Dawn's golden light roused Seraphina from slumber. She donned gleaming mail, her heart lighter than when carrying Etherea's weight, and departed Shadowfall's crumbling gates.
Beyond mist-wreathed crags, sunlight cleansed wastes once steeped in malice. Where warped soil had been, emerald shoots now pierced the earth, heralding rebirth. Even in pits of sorrow, redemption's seeds may take fertile root.
Radiance's spires rose in the distance beneath a cerulean sky. At the gates, trumpets sang for a conquering hero. Citizens cheered as Seraphina and Solomon joined Leonidas atop the palace steps.
The king raised a hand. People of Etherea, shadows no longer hang heavy upon our realm! Thanks to our valiant champion, Seraphina, Malachi's tyranny has been cast down and the Shadow Lord has fled! Eternal glory and honor be sung to El Shaddai in thanks!
Roars shook golden domes in acclamation. That night at the king's banquet, harps played merrily while dancers whirled. Seraphina smiled amid merriment yet reflected solemnly upon those who could not rejoice this blessed day.
Solomon appeared gently beside her. Though loved ones cannot be here in form, their spirits live on in memories that shaped who we are. Take solace that, through your endeavor and faith in the Creator, all who gave their lives knew it was not in vain.
His reassurance soothed the sorrow's ache. She decided then to pay respects at dawn before continuing her journey. Beneath willow boughs weeping crystalline petals on the grass, Seraphina knelt silently in remembrance of Grace's kindness and Valiant's valor that had lit her footsteps through darkness.
Footsteps approached unexpectedly; figures emerged shimmering ethereally. Grace smiled, golden tresses crowned in crystals, arm-in-arm with Valiant, whose plate gleamed star-bright. Dearest friend, know that through your courage, light has been rekindled where tyranny once stomped out. Etherea is freed, and for that we rejoice!
Seraphina embraced wispy forms, radiating solace and purpose. Through trials overcome and lives given, the Realm of Radiance now blossomed free in El Shaddai, and for that, her heart could only know gratitude. But mysteries still lingered...
That evening, amid flickering taper flames, Solomon appeared grave. Your amnesia resulted from evil's attack on your people, the Dawnborn. Through compassion, you defended the helpless against shadows. Now that your role is fulfilled, it is time to rejoin your loved ones across the veil.
Seraphina closed her eyes, letting veil-shrouded moments resurface—a village ablaze, guarding the innocent against horrors, giving her life so that they might find hope. Her purpose was clear now.
Solomon smiled proudly. You walked the hero's path, young Resplendence, heeding the light of El Shaddai and following his call with courage. Now go! Etherea will tell of your tale for countless generations, a beacon of hope defeating even the most sinister of shadows. Her heart swelled seeing loved ones and the Creator beckoning, his flame reigniting her soul for the final time before passing beyond memory's shores into legends yet to be told for ages untold, the triumph of El Shaddai's love over all darkness eternal.