Dawn's golden glow roused Seraphina from fitful dreams of shadows encroaching upon fields of wheat. She rose, her thoughts restless, as in the gardens below, Grace tended medicinal herbs with the tranquil song of finding joy in the arm's of the Lord.
A presence disturbed the peace. Valiant approached cautiously. Dark tidings bear me posthaste from the border villages. Shadowfall's forces advance, burning all in their path. Leonidas has called for Radiance's defenders. War is upon us.
Smoke drifting on bitter winds told of the suffering ahead should Malachi's ambitions go unchecked. Seraphina steeled her resolve, binding her chestnut tresses with steel. This darkness seeks to snuff out all light, but its flame shall not die while even one stands against it!
Solomon nodded gravely. Your ancestors kept vigil through Etherea's darkest hours; this trial is but one more shadow you were born to banish. Victory favors those with God as their refuge. Now go—hope rides on your faith in him!
Seraphina joined her comrades, descending marble stairs encircled by columns into the throne room, aglow with dawn. Leonidas awaited upon his dais, flanked by banners dancing merrily until Valiant delivered grim news, extinguishing their cheer.
The king rose slowly, his eyes burning with righteous fury. My people, a storm gathers but shall not defeat us! For too long, Malachi has poisoned Etherea with fear and darkness—no more! Warriors of Radiance, with me! Our champion, Seraphina, shall lead the charge! Her gift from the Creator was forged to vanquish shadows, and with us behind her blade, none can stand against the light of the Almighty!
A roar rose to shake the ceilings as spears clashed upon breastplates. Under a crystalline dome, Seraphina addressed the hosts, mustering. People of Etherea, the hour has come to defend all we hold dear against the darkness! But have faith in our Savior, for with his virtue and light as our armor, his truth as our weapon, and each other as brothers and sisters, none can prevail over us! Victory shall be ours in the name of El Shaddai!
Her comrades echoed the cry as one. That evening, preparations were both material and spiritual. In the starlit arena, Seraphina honed sword techniques and prayed to God late into the night until her muscles burned, fueled by visions of Malachi and her determination to defeat him through her Creator's guidance.
Rest would give her strength for the battles to come. As crickets' lullabies soothed fraying nerves and dreams showed green fields unmarred by shadow, she took heart that with such allies standing firm against the tide, tyranny would not prevail while even one soul remembered what it meant to hope. Dawn would show if their fortitude could withstand Malachi's onslaught, but for now, in dreams of days untroubled by fear and peace from El Shaddai, Seraphina found solace.