Chapter 78. Phantom Tezuka!

  "What's going on?"

  "Why did Nioh suddenly become Tezuka?"

  People who didn't know the inside story were shocked for a moment when they looked at the sudden change in painting style.

  "Midorima-chan! Look, he's really transformed!"

  "Isn't this super interesting?"

  Kise stood on the field, looking at Niou who had really transformed into Tezuka, his face full of surprise, He said in an excited tone.

  "Idiot, what are you excited about?"

  "That's the enemy."

  Midorima also knew why Kise was so excited, but it still didn't stop him from despising Kise's character of always making a fuss.

  (Is it a phantom?)

  (And it's Tezuka Kunimitsu, who has been trained for many years)

  Recalling Shirazu's words, Midorima focused his eyes on Niou.

  As far as he knew, Tezuka Kunimitsu had played in the Kanto Competition, but he did not show too much strength.

  So at what period was the Phantom of Nioh based on Tezuka?

  "If it's just the level of a metropolitan competition"

  "That's far from it."

  Midorima slightly bent his knees, lowered his body, and said in a low voice.

  He raised his hand again and sent the ball out. Tezuka (Nioh) rushed directly to the net and hit it back in an instant with a hard-earned swing.



  Kise quickly rushed over to catch the ball, but the strong force still made his racket start to shake.


  Although I fought back, it didn't seem to be a good choice.




  Tezuka (Nioh) immediately jumped up high and took back the points with a smash gesture.

  Yagyu stood in the backcourt and silently watched Nioh's performance without making any move.

  He knows that now is the stage that belongs to Nioh, and he does not need to do too much. He just needs to wait for the time when Nioh needs to change and then help him.

  This was the tactic they had agreed upon before.

  Because of the "Phantom", Niou has the confidence to deal with two people alone.

  In this case, there is no need for Yagyu to waste his energy in a hurry.

  Just wait until the critical moment to help.

  "Zero slice?"

  On the next shot, as soon as Midorima sent the ball over the net, Tezuka (Nioh) made an unexpected counterattack.

  He turned his body sideways, put the racket sideways on his right side with his backhand, and then hit a slice.

  The tennis ball rolling across the net just landed on the ground, and then it did not bounce up, but rolled backwards and touched the net.


  Evenly divided! And it's a move that Tezuka is good at.

  "I remember Momoi said that Tezuka Kunimitsu has no record of using this move in the main game, right?"

  Midorima turned to look at Kise and asked as if to confirm something.

  "Zero slice?"

  "Kossuki-chan seems to have mentioned that Tezuka Kunimitsu only used it when he and Fujisuke played in training matches." "

  There is no record of use in the main game."

  Hearing this, Kise After thinking about the past information, he nodded and answered.


  "Oh my God! That's the Zero Slice! Tezuka! He's exactly the same as you!"

  Kikumaru opened his eyes wide, curiously watching Niou's performance, and said with some excitement.

  "Nioh Masaharu. He seems to be a very special player."

  Fuji looked at the battle situation on the field and noticed the disharmonious atmosphere.

  The Tezuka that Nioh phantomed does look like the real person to Fuji, but there are some differences.

  He hadn't been able to discover what that disharmonious feeling was for a while.

  "It's surprising that he can even do the same thing as the zero-style chipping."

  "It's quite similar to Teimitsu Kise Ryota's imitation skills."

  Inui Sadaharu started writing and drawing with the notebook again, Teimitsu and Tachibana's game simply revealed too many things that had not been observed before.   

  "But he even hit the Zero Slice, which was never used in the main game. How did he do it?"

  "Don't forget, from the Tokyo Tournament to the Kanto Tournament, there was never a lack of investigation from other schools. "

  Although it may be absurd to say this, it may be observed through on-site observation or video tape."

  Faced with Kawamura Takashi's question, Inui Sadaharu still gave a possible answer.

  "Then he is too powerful."



  In the field, Tezuka (Nioh) relied on the combination of domain and hard work to win this point.


  "Serve is broken!"


  Cheers rang out from Rikkai University's cheerleaders, and their low morale began to rise.

  "I never knew that Nioh could do this."

  "So he took leave to do this kind of special training?"

  Yanagi Renji frowned and said, looking at Nioh's outstanding performance.

  "When he mentioned it to me and Sanada, Sanada and I were also surprised." "

  But since he said he was sure, let him try it."

  "Judging from the results, it is indeed quite excellent."

  Yukimura said There was a chuckle, and even he was a little surprised when he recalled what Nioh had said.

  "This proves that he was not wasting his time for more than a month."

  Sanada crossed his arms and was very satisfied with Nioh's performance, and it was not in vain that Yukimura had specifically granted him time off to train.





  In the court, Nioh once again performed an amazing operation in the service game. He scored 4 zero-type serves to make this game simple. Take it down roughly.

  "It's really amazing. You can even reproduce the zero-style serve? Have you done any arm training specifically?" "

  The way he performed even surpassed Tezuka Kunimitsu during the Tokyo Grand Finals."

  Momoi looked at Nioh's performance and compared it. Looking at the past information, he exclaimed.

  "It seems that the change of formation proposed by Shirazu is indeed effective."

  However, Akashi was unmoved by this. He was not worried about falling behind by two games or anything.

  Although Nioh performed very well, Kise and Midorima were not easy to win.

  "Heh, if it's just Tezuka, Midorima can deal with him alone." Shirazu

  doesn't really care, because Niou can't use Tezuka's full strength anyway.

  After all, to what extent Tezuka can really perform today, he himself has never shown it in detail.

  All Nioh can do is through observation, and performing 60%-70% is almost the limit.

  Just like this, Midorima alone is enough.

  To put it bluntly, Midorima after the special training is full of "special attacks" from his opponents.

  If Niou thinks he can win with Tezuka's strength, then he will be the one to suffer.


  "Ah, ah, ah, ah, Midorima, we are really underestimated."

  Seeing that he had lost two games, Kise put the racket on the ground, with one hand on his waist, but his tone was full of calmness. .

  "Their idea is very simple. They rely on Nioh Masaharu to grab points, while the other person reserves his energy to prepare for the next game." "

  If it's Tezuka, just leave it to me to deal with it, and leave it alone."

  "You're really good, Midorima-chan. That's too much. I also want to fight Tezuka Kunimitsu, but you said so, so I'll give it to you first."

  His communication with Midorima was also filled with a calm attitude.

  (End of chapter)