Chapter 84. Kise Midorima VS Phantom Shiratsu! (Part 2)

  "Nioh Masaharu's own Zone!"

  After Akashi's words came out, everyone suddenly realized.

  Ever since Atobu entered the Zone, the door had gone crazy, and someone pushed the door open and came in.

  Maybe it was Uncle Atobe who "introduced" the bus to the group of geniuses who love tennis.

  But because they didn't have much real-life contact at the time, Akashi and the others didn't pay much attention.

  After all, a strong person may not open a zone, but the one who opens a zone must be a strong person.

  Now that everything is open, reality will one day come to pass.

  But until now, Niou has not opened the Zone himself, so they subconsciously ignored this information.

  "Wait, that's what."

  "He phantomed Bai Jin, and then opened his own zone to fight?"

  Vulcan was short-circuited, and he didn't quite understand the connection.




  But when Midorima's serve was broken, everyone realized that the situation was not that simple.

  "Is his phantom Shirazu Chisei too strong?"

  Inui Sadaharu has torn out many pages of paper. It is really difficult for him to understand the character shown by Nioh.

  "Shirazu hasn't played much in the Kanto Tournament, and Agan, you also said that their school went outside to practice." "

  How did Nioh Masaharu achieve this?"

  Even Fuji didn't understand, Nioh is How do you make a character who you don't fully understand fully play into such a powerful role?

  "Maybe it's Zone,"

  Tezuka said after thinking about it a little bit.


  "Zone's power can maintain himself at 100% strength level."

  "Nioh Phantom's Shirazu must not be perfect, but Zone's power allows him to do the impossible."

  Then in With Fuji's confused eyes, Tezuka tried to answer this question.

  "Does that mean that by relying on the characteristics of Zone to exert 100% of the strength, Shirazu Tomosei, who is not a complete phantom, can be forced to that point?"

  Inui Sadaharu is really eye-opening. This is simply a fantasy trick.

  How could the combination of Zone and Nioh's phantom moves have such a terrifying effect?


  In the court, Niou hit 4 consecutive Rasengans in his serve, winning without any suspense.

  "Are you kidding?"

  "Is Shirazu-chan really that strong?"

  Kise has always been unsure of Shirazu's strength because the opponent always plays with him at an incomplete level.

  So much so that he was a little uncomfortable with Nioh's phantom of 100% Baijin.


  Midorima picked up the racket that was knocked away by the Rasengan, feeling somewhat unhappy.


  "So you should play ball seriously."

  Akaashi condemned someone in the seat.

  "How did I know that such an outrageous thing would happen?"

  Bai Jin shook his head, not intending to resist the blame.

  It's unbelievable that the power of Zone and Phantom can allow Niou to do this.

  Because Zone locks the person who opens it in the peak state, that is, 100% full strength.

  But Nioh is like a player stuck with a game bug. He changed his skin and evaded Zone's judgment.

  Then something magical happened, so that Nioh gained unwarranted power out of thin air.

  Originally, without information and observation, he could only perform around 60% of Phantom Shirazu's performance, which was considered the limit. As a result, the Zone effect directly allowed him to ignore the corresponding restrictions and reach 100%.

  what does that mean? In the future, if Nioh phantoms into a high school student like Byodoin, relying on the characteristics of Zone, he can perfectly display 100% of his strength level.

  What is this concept?

  This is not enough to send Nioh directly to the ceiling, but also to throw him into the universe.

  Do you not fully understand the moves and techniques and cannot fully utilize them?

  It doesn't matter!

  You gave me 100% of your five dimensions (speed, strength, physical strength, technology, mental strength)!

  I will crush the opponent to death with your most basic attributes!


  What a brutal and unreasonable combo.   

  (I always feel that the moves these people use to share the world view are amazing.)

  (And in his case...did Nanjiro Echizen directly reach the top with the help of the Zone Phantom?)

  Shirazu can no longer complain about the power of Nioh.

  Before, Tezuka formed the form of a power bank by tempering + Zone, but

  Akashi used Brilliance + Eye of the Emperor to become the Eye of Brilliance.

