Chapter 113. Coherence VS Connection!

  During the break in the exchange of venues, Oishi and Kikumaru stood next to Nanjiro in silence.

  "What's wrong, little brats, this won't work?"

  Nanjiro looked at the two people in a gloomy atmosphere and said with a smile.

  "It's still very early!"

  Kikumaru took a sip of the drink and shouted unwillingly.

  "What about you? Your partners are still so active, but you are so listless."

  Nanjiro glanced at Oishi, and then asked.


  Hearing this, Dashi said in a shocked voice as if he understood something.

  Then Kikumaru and Oishi looked at each other, then reached out and pinched each other's cheeks.

  "It hurts!"

  "It hurts!!"

  Looking at the red cheeks of the two of them, Nanjiro laughed.

  (This is just right. Even at the last moment, you should trust each other. This is the path you should take.)

  (Don't worry about your opponents. Believe in the tacit understanding between you. Even if you are in a desperate situation, you will be able to win. It should be easier to touch.)

  Although he usually doesn't care, Nanjiro still educates them.

  After all, he still wanted to see how these young people with their youthful roots grew up.




  This time, Oishi and Kikumaru did not use any one-on-one one-on-one method, but returned to the previous doubles mode.

  The tacit understanding between each other was once again demonstrated.

  "But your playing style, Xiao Heizi can see through it at a glance!"

  For Heizi, who is proficient in doubles, there is nothing easier to crack than this.

  Whether it's secret signals, eye contact, movement, or formation changes, Heizi can easily know the purpose behind them.




  "Oops, if this round is won, the situation is basically over."

  It has almost reached a critical moment. If the score is scored, it will almost be over. Declared the end of the game.

  After all, no matter how hard he struggled, as long as it was Kise Ryota's turn to serve, he would be able to rely on imitation to hit a serve that was absolutely impossible to catch.

  "Get ready to end it!!"

  Kise jumped high and raised his hand to smash the ball back.

  White light enveloped both sides, connecting them like threads intertwined.

  The golden eyes foreshadowed the changes in the two of them.




  Kise and Kuroko were shocked when the smash was counterattacked.

  "The miracle of doubles that can only happen in a critical moment with no way out."


  "Their hearts that always believed in their partner's style of play resonated."

  Coach Sakaki stood on the high platform, paying attention to the bottom. Holding a list in his hand, he murmured under his breath.

  After thinking for a while, he finally wrote Oishi and Kikumaru's names on the list.

  "Is that the legendary synchrony?"

  Akashi stared at the two of them with interest for a while, and said in a calm tone.

  "This is also the first time I've seen it."

  Bai Jin nodded and observed carefully.

  Just how effective homology is, is only anecdotal.

  However, some professional doubles players have said that it is absurd to say that if you cannot synchronize, you cannot dominate the world.

  "It looks like the state of selflessness."

  Momoi sighed at the sacred gesture and picked up the video recorder to take pictures.

  On the court, Oishi and Kikumaru were like "dolls" connected together. Their movements were highly unified, and even their counterattack and running postures were exactly the same.





  Then Oishi and Kikumaru started to regain the situation with almost fierce momentum.   


  Heizi sighed, somewhat envious.


  is obviously called the miracle of doubles, but he doesn't seem to have any fate with this at the moment.

  "However, I will also prove that doubles is not just about synchronization."

  Kuroko lowered his body, waiting for Kikumaru's serve, and said in a low voice.

  "Are you going to use that? Heizi?"

  Hearing Heizi's words, Kise suddenly became excited and said.

  "Kise-kun, how high can you improve today?"

  "Haha, I don't know."

  There was an exchange of unclear meaning, and the two of them talked about secrets that others did not know.

  "Let's start."

  Akashi looked at the performance of the two and knew that the two were about to use the secret moves they had practiced in the mountains.

  "Only he can do this."

  "A new originator of doubles is about to appear."

  Bai Jin also knew what would appear next, which was the new "miracle of doubles" developed by Kuroko and Kise during training.

  Others may think that Teiko sent Kise and Kuroko just to disrupt the formation.

  But aren't they hiding some unique tricks here?

  Under everyone's gaze, Kise and Kuroko also experienced strange changes.

  Unlike Oishi Kikumaru's white light, the two of them were surrounded by dark blue light.

  Many people were surprised and suspicious for a while.

  "Threads and arrows?"

  Strange lines even appeared on Kise and Kuroko's bodies, but at the end of the lines were arrows.

  "It's only up to the level of connection 2."

  "But it should be enough." It was

  obvious that it could reach the limit of connection 3 in the past, but

  today it only reaches connection 2.

  Bai Jin looked at the situation of the two people and said calmly.


  By "connecting" with others, you can gain doubles moves with unknown power.

  Different from the tacit combination effect of synchronization, where the two people are connected, connection makes the two people more inclined to their own strength, which is somewhat similar to ability resonance.

  The more advanced they are, the more powerful they are.

  Kuroko and Kise, who were once connected to 3, even surprised Akashi and Shirazu.

  To see the level of connection, just look at the arrow lines on the two people.

  Coherence VS connection!



  For the first time, Kuroko and Kise easily fought back against Oishi and Kikumaru who were in sync.

  "Such a fast ball speed."

  "And that swing speed is simply a level higher than before."

  Inui Sadaharu held the stopwatch, completely unaware of what was happening.

  "Oh, are all the young people nowadays having such a good time?"

  Nanjiro touched his chin, stared at Kise and Kuroko for a while and said.

  When did such a move appear in doubles again?



  "5-3!! Teiko Junior High School is ahead!!" A

  surprising reversal

  "That player who is clearly invisible, his performance is even better than Kise Ryo's It's not that much different."

  Liu Ren'er frowned, comparing the difference before and felt shocked.

  "Indeed, his running, swinging and other movements are much faster than before."

  "Even the force of hitting the ball is different."

  "What is the principle of this?"

  After watching it for a while, Sanada realized that it was that wonderful thing. It's caused by moves, but what's the principle?

  "This time it seems to be a simple five-dimensional improvement."

  Momoi fumbled for a while and roughly understood the effect obtained by the two people.

  "It seems like this."

  Bai Jin didn't see the two of them showing any new abilities. He only noticed that their physical abilities had improved.

  In terms of playing cards, Kise and Kuroko's attack power and defense power have increased.

  This is the "monster effect" they summoned to link2 this time.

  (End of chapter)