
Life of a Loftwind

Orion looked at the fireplace in silent shock after Artemis had disappeared through it. The other men in the room said nothing, it was as if the room itself was holding its breath. He let out a groan of frustration.

"What in the world is wrong with that woman!?" Very unlike Orion, he hit his own desk in frustration.

"Pardon me, but did Artemis Announce that 'Burns is here'?" Septimus said from his desk with a frown on his face.

"As in Vanessa Burns? The vile Gryffindor that was one of her tormentors way back when?" Everyone looked at him in alarm.

"She would not have reacted like that if it was not her. No way she would be lying." Zacharias said while taking out his wand to spell the ink on his shirt away.

"She did say that she was coming back though. All we gotta do is wait I suppose." He continued after his shirt was clean again. Orion looked at them all in frustration.

"How can all of you be so calm about this? She just left!" The other three looked at Orion like he had just said the name of you-know-who out loud. Cyril looked at him with an angry expression.

"I'm sorry Silver, but do you not trust her at all? You have been bonded with the woman for over ten years. So either go after her or stay put and wait." Orion looked at him and was tempted to reach for his wand but left it in its holster.

"Fine. But I will go and keep an eye on Malfoy and find out if it really is Burns. You stay here." The two men looked at each other in challenge for a minute. Cyril sat down in his seat again in the end and Orion took that as a win.

"Send me a Patronus the second she is back again." The blond told Septimus, and the other man simply nodded. After giving Cyril another angry look he went out of the office door and started his walk towards the Defence classroom.




Eminence awoke to the sunlight shining through the window over her bed. She groggily sat up and reached over to her nightstand for her dream diary to note down what she had just dreamt. The diary was half full, and already quite tattered from several years of use by a sleepy woman. Satisfied that the dream was properly kept, she stumbled out of bed, out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, not really waking up until she already had two toasted sandwiches in her hands and heard the kettle boiling.

The tall witch set her breakfast on a plate on her small dining table, but as she stepped over to the counter to make herself a nice cup of tea she was taken aback slightly. She had set out two cups this morning. This was of course not the first time, and knowing what this meant she approached her cupboard and simply let her hands do what they already knew too, retrieving chamomile leaves for herself, and ginseng for her yet-to-be-known visitor.

"Ginseng? Hmm… Artemis? Or no, maybe Lucia…" She wondered out loud. The blond knew at least that she wouldn't have to wonder for long, so she simply brewed the tea and sat down to eat. As she finished the last few bites of her morning meal and started tidying up, she felt an impulse to head over to her front door and opened it, much to Artemis' surprise who nearly fell forward as she knocked on thin air.

"Are you not going to let me knock anymore? You did that last time too." The brunette exclaimed. "Oh dear, you look practically unstable! Come in, sit down!" Eminence replied, ushering her friend inside and across the shop floor to the kitchen whistling as she went.

The shop was roomy with a high ceiling with the wooden support beams clearly visible, and hanging from them was a cast iron chandelier lit up by a crown of twelve candles. The four walls of the shop were old naked brick, covered in chalk residue of multiple colours from Eminence's earlier inspirations. The counter was an old wooden bar counter, and the shelves did not match at all, as they were of much lighter coloured wood, but the aura of "do it yourself" that was evident in the shop, made it all feel so much more welcoming. The far wall across from the kitchen, where the front door to the shop stood, had two large windows to the left of the door, facing out to a back alley, with two shelves placed in front of them, filled with all sorts of nick knacks for sale. However, vials, ingredients, potion bottles of different sizes, papers, quills and all sorts of other things covered almost every surface of the shop otherwise. To an untrained eye, it was a complete mess but to the tall witch, all made sense. Everything had a place and, for the most part, knew where everything was.

"I hope you had breakfast, I had already put away most for my own. Your tea is ready." She announced, pushing the already brewed cup towards her guest.

"It's ginseng, I know you appreciated that last. Tried to guess who it was for, but didn't get it right. It was a simple coin toss too!" The blond admitted freely.

"Thank you. I've already had lunch!" The brunette looked at her friend with a frown before continuing.

"The wand's broken again, and I have to be back as soon as possible." She paused for a second before adding.

"Someone else in the world likes ginseng?"

"Oh. I suppose it might be late, I haven't looked outside. Sunrise comes later every day now. And I keep telling you it's not broken, just empty. I thought it might be Lucia, do you know her?" Artemis set down her cup for a moment.

"I think I remember her. A Ravenclaw right? Short jet-black hair? At least back then." Eminence nodded, and reached for the cup with an open hand, asking if the brunette was finished. Seeing no protest, she scooped it up and headed over to the sink.

"Let's see to that wand then. I'm running quite low on pure crystals, so I'm not sure I can make certain it lasts very long this time." Heading into her workshop, Eminence started sorting through the piles of papers, vials and assorted components that were strewn across one of the desks, whistling all the while.

"There we are!" Exclaimed the tall blonde suddenly, triumphantly displaying what she had finally found. Which was her wand.

"I know you're a muggleborn and all but how do you keep losing it? You really should be keeping it nearby when you sleep." Uttered an astonished Artemis.

"Oh I usually do, it's been an awfully inconvenient morning. Nothing I'm not used to considering I grew up without all this, but you know. Accio!" Holding the wand limply in her right hand, Eminence stretched out her left hand toward the bedroom. Suddenly sensing danger, the short brunette dodged out of the way as a small circular device came flying out of the bedroom toward the witch's hand.

"Oh, sorry! I usually set this to work before anyone arrives, I almost hit you in the head because of routine!" She set down the machine on the floor, pressed a button on its top and watched as it started darting around the floor, notably avoiding the rune scribbles.

"You know, it takes quite some figuring out to make a Roomba avoid magical inscriptions." Artemis, having seemingly gathered her senses after almost being bludgeoned by muggle technology, scowled at her blonde friend.

"Really sorry. Can I have your wand, please? I'll get right to replacing that core for you."

"You're lucky you are difficult to be mad at." Artemis muttered in response, handing off her defective wand. Knowing not to challenge that utterance, Eminence moved to the empty desk nearest the door and set her guest's wand aside. She started drawing glyphs across the surface of the desk with her fingers, whistling meanwhile.

"What is that song? It's the same one as earlier." Artemis noted.

"What? Oh, I didn't realise. I've had this song in my head all morning, it's—" She suddenly froze for two very long seconds.

"Oh. Subtle. It's called Demon's Kiss. Thanks, brain, couldn't pick a cornier way to try to tell me huh." Artemis just rolled her eyes and shook her head. Within a minute the glyph was finished, and Eminence picked up the wand and held it above its centre. The drawings activated with a dim sheen, and the wand disassembled itself into some fifteen separate pieces, all floating around in the air above the table surface. In the middle of it all, was an orange and grey speckled crystal which the woman retrieved, being careful not to bump into anything else.

"Your magic is so beautiful, I love the patterns on these. It's a shame I haven't been able to find any way to actually activate them without your hands. I know you're a unique source for them, but they do contain magic of their own…" She continued talking as she retrieved a smaller-sized crystal piece from the messy desk across the room, but this one was a brilliant sky blue. The tall witch carefully held it in the same place where she had removed the other, waited a moment, and let go as soon as the glyph below pulsed slightly. The gem remained suspended, and moments later the wand reassembled itself around it.

"As usual, you pick how you pay. You mentioned you need to hurry back, but I don't feel right letting you go in the state you're in. It's been some time, let's chat." She noted as she handed back the wand.

"I must look pretty messed up for you to insist. Gold, by the way." Artemis said, trading the wand in Eminence's hand for coin.

"No, that's not too much."

"I thought I was the clairvoyant one." The blonde witch quipped.

"That just means you predict the unpredictable. Everything else is fair game." Artemis responded with a slight smirk.

"Besides, we need to hurry back afterwards. I'm hiring you."

"Really now?" Eminence crumpled where she stood, now sitting cross-legged on the floor, her piercing green eyes looking up at the shorter woman pleading her to follow suit. Artemis knew she could just walk over to the kitchen and pull up a chair, but for once seemed to have decided to humour her friend and sat down as well.

"So, what even is your assignment? What should I do?" Eminence opened.

"I got named dropped to guard an eighth-year student, he apparently wanted me personally. Not weird that he wanted protection because of all the unfortunate choices he made last year, of course, but the thing is that he is not allowed to use his wand outside of classes so he is defenceless on his own. So he is free torture material for the other students. Seeing as you're the resident expert on doing things without a wand, you can help with that." Artemis explained sounding slightly annoyed.

"Oh, seems right up my alley. Who pays?" The alchemist replied curtly.

"This is a line-of-duty Auror expense, so costs go directly to the Ministry." Artemis replied with a mischievous grin.

"Oh you know I can't turn down an opportunity to bill your office! …And to help. Of course. Count me in." With the business part of the conversation finishing, Eminence adopted a much softer tone.

"Do you want me to let you knock if I know?"

"I'm not actually upset, just be sure it's me. You live in Knockturn after all." Artemis answered reassuringly.

"Most of the regulars around here don't bother me, but I do know to be careful. I knew today I would be in good company." Artemis smiled and nodded, seeming satisfied with the response.

"How's work going for you?" Eminence knew she asked just to be polite on the matter but she didn't take offence, just the thought of the brunette thinking to ask was enough to make her happy.

"Quite good, recently I've found a pretty substantial way to speed up making second-order glyphs, shaving off up to fifteen minutes. It's also something that can be prepared, so that's more I can bring with me and not have to redraw on the spot. The shop hasn't been too shabby either, haven't fallen behind projections at all lately." The tall witch explained, gesticulating cheerfully. Artemis stood up and then showed clear signs that she had to leave.

"That's good. I will be going ahead now, and be there by supper at the absolute latest. Use one of the floo connections in the Atrium, say 'Hogwarts, Aurors' Office' it will take you directly inside. The brunette headed towards the door, and on the way out turned to Eminence again. "Thanks for tying me down for a moment."

"Any time. That's a manageable timeline, I'll be right over. …It's lunchtime now right?" Artemis gave her a small smile before Disapparating.



When Auror Blackmoore had left the classroom in such a hurry Draco had looked at their new Professor with suspicion. He had not believed her excuse of mistaking her for a Death Eater, the Auror was a professional after all. He gripped his wand tighter in his hand while looking over at Potter on the other side of the classroom. The raven-head's eyes met his and it seemed they were both on the same wavelength. Potter was also gripping his wand tightly already expecting trouble. The blond looked forward again when the Professor cleared her throat.

"Well well, that was unexpected! I assume she is the Auror that is watching you, Mr Malfoy?" By the sweet way she was speaking, Draco was reminded of Umbridge and it made him feel sick. He nodded politely. Professor Burns just clapped her hands excitedly.

"How fun! She and I went to school together you see! We were both Gryffindors. Now, I am forgetting my manners. Nice to meet all of you, I am Vanessa Burns and I will be your new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor this year. Hope we can all get along."

Everyone greeted her politely. Draco studied her while she started talking something about shielding spells and how they could be used. It was all things they already knew. The woman had long blond hair that curled at the ends and they bobbed up and down as she moved. Her eyes were a piercing green. The Professor mentioned that both she and Auror Blackmoore had been in Gryffindor made him even more sure that this woman had something to do with the female Auror's past. Draco's eyes widened when he remembered all of the brunette's scars, could this woman have something to do with it? His attention was brought back to the Professor clapping her hands again.

"Alright! Seeing as this is our first class together why don't you all split into pairs and have a little play duel between yourself? I will be taking notes so no slacking off!" She smiled sweetly at them again. Draco seeing his chance immediately got out of his seat and looked over in Potter's direction.

"Potter!" The ravenhead looked at him confused for a second then said something to Weasley next to him before coming over.

"Partners Malfoy?" The blond nodded.

"No one else here is good enough for you but me anyway." Potter snorted at the joke but had to nod in agreement. He motioned to go further into the classroom a little away from the rest and Draco followed. As they stood face to face ready to start a duel both the boys looked over at the Professor, she was busy showing directions to Longbottom at the other end of the classroom.

"Something is not right with that woman." Draco said venomously. Potter to his surprise nodded in agreement.

"I agree. Why would a professional Auror raise their wand at a person like that? It makes no sense." Draco agreed with Potter, it was weird.

"Maybe you should inform the other Aurors about it? Zabini's older brother is one of them right?" The blond looked at Potter while shaking his head.

"Why would they believe me, it would be better if it came from you. They have to listen to The Saviour after all." Potter made a sour face at the mention of the nickname and turned around to start their duel. They had walked the distance needed, bowed and readied their stance when a squeal could be heard from their Professor. Both boys looked in confusion to the door where Auror Silver now stood with a similar surprised face as Auror Blackmoore had done earlier.

"Oh. My. Goodness! King is that really you?! Of course, it is you! You haven't aged a day, still as handsome as you were back then. Do you remember me? It's Vanessa Burns!" Draco was confused by the nickname of the man for a second before he remembered what Blaise had told him about his older brother and his friends being a big deal back when they went to school. Auror Silver had been King of Slytherin back then. The male Auror looked extremely uncomfortable as the woman came closer to him. So they did know each other Draco reasoned. He looked over at Potter again, and the ravenhead walked back towards him.

"Well, that saved me the trouble of telling him I guess." Potter crossed his arms as he watched the scene in front of him. All the other students in the classroom had now stopped what they were doing and were watching the two adults talk.

Auror Silver smiled the most Slytherin smile Draco had ever seen, it reminded him of his own father and how he had smiled at his business partners before extorting them for money behind their backs.

"Yes, of course, I remember you, Miss Burns, ah Professor Burns now I suppose. Thank you for the compliment, you haven't aged a day as well. Must be though keeping such a beautiful appearance day after day." To Draco, it sounded more like an insult than a compliment but the woman ate it up either way by the way she squealed in delight. Potter snorted again next to him.

"Sounds like something you could say." Draco rolled his eyes. The Professor hit the male Auror playfully on the shoulder.

"Oh, you! Always the charmer, your wife must be having trouble keeping you under control with that silver tongue of yours." Her voice was now even more sweet-sounding, how that was even possible was beyond Draco. Auror Silver laughed a short courtly laugh, this time reminding Draco about his mother during business dinners where other people's husbands would flirt with her. The blond now realised a little the reason why he had been called King of Slytherin.

"No wife I'm afraid. Ah, but I am distracting you from your class Professor Burns. You should get back to it and don't mind me, I'll just be in the back keeping watch." He smiled that same smile at her again and the Professor seemed to swoon again, then realising where she was and turning back to the class. Clapping again she smiled sweetly at the class.

"Terrible sorry everyone, carry on now!" Draco's eyes met Auror Silver's for a second and the Auror nodded at him in approval. Draco nodded back and turned his attention to Potter. The other boy was still studying the Professor with suspicious green eyes.

"Does she remind you of Umbridge? That sweet voice is disgusting." Draco looked at the raven head in surprise and clicked his tongue.

"My my, language Potter. But yes I have to agree with you. It is disgusting." Both of them looked at each other with smirks on their faces. Draco felt a little safer now that Auror Silver was there to keep an eye on the class and put his focus back on the task at hand. It was better to keep up appearance for now he reasoned.



When Artemis was back in the Atrium she decided to go down the eighth floor to visit Robards. If she was lucky he would be in a good mood and hear her out on extending Draco's wand use to outside of class. Not wanting to deal with Jessica at the entrance desk she put up a Disillusionment charm over herself and went past quietly. Safe in the elevator she let out a sigh of relief. Now that she had gotten Eminence to come to Hogwarts at least she would have a backup plan if things turned sour for the young wizard. She only needed to make sure that it was kept a secret that Eminence had even been there and done her thing.

The elevator stopped with a soft 'ding' at the eighth floor and when Artemis stepped out it was exactly the same amount of chaos as when they had left two days ago. Multiple Aurors stopped to look at her as she walked in a direct path over to the Head Auror's office. She stopped to knock on the door but did not wait for an answer and opened the door loudly. The Head Auror looked up from his papers with a sour look on his face but upon seeing who it was it turned into surprise.

"Auror Blackmoore! Getting into trouble already?" For once she decided to sit down in one of the soft chairs in front of her boss, which made his eyebrows raise in confusion. He put his papers aside and put the focus solely on her.

"Sir, I know I am asking a lot but please hear me out on this." She looked up and met his eyes, he nodded in approval for her to continue.

"Mr Malfoy is a sitting duck in that place. I can't possibly be with him twenty-four-seven. Already now during these two days, I have failed the mission on multiple occasions making Auror Thompson take my place. The boy needs his wand, Sir. This way at least I know that he can call for help at least if something were to happen if I am not around." Robards sat there just looking at her for what seemed like an eternity before he finally spoke up.

"I see. Do you have evidence that he will need his wand? If anything happens with him in possession of a wand you will be held responsible, say he hexes a fellow student out of spite instead of self-defence." Artemis had to bite her lip, she had no direct evidence of Burns being a threat to anyone other than maybe herself. But this also meant that Draco could become a target automatically. Then again the brunette wasn't even sure if Burns would