Chapter 92. The unyielding emperor!


  After Sanada's "thunder" hit again, Shirazu counterattacked easily, indicating that the game was over.

  "What on earth is that?"

  Inui Sadaharu's hand holding the camera was trembling. As a data geek, he didn't understand what was happening on the court at all.

  "I didn't expect that someone at this age could reach such a height. It's amazing."

  "Kids, watch out, it's a world-class field."

  "It's not a child's play, nor is it a national-level master."

  Nan Jiro rarely explained seriously to the young people of Qingxue.

  "The world?"

  After saying these words for the first time, Fuji opened his eyes and whispered.

  Not the Kanto level, nor the national level players

  , but a more distant world?

  "Is that the height he is at?"

  Tezuka finally spoke, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

  Nanjiro also mentioned before that if he couldn't go further, he would never be a match for Shirazu Tomosei.

  In other words, he is already one "level" behind Bai Jin.

  And the gap is unimaginably big.

  From the whole country to the world.

  "To be honest, even if there is a professional player teaching me every day, he may not be as good as him." "

  So this kid is a real genius."

  "But look. It seems that his body is dragging down his performance."

  Nanjiro recalled the scene of the Tokyo Grand Competition, and then he was also very curious about how Shirazu trained.

  As he said, even if there is a professional player to teach him every day, it would be too scary to have such a level at this age.

  If his body hadn't been able to keep up with the intensity of his moves, he might have been called the strongest tennis player of the younger generation.

  "Please teach me a perfect trick!"

  But then, Tezuka turned around and bowed to Nanjiro and said seriously.


  Fuji, Oishi and others were suddenly surprised when they saw Tezuka's attitude.

  You must know that during the two months of training, Tezuka would only follow the training issued by Nanjiro and did not ask for anything too much.

  Even though he knew that Nanjiro was a senior in the realm of selflessness, he had never asked for advice or experience in this area.

  And now he actually asked Nanjiro to teach him the perfection of the last door to the realm of selflessness?

  "Hey, kid, before that, please answer me a question."


  "Why do you play tennis?"


  In response to Tezuka's request, Nanjiro did not answer directly, but asked in return. stand up.

  This question stunned Tezuka for a moment.

  What is he playing tennis for?

  If in the drama, he originally competed in the Youth Academy World Championship to become a professional player, then now he does not have that kind of "responsibility" and ambition.

  So, he frowned and thought for a while, and finally gave the answer.

  "Because I like playing tennis."

  Tezuka's answer made Nanjiro smile with satisfaction. He turned to look at the young boy in front of him. His innocent and pure attitude was really nostalgic.

  (Ryoma, it seems that someone can finally be ahead of you.)

  I sighed inwardly, but Nanjiro no longer had the usual carelessness.

  "That's right."

  He then said as if he agreed, and then said nothing further.

  Hearing this, Tezuka immediately turned his head and continued to look at the game.

  He did not continue to ask Nanjiro what "seamless" was or whether Nanjiro agreed.

  Since Nanjiro did not refuse, this alone was enough.

  "Tezuka. You are indeed a person worth trusting."

  Yamato looked at the little figure from behind, feeling somewhat determined in his heart.

  (But not now)

  Although he had already liked Tezuka as the pillar of Qingxue, he also realized a problem.

  He could not hand over this heavy pressure to Tezuka prematurely.

  This was also the reason why Rikkai University, Teikou, and Hyōtei had all recruited first-year ministers, but their youth schools remained indifferent.

  He didn't want other factors to interfere with Tezuka for the time being.

  It now appears that his choice may have been the right one.

  Because from Nanjiro's attitude and words, he sensed some key points.

  Only Tezuka, who puts everything aside and plays sincerely, can reach the last door.

  In this case, the "minister" and his responsibilities cannot be entrusted to him during this period.

  (Go, Tezuka, you don't have to carry anything, just challenge as you please!)

  (Until you are satisfied!)

  (Until then, I will temporarily take this position)


  "2-0! "

  You seem to be determined to make the same mistake again."

  Shirazu said ruthlessly after using "The World" to counter Sanada's "Thunder" again.


  Sanada's face looked a little pale, and his knees seemed a little bright red.

  Now, even though he has undergone extensive training, it is still difficult for him to withstand the "backlash" brought by Lei.

  And Bai Jin's "The World" repeatedly made "Thunder" useless, causing him to just waste his energy.

  If he continues to make thunder, he may really become like Nioh and be carried away.

  "Invasion like fire!!"

  This time, he used another move in response to the ball.




  He was blown away by the violent tornado and knocked to the ground in embarrassment, but he still got up.

  "It's as fast as the wind!!"

  "It's as fast as a blast!!"


  "Invasion is like fire!!"

  "It's as fast as a blast!!

  " "It's as motionless as a mountain!!"


  "Invasion Like fire!!"

  "Blast flow burst!"

  "Qi Xu Rulin!!"

  "3-0!! Teiko Middle School is in the lead!!"

  It was completely cracked, whether it was the fast hitting of Qi Rufeng or the iron Neither the wall-like motionlessness like a mountain nor the slowness like a forest that dissolves the rotation can stop the explosive flow.

  Sanada almost spent this round rolling and getting up.


  Outside the court, Yukimura clenched his hands and shouted tremblingly.

  Even Liu Renji, Bunta, and Kuwahara had solemn expressions.


  In the stands, Atobe did not speak arrogantly or make any sarcasm at this time.

  In his opinion, Sanada is already strong.

  Even if he faces Sanada now, the chance of winning is not 100%.

  But even so, Sanada was beaten so hard by Shirazu that he was unable to fight back.

  "Your Feng Lin Huo Shan has no effect on me,"

  Bai Jin said seriously, looking at Sanada who still wanted to stand up and continue.

  Although there is still Yin, he won't take this trick.

  The only thing that works is Thunderbolt, which has no meaning at all in front of the "world".

  "Moves like thunder!!!"

  But Sanada still didn't give up and hit "thunder" again!

  His persistence is beyond people's imagination.

  "I told you, it's useless!!"

  Another time-out followed by explosive flow, easily hitting back the "Thunder"!


  His whole body was swept by the storm, and he rolled several times on the ground. Sanada fell to the ground.



  "Invasion... like fire!!"

  "Set fire with the serve!!"

  He stood up again and held the ball in his hands. Even though his body screamed, he still hit the serve. go out.




  But the next ball was directly hit back by Shirazu with Chidori. He tried to counterattack with "Move Like Thunder", but due to his physical injury, he still couldn't. A step slower.

  "Sanada!! That's enough!"

  Seeing Sanada's unsteady appearance, Yukimura couldn't bear to shout.

  That's enough, there's no need to continue!


  After a while, Sanada's dilated pupils regained their light slightly, and he still hit the ball firmly.

  "Moves like thunder!!!"

  Facing the return ball, he still used "thunder" without hesitation!



  It was unknown how many times he was knocked to the ground by Bakuro, but Sanada still stood up unsteadily.

  "Moves like thunder!!!"





  He fell to the ground. Sanada still tried to stand up this time, but the pain stopped. His behavior made it very difficult for him.


  In the field, Sanada endured the pain and struggled to stand up.

  He can't fall down like this!

  It can't end like this without scoring a single point!

  He promised Yukimura and others that he would win!

  In this case, we can't stop here!

  His body swayed from side to side, his legs trembled, and he finally stood up unconsciously.

  The bruises on his legs and knees, the abrasions on various parts of his body, and the constant flow of sweat all showed his scarred and tired posture.

  Tenacious and unyielding...this is the growing emperor!

  (End of chapter)