Chapter 82. Backhand?

  In the 8th game, Yagyu's serve game

  "It seems that their chief's moves have also failed."

  "Your calculations will always be exceeded."

  Yagyu held the ball and was not in a hurry to serve, but said to Nioh. .

  "How could there be such a player?"

  "Imitate after imitate."

  "He really makes me look at him differently."

  Nioh said after removing Akashi's phantom, panting and sweating.

  "Would you like to change it? Your physical exertion has exceeded expectations."

  Yagyu continued to ask, seeing that Nioh was no longer as stable as before.

  "We are still behind at 4-3."

  "Isn't that move of yours still half-finished?"

  Niou didn't try to show off. After all, his physical strength was consumed more than expected.

  If you really fight against the opponent with all your firepower, you may end up falling to the ground and being dragged away.

  But Yagyu's substitution words also made Niou worry. Although he knew that he was practicing moves before, leaving aside the completion rate of the moves, it was not known whether they would be effective on Midorima and Kise.

  "Don't get me wrong, I just want to do my part for Tachibana's victory."

  "Whether the moves are effective or not is not the point." "

  This game is the key point."

  "Don't you still have the last one? Backhand?"

  Yagyu said calmly as he took a few steps toward the baseline and prepared to serve.


  Nioh heard the words and looked at his back, the beads of sweat dripping from his cheeks. He also understood Yagyu's determination.

  (Until then, you have to hold on.)

  Taking a gentle breath, Niou tried to walk towards the other side of the baseline.

  To be honest, it was not in Nioh's calculation that the situation would be so bad.

  Phantom Tezuka and Phantom Akashi were used, and the result was 4-3, still one game behind.

  I thought that the worst situation would be just to lose a few more rounds to the opponent when I was leading, but the disadvantage was beyond imagination.

  So much so that I originally planned to save more energy, but ended up spending a lot more in order to chase points.

  These people are truly monsters.

  "In the end, we have to rely on that in the end."

  "I can only use your people to defeat you."

  "How ironic."

  The phantoms of Sanada and Yukimura, he had just returned to the team not long ago. , there is no observation data, so that the power of these two people cannot be used.

  But neither Tezuka nor Akashi can affect the battle, so only the last person is left.

  Although he was not the person who phantomed the first time, his performance was not perfect due to limited opportunities for observation. Just like Tezuka and Akashi, 60% strength under normal circumstances is considered good.

  But through another method, he was able to burst out with amazing strength in a short period of time.

  That alone is enough to surpass Phantom Tezuka and Phantom Akashi.

  When he first learned about this situation, Nioh was shocked by it for a while.

  He then turned his attention to Teiko's seat


  (Insufficient ability?)

  (But. Even so.)

  (There are things I can do)

  Yagyu held the ball and deeply understood the power of Teiko. Light is unreasonably powerful.

  Along the way, they had never encountered such a difficult enemy in Lihaida.

  Judging from the results, Atobe's solo breakthrough really "beat" them awake.

  If it hadn't been for Atobe's incident, maybe they wouldn't have stepped up their training to this point.

  If we welcome Emperor Guang in such a state, we may collapse even faster.


  Throwing the ball up, Yagyu swung his racket instantly, and the ball shot straight towards Kise and Midorima's court like a laser.

  Laser beam!

  That was a move he practiced after being reminded by Nioh. Although the completion rate is not high now, he can only use it as a makeshift.

  "Whoosh!!"   Kise, who was imitating Murasakibara

  's defensive moves and Aomine's speed , was like a god. With his soaring speed and defensive range, even fast balls like laser beams could easily catch up and fight back.   When the ball was broken, Yagyu didn't care, but quickly stood up to catch the ball.   But Kise counterattacked with Aomine's agility and Kagami's power on the next goal.   



  "It's so heavy!"

  He held his hands firmly, and Yagyu felt the overwhelming power.

  But even so, he still gritted his teeth and hit the ball back hard.


  At this time, Midorima rushed forward from the backcourt and won the score with a volley.

  The speed of this ball was incredibly fast, and Yagyu had no time to react.


  After serving for the second time, Yagyu still tried to hit the laser beam, but this time he failed.


  But when he landed to catch the ball, Midorima directly interrupted Kise's movements and rushed over to fight back.

  "Midorima-chan! This is so boring!"

  Kise felt quite unhappy when the ball was intercepted in his interest.

  "It's time for you to stop."

  "The other party is clearly delaying time to recover."

  "I have no reason to cooperate with them in this drama." "

  And your state will not last long, right?"

  Midorima was completely merciless and directly addressed Kise criticized him. What was this man thinking in his mind? He wouldn't know?

  "Pfft, have you been discovered?"

  "Although double imitation is powerful, the physical exertion is twice as much." "

  It does not last long. If this is too long, the zone will not be opened."

  Huang scratched the back of his head with his hand. Se stuck out her tongue and explained in a troubled manner.

  (In other words, can you rely on dual imitation + zone to reach a higher level in a short period of time?)

  Midorima pushed up his glasses and noticed Kise's bottomless potential.

  Although it's just a sign now, as he grows older and continues training, sooner or later Kise will become "all-powerful".

  Because there are so many things he can learn.

  For some reason, the more he compares himself with others, the more he realizes that God seems to favor some people and has given him too many talents.

  Sometimes Midorima would also be very envious of Kise's extraordinary imitation ability. He could catch up with a level that many people could not reach in a very short time.

  Look at him now, does he look like a tennis player who has only been playing for half a year?



  Even if Yagyu tried to struggle, he still couldn't change the situation of being scored by Midorima.

  Even the phantom Tezuka and Akashi couldn't catch the uncontrollable ball, let alone him.

  "It's terrible!"

  "If the opponent wins this ball, he will serve again next time."

  "If we don't try to change anything, it will be over."

  Liu Renji looked at the situation on the court and said worriedly .

  (Nioh, what is the trump card you are hiding?)

  Yukimura looked at the indifferent Nioh silently, feeling somewhat worried.

  "Oops! He hit back!"

  When Yagyu hit the final serve, Midorima did not hesitate to hit the ball back with his racket the moment it bounced off the ground.

  "It's going to be won!"

  Just when everyone thought that this ball would be won, something unexpected happened on the field.

  This time, Yagyu easily caught up with the ball and hit back.


  In this situation, even Midorima himself was so stunned that he didn't catch the ball.


  His uncontrollable ball failed?

  "The one with the best fortune today is Cancer."

  "I have the right time, place, and people, so there is no reason why I should lose, right?"

A surprising voice sounded from beside Yagyu, and only then did everyone realize that there were two Midorima on the field. .Lady Luck was deceived! ! ?

  (End of this chapter)