  Kise relied on his own imitation and selfless state to form a double imitation.

  Everyone is a combination of both worlds. The move system has become more NB.

  As a result, the Phantom + Zone of Nioh is really amazing.

  What dangerous chemicals? They explode when put together, right? And it's a nuclear explosion!





  "5-6! Rikkai University takes the lead!"

  There was even an astonishing reversal in the scene.

  It was 5-3 at the beginning. Beaten to 5-6

  "This is a little bad, Midorima."

  Panting, Kise looked at the changing situation and suddenly laughed bitterly.

  "That guy Shiraizu is really causing trouble!"

  Midorima said in a bad tone as he wiped his sweaty palms.

  Today's fortune is that Cancer is the first, but Aries is the second.

  Although Phantom Bai Jin's fortune cannot completely offset his fortune, the ball that cannot be controlled will be affected to some extent, and it will not be able to crush it like before.

  Although there will be times when you can score with one goal, you cannot score points with every goal.

  "It's really scary."

  "That kind of move is on par with your thunder."

  Yanagi Renji observed that the "Chidori" used by Nioh and the thunderous movement practiced by Sanada were both invisible. 's fastball lamented.

  "Hmph! Shirazu Chisei?"

  Sanada lowered the brim of his hat, but his eyes shifted to Teiko's seat.

  "Judging from Nioh's performance, their deputy minister is a great threat." "

  It's incredible."

  Not even Yukimura expected Nioh to perform like this, and what's even more concerning is Shirazu.

  This player who has never competed in the Kanto Tournament actually hides such strong strength.

  This is still not his complete situation.

  After all, even if Nioh relies on Zone to exert 100% of his basic strength, his moves will still be somewhat lacking.

  Having only "stealed" Chidori, Rasengan, Tiger Swing, and Power Swing, he could only use these moves.



  Suddenly, some people sensed something and all looked towards the venue.

  Yellow and green lightning flashed in the eyes of Kise and Midorima, indicating that they were about to go all out.

  Zone - Midorima Shintaro!

  Zone-Kise Ryota!

  With Nioh performing so well, Kise and Midorima could no longer leave any room.   Bai Jin, who is 100%

  without him , is too strong.   So strong that the two of them need to use all means to fight against him.   Yagyu's serve   was a bit out of place in the battlefield of three "big guys".   As soon as the ball hit the ground and bounced, Midorima hit it back,   "Squeak!!"   Then Nioh hit the Chidori, so fast that you could even feel the whistling and cracking sound of the wind pressure.   "Huh"   took a deep breath. Kise was already ready before Nioh took action.   White light covers the whole body.   Zone+ double imitation!   Although forcefully opening the second level BUFF like this will cause him to lose physical strength quickly, he can't take care of it at this critical moment.   Now it depends on who can't hold on to   Murasakibara's defensive moves first. Aomine's speed   "Bang!!!"   With the combination of the two, Kise finally catches up with the different Chidori and fights back!    


    I didn't expect Nioh to be so strong, right? To be honest, after thinking about it at first, I realized that the combination of Nioh and Zone is the most simple and unpretentious enhancement. After all, Nioh sometimes cannot fully display his true self, but Zone's 100% lock state allows him to do this. , it can be said to be a BUG. A wave of Zone judgments were stuck, which brought him to a whole new level. Although many times he only used basic five-dimensional attributes, but if the phantom object is strong enough, it would be too perverted. For example I'm talking about Nanjiro (laughing), but that's definitely not possible. There are still conditions and restrictions.

    I can only say that sometimes many characters combined with other skills can cause incredible qualitative changes. If the body can support it, it may be better than the main drama. The person inside is even stronger.

    Nioh indeed relied on Zone to get 100% of Shirazu's strength. Even if he didn't have complete moves and techniques, as long as he relied on these 100% attributes to defeat Chidori and Rasengan, it would be difficult for Kise and Midorima to deal with them.

    This is also his greatest achievement after special training, so it is his strongest trump card.

  (End of chapter)