Chapter 122. The excited crowd!

  God's Declaration

  is an extremely rogue mental move

  , or it can be said to be a different mental dimension.

  It can invalidate the opponent's skills and cause them to lose points. It can be said to be an enhanced version of Tezuka's Phantom.

  The conditions for use are also very simple. There is no need for any physical contact or communication, but just bombard the opponent with mental power.

  Tezuka had already hit "God's Declaration" just now, so that the zero serve failed and he lost points.

  Bai Jin had never used this move before, after all, few people could let him use it.

  This move is simply the natural enemy of the zero serve, tannhäuser serve, and phoenix serve.

  Once hit, the designated moves will be invalidated and points will be lost in this round.

  Although the price of use is a bit high, it is still within Bai Jin's acceptance range.

  That is to consume half of one's mental energy. It can be used up to three times in a game.

  The moves used to deal with strong opponents can be said to be the biggest trump card.

  Because this is equivalent to blocking those players who rely on serving to score.

  He was unable to use his favorite moves for at least three games, which could instantly crush his opponent during the game.




  The score difference instantly narrowed to 3 points, and all of Tezuka's zero serves went out of bounds the first time.

  "Does that kid have more than one dimension?"

  At this moment, even Nanjiro had to look solemn.

  I have never encountered such a thing.

  A player has both a perfect suit and a different dimension at the same time.

  He even has more than one "different dimension".

  So what kind of faith and spiritual power do you have?

  The reason why Tezuka made a mistake in serving was because he hit the opponent's different dimension. Nanjiro was convinced of this.

  It can make Tezuka, who is flawless, be attacked. This different dimension is very powerful and has no solution.

  You know, in a seamless state, many mental moves cannot have an impact on it.

  For example, Yukimura's Five Senses

  : "Hey, Master, are these really junior high school students competing?"

  In the stands, Byodoin was silent for a long time and then asked the "dad" next to him.

  He couldn't imagine what kind of monster would come to this junior high school after he just graduated and left?

  One of them would be perfect.

  The other not only suppressed the former, but also showed overwhelming strength

  in the move that exuded red aura. If he could learn it, he would be confident that he could return to the training camp and defeat all the ghosts.

  "It's hard to imagine."

  "But this is the junior high school world today."

  "Byodoin, there are immeasurable juniors behind you chasing after you."

  The father was unmoved, but gently opened the tea cup and took a sip of tea. He said slowly.

  Hexagonal Center even lost extremely badly this year, but Dad also knew that it was impossible to do, so he didn't care.

  "Hey, isn't that more interesting?"

  "Master, after watching this game, please let me continue my mental training!"

  I haven't been beaten by the world yet, and Byodoin is far from that "domineering" .

  If he had disdained the competition of junior high school students before, now he was watching with concentration.


  "Is that how powerful he really is?"

  "Not at the same level at all."

  There were beads of sweat on Hinata Yueto's face, and his tone was full of trembling.

  If Bai Jin hadn't shown up at all before, they wouldn't have been able to realize the gap between them.

  But just by watching this game, one can notice the huge gap.

  It is a strength that even Tezuka, who is so perfect, cannot match.

  There is also a gap between world-class players.

  "What an incredible monster. Shirazu Tomosei."

  "What's wrong? Everyone in Tatekai Dai didn't say a word. Have you lost your courage?"

  Atobe suddenly laughed, stared carefully, and then turned to face shouted to Yukimura and others next to him.

  "Idiot! How is that possible!!"

  "I have to work harder until I catch up with them!"   

  Sanada shouted angrily in an instant. The strength of his opponent would not make him surrender, but would only make him work harder to achieve this goal.

  If Feng Lin Huo's Yin Thunder doesn't work, then become stronger!

  Come out with stronger Feng Lin Huo Yin Thunder!

  "Is it world-class?"

  Yukimura has indeed realized how huge the gap is between the country and the world.

  Before he had a deep understanding, he probably couldn't imagine how difficult the road ahead would be.

  But Tezuka and Shirazu showed that journey.

  Then Yukimura's goal is very simple

  before the start of the national competition, leading Tatekai to work hard to the limit.

  Just like Sanada said, the strength of their opponents will not stop them, it will only give them more motivation to move forward.

  Since you are standing on the top of the world, I will try my best to catch up and see the scenery above.

  The Son of God has a new goal.

  "Is this the right thing?"

  Atobe continued to chuckle after hearing this. After knowing the true strength of Shirazu and Tezuka, it would not bother them.

  (The national competition is not like Kanto.)

  It would be false to say that you don't want to win the championship, but if you really want to win, both Teikou and Seigaku will have to overcome the mountains.

  They will seize every opportunity to catch up.

  "Wait for me!!!"


  "How about we go back?"

  "Haizaki-kun, what are you talking about?"

  "I feel like tennis has become very important at the moment. Strange."

  "How can someone who likes to snatch things be qualified to comment like this?"

  Haizaki, Sengoku, and Akutsu stood on the high platform and communicated with each other, but there was no doubt that Haizaki was shocked.

  The world-class confrontation really frightened him.

  No matter which side it was, it gave him an irresistible thought.

  Dao's heart was broken, and the family...

  "You can go back."

  "But I will take you back in an ambulance."

  Akutsu said seriously, disgusted with his sluggish appearance.


  Hearing this, Haizaki shut up

  and couldn't walk away. He couldn't beat him anymore. He really regretted bringing Akutsu over to play tennis.

  "What the world. What the world."

  "Wait for me!"

  Akutsu said with a fierce tone, his eyes fixed on the two people in the center of the field.


  "It seems that I underestimated him too much."

  Tezuka was resting on his seat, covered with a towel and thinking about something, but Nanjiro beside him spoke to him.


  "I originally thought he was just hiding a perfect match, but now it seems that my idea at the time was completely wrong."

  Nanjiro said in a relaxed tone after admitting that he was wrong for the first time.

  I used to think that Tezuka's perfect clothes could force Shiratsu's perfect clothes to come out, but now it seems that it's impossible.

  That guy was not as strong as a junior high school student at all.

  "Young man, don't worry too

  much." Without further elaboration, Nanjiro asked him. This time he miscalculated, but he won't do it again.

  (You brat, wait for me, I have to see what you are hiding.)

  Touching his chin, Nanjiro turned to look at Bai Jin not far away, and made another decision in his heart.

  But then Tezuka also answered his previous question.

  "I will try my best to hit the last ball!"

  His eyes were still so sharp, shrouded in cyan light, and he was not confused at all.

  (End of chapter)