Chapter 37. Midorima’s one-man show!

  "If you look down on Kuroko, you will suffer big losses."

  Shirazu said calmly, leaning on the audience chair and looking at the entangled Yamabuki and the two.

  Tennis is different from basketball in that it is not a matter of player height.

  In this world, even Kuroko can improve his physical fitness through reasonable exercise.

  Apart from the height issue, Kuroko is not necessarily weaker than the average player physically.

  At least in the previously arranged team time trial, Kuroko and Midorima were in a stalemate for almost an hour.

  It can be said that his physical strength is not as good as that of monsters like Kagami and Aomine, but it is better than the current Kise.

  Just look at Kuroko's brisk pace and powerful swing back on the court.

  Even in singles, he has the ability to deal with ordinary players.

  Because of this, Yamabuki Middle School's plan was immediately blocked.

  "It's really amazing,"

  said the assistant on the sidelines, squinting at the situation ahead.

  The plan made before seemed to be of no use at all. Instead, it failed, causing the two of us to be in chaos and their mentality was shaken.

  (This group of doubles has no means for them to deal with now.)

  Even the well-informed partner must not admit at this time that there is no player in Yamabuki who can deal with it head-on.

  The two players on the other side are not only strong enough in their own right, but also have a tacit understanding of their cooperation.

  In Ban Lao's view, these two people are enough to be called a national-level doubles team.

  And it's very likely that it's a relatively strong one.

  "Teiko Aomine and Kuroko won this match, with a score of 6-0!"

  After completely overwhelming the opponent, Aomine showed them what it means to be unrivaled in power.

  Each game was won in less than 2 minutes, so that the entire game ended in only eleven minutes.



  "Too strong"

  The audience was filled with a solemn atmosphere for a while. People couldn't help but sigh as they looked at the two Yamabuki who were lying on the ground with beads of sweat falling like rain.

  "It's amazing."

  Even the Ice Emperor who had not left was still watching the battle, but in just the first game, they understood the huge disparity in strength.


  "What's the matter, Atobe?"

  "Although I heard that Teikou has taken on a new look before, putting such strong players in doubles shows that they are quite confident."

  In the stands, Atobe He no longer cared about losing to Tezuka, but stared at Aomine on the court for a while and sneered.

  "There are quite a few tricks."

  Atobe turned his head and glanced at Momoi sitting on the chair, and then turned to look at Akashi.

  The tag team team finished the match without even breaking a sweat.

  Teikou's strong appearance will put a lot of psychological pressure on both the players who are about to compete and the teams in the next competition.

  If this arrangement was not intentional, Atobe really didn't believe it.

  But I have to say that this little trick is indeed very effective.

  At least the players from Yamabuki Middle School who are about to appear are a little nervous, and even the people from Seigaku who are watching the match are a little anxious.

  "Next is Doubles No. 1. Players from both sides please enter!"

  After a few minutes of rest, the referee announced the start of the second round.

  "Hey, hey, hey, green boy, can you fight alone?"

  Although he is only in the first grade, Murasakibara's height has increased abnormally. Standing next to him, Midorima, who has not yet developed, looks like a dwarf.

  Saying this means that Murasakibara wants to be lazy and not catch the ball again.   

  However, Murasakihara only mentioned it as a joke, knowing that Midorima would definitely not agree.


  But what was rare was that this time Midorima agreed with Murasakibara's joke.


  It was Murasakihara's turn to not react for a moment. His eyes widened with an expression of disbelief on his face.

  "It hurts."

  He reached out and pulled his cheek again. After noticing the pain, he was sure that this was not a dream.

  The more serious green boy agreed that I was lazy?

  Which muscle is wrong?

  "Atsushi, just let him go."

  Just when Murasakihara was in shock, Akashi's voice from behind calmed him down.

  Oh, Chizai agreed? That's okay.

  Putting aside the tangle in his heart, Murasakihara happily walked to the court to serve first.

  "Atsushi Murasakihara is 190cm tall and weighs 90kg. He is very good at defense. According to current information, he has not lost a point in official games and will only appear in doubles." "

  Shintaro Midorima is 178cm tall and weighs 69kg. He has an almost mechanically precise hitting ability. There is no unnecessary movement in either running posture or swing. He often partners with Murasakihara Atsushi in doubles."

  Inui Sadaharu held a small notebook next to his teammates. Slowly tell the information about the two people.

  "Another pair that is difficult to deal with."

  Fuji opened his eyes and looked at the one-sided game on the field and said.


  Tezuka was also staring at the game, his hand holding the golf bag trembling slightly.

  "Look, it's the guy with glasses playing ball by himself!"

  Eiji watched for a long time before he noticed a problem, that is, except for receiving and serving the ball, Murasakihara was watching the whole game from behind, and Midorima was the only one running. Move the ball.

  It looked like a 1V2.

  "This is obviously a doubles match, isn't it too ridiculous?"

  Dashi looked at it in disbelief. He had never seen anyone trying 1V2 in a doubles match.

  Other viewers also discovered this problem, but the words they wanted to laugh at were stuck in their throats.

  Because they discovered that Midorima's 1V2 not only did not fall into a disadvantage, but actually suppressed the opponent.

  "What's going on?"

  "He alone suppressed two seniors from Yamabuki Middle School?"

  There are obviously no cool moves or outrageous movements, but Midorima maintains standard postures and movements and a solid foundation. One fights with the opponent and scores points.

  "5-0! Teikou Middle School leads"

  "Too exaggerated!"

  After hearing the referee's declaration, everyone realized the horror of Midorima.

  Doubles obviously requires a larger area to defend, and it is not as simple as singles.

  What's more, 1V2 also gained the upper hand, which broke their previous knowledge.

  (Green boy seemed different from usual.)

  Staring at Midorima running left and right from behind, Murasakihara pondered for a while and finally understood something.

  Only then did he realize that Midorima seemed to be playing very seriously now.

  Obviously in past games, even if he wasn't lazy, he definitely wouldn't work too hard.

  But now Midorima just mustered up his momentum and played with energy.

  As if this is an extremely important finale.

  Why this happened, Murasakihara couldn't understand.

  (End of chapter)