai Jin's oppression, the Miracles grew beyond imagination.

  Get feedback from Bai Jin to become stronger, and then compete with other miracles to inspire more of their potential.

  Cooperating with the training plan formulated by Momoi and Akaashi, a perfect cycle was formed.

  As a result, everyone has grown fully in these three months.

  This is one of the reasons why they are strong.

  After all, confrontation between strong opponents is the easiest way to arouse motivation.

  Unlike Seigaku in the original work, Tezuka only played with Fuji once in his third year of junior high school, when he was injured.

  Without the pressure of a strong enemy, relying solely on ordinary training, growth will naturally slow down.

  This is why many times, when late-stage players encounter evenly matched or powerful opponents, they suddenly begin to break through their limits and become stronger.

  Shirazu and the others took advantage of the gap between Tezuka and others who had not yet "grown up" and started early, commonly known as "jumping the gun".

  For this reason, Bai Jin firmly believed that Teiko would never lose to any school before meeting Rikkai University.

  As long as those opponents don't realize the importance of confrontation with strong opponents, the Miracles who are the first to become stronger will be enough to suppress them.   

  In the next World War II, Bai Jin believes that it will show a completely different situation to others.

  There are also strong and weak grades among first grade students!

  Shanchui can't stop their Emperor Guang!


  After the training, everyone was washing up in the sink and chatting.

  "Look, more and more people have come to observe our school secretly recently."

  "What's wrong, Akashi-chan hasn't arranged any sparring sessions recently."

  Kise wiped the water droplets with a towel and pointed at those who were attending the school. said people leaving near the tennis courts.

  "If we play seriously, the information will be leaked easily. Of course Akaashi will prevent that from happening." "

  Just like Kuroko, like a secret weapon."

  Midorima took off his glasses and handed them to Murasakibara, then reached out to wash them with water. He replied with a straight face.

  "Playing seriously, it's super troublesome."

  Although he did feel that he had become stronger, Murasakihara was still not happy with that approach.

  After all, a confrontational match between Miracles would be too intense to play seriously.

  The kind that almost knocks people down from exhaustion.

  "Ah, speaking of which, Vulcan, how many games did we have last time?"

  "I won 121 and you won 120."

  "Damn it! Give it to me tonight Come to the court, I want to win back!"

  "Hmph! I wish you all!"

  The conversation between Aomine and Kagami was a bit plain and simple. One of them is proficient in agility, and the other is proficient in explosive power. It can be said that they are completely opposite types.

  But it is precisely because of this confrontation that they have achieved different growth.

  In order to fight against Kagami, Aomine made up for his lack of strength through training, and Kagami learned some of his agile skills in order to fight against Aomine.

  It is true that Akaashi will not arrange confrontations during training in public, but private "fighting" is different.

  As long as they are not exposed openly and openly, the miracles can make an appointment with each other and find a place where no one is around to fight.

  Otherwise, if they hold it back and don't "fight among themselves," they might get into trouble.

  "Xiao Baijin, can you continue playing with me tonight?"

  "Well, I promised Xiao Taozi to go see a movie with her."

  "Hey, is it a date?!"

  "That's right."

  "Stupid idiot! !Xiaobai, don't say it so bluntly!!"


  Kise just sent an invitation to a certain Baimao, but then he was rejected on the grounds of engagement.

  What came to greet him was a man with a towel-covered face.

  Momoi blushed and said shyly and angrily at Bai Mao who spoke without changing his expression.

  "Ryota, let me fight you tonight"




  Kise, who originally thought there was no chance tonight, suddenly heard Akashi's voice and was stunned for a moment.

  "Really, Akashi-chan. Is it really okay?"

  Kise said excitedly as he spoke a little excitedly.

  Although Akaashi usually sparred with them, like Shirazu, he always couldn't let people figure out his upper limit.

  It can be said that the other Miracles have never been able to reach their full level against Akashi and Shirazu.

  Because of this, everyone else was secretly holding back their energy.

  At least we can't let Akashi and Shirazu take it easy every time.

  (End of chapter)