Opening Ceremony

After Adarsh returned home, all he could think of were the words Rajawat had said. Those words appeared to be earnest and sincere, however, the disdain he had for the Adarsh's Family, and toward himself, was very evident.

_Can't even become a Primary-level Magician?_

"Your father, I, will make you eat those words!"

Adarsh admitted there was a period of time where he and the Little Princess, Nandini, were very close with each other. However, the young him did not know what kind of disaster this would bring to his poverty-struck family. From that day on, Adarsh finally realized that a social class difference existed.

"Adarsh, hahaha! I have solved your problem! I gave a call to an old friend of mine, and it turns out he's doing really well now. He is the chairman of School of Magic. He said if you can diligently cultivate magic, then he could allow you to enter School of Magic and let you awaken your Elemental Magic. This kind of opportunity only comes once in a lifetime, so you really need to do your best this time, alright?" The yellow faced Vikram entered the home with a smile, as he patted Adarsh on his shoulders.

Adarsh looked at his father's joyous smile. If he was his normal self, he would also be happy and celebrate this by drinking a cup of white wine with his father. However, how could he still believe in his father's honest and bright laugh after knowing the truth? What made Adarsh have even less faith in his respectable father was that no one else respected him in their society.

"Really? That's really good! That's definitely my dad; he fixes whatever issues come our way. Haha!" At last, Adarsh finally wore a smiling face, as he reached his arms around his father's shoulders.

"Of course! Who do you think your father is?" Vikram thought this kid's bullshit was really well done, so the smile on his face grew increasingly wider.

The father and son still had a few cups left. While they were drinking, Vikram tactfully said, "Adarsh, you should live in the dorms. I'm planning on renting out the house so we can get a bit more money for ourselves."

Adarsh already knew that this house had basically been sold to Rajawat. This lousy house holds no value in itself, however, the land is inside the city area so it's price was very high.

"Alright, I'll do that. I don't come back very often anyway. It's just… What about Radha…" Adarsh said as he pretended to not know the truth.

"Radha is staying with your aunt. To be honest, it's not easy for two men like us to take care of Radha. That girl is very sensible, so there's no need for us to worry about her," Vikram said.

"In that case, I understand. Make sure you come and visit me often in school," Adarsh said.

"I will. Alright, I'm tired. I'll head off to sleep first. You should go to school tomorrow," Vikram finished the last cup of white wine and stood up swaying.

Adarsh saw him turn around. Seeing his back made him suddenly remember of something.

_I will live in school, and Radha will stay with our aunt. We have found a place, but where is this man going to live?

Ultimately, Adarsh didn't bring up the issue.

In fact, Vikram was willing to make these sacrifices because he believed it was the duty and honor of a father. He wanted to let his son know that he should study in peace, and that he would help him solve any issues that he couldn't solve by himself.

Besides, Adarsh also understood that if he were to bring the issue up it would only make Vikram feel sorrow and shame. After all, what man doesn't want to be an awesome father who can fix everything for his son?

Adarsh couldn't bring it up. Other people might disrespect his father, but he wouldn't!

This broken house… So what if we don't live here? At most in three years , after I have achieved a great level in magic studies, I will have anything I want.

In this society, Magic is respect!

I will become an indomitable Master Magician!


The two months of summer break went past really quickly. Adarsh felt as though he had been dropped into a sea of books.

There were all sorts of books in School of Magic. Furthermore, the books concerning Magic were just like science books: complicated, numerous and offering a genuine significance to what knowledge they could offer.

However, Adarsh had reaped a great harvest. At the very least, he was no longer an illiterate… _Oh, Magic illiterate! Adarsh had basically grasped all the knowledge from the nine years of compulsory Magic education. His hidden potential was unleashed as he was pushed to the very depth of his desperation.

The school started on the first of September. The opening day held great importance for all the Magic students. This was due to taking part in the most important step for all students entering the world of Magicians; they would determine what kind of Elemental Magician each would become.

Awakening, just as the name sounds, involved awakening the hidden powers within your body.

"Little brat! I wish you luck. Best you awaken the fire element. That will allow you to hold an advantage over other Magic students. Although the other elements are quite alright, among the Primary-level Magicians, the Fire element is the best when it comes to battle prowess. Oh, Rock element isn't bad either… nor is Wind element…" the Chief Supervisor of the Library, Old Man Prasad said.

Adarsh replied in agreement without understanding him. When this Old Man started talking, he just didn't stop.

The truth was, Adarsh was unable to sleep last night. To him, the awakening today wasn't just a change of fate for him, but also an unprecedented attempt. In his original world, things like Magic simply did not exist. However, today he was finally able to wholeheartedly grasp this experience.

His little heart was leaping and frisking about.


Adarsh was placed in class 8, with his student number being 48.

There was nothing he could've done about it. He practically entered the school from the backdoor.

The higher up the student number, the higher the score they received during the Magic Middle School Exams. It was said that when a person of higher number awakened and received an element, their speed in cultivating the magic was much faster compared to a regular person. This was because their understanding toward Magic was much better, thus, cultivating it was also much easier for them.

As luck would have it, the number one in class 8 just happened to be Adarsh's old classmate, Kunal.

Kunal was actually from the Agrawal Family. It seemed that he was not from the main family though. The reason as to why Kunal always looked down on Adarsh was, naturally, because of his status within the Agrawal Mansion. He was considered as a little Young Master, whereas Adarsh was the son of a servant, thus also a servant.

Unfortunately for this lad, he's just a child of the branch. He was nowhere near a princess like Nandini Agrawal. Kunal had used every tactic to court Nandini, however, she only ignored him.

Kunal's grades in magic were really good. Within the Agrawal family, he was one of those who received extra attention. It was said that if he awakened the element of the Agrawal Family, the Ice Element, his future cultivation speed would increase several times. After all, the Agrawal Family had many resources they could offer. The other families simply couldn't compare with what the Agrawal Family could provide to a child from a branch of the family.

"Class, congratulations on admittance. Presumably, many of you have been waiting for the emotional time today, but before that, there are many things I need to say to everyone." On the Great Magic Grounds, all of the 1500 new students were divided into twenty classes, forming into squads, as they stood neatly next to each other. They looked magnificent!

"Students, do you know what it means to become a Mage?"

"No matter what kind of Mage you turn out to be, do not forget that we magicians exist to further allow humanity to grow. We protect the most important mission of humanity. Do not forget that outside of this safe city, there are countless Magical Beasts watching us like a tiger watches his prey."

As the Headmaster's speech came to an end, he finally came to the part everyone was looking forward to most.

"Alright, you will begin the awakening ceremony today. I hope you will become rising stars in the future world of magic!"

As the Old Headmaster's words were said, the students on the grounds could no longer hold back the joy in their hearts.

Who doesn't want to wield flaming fires that brim with the power to destroy your enemies? Who doesn't want to wield ice and freeze the world over? Who doesn't want to dominate and gallop across the world with arrogance? Who doesn't want to wield the power of earth and resist invaders?

Within innumerable stories, videos, and movies there are many heroes who are worshipped. Furthermore, this motivates these students to become a certain kind of Magician. Today is their first step into that journey to become a Mage who roams the territories of the Magical Beasts outside of the city, or to rule the city of Magic with their paramount powers.

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Translator: Abhay Mishra

Editor: Abhay Mishra

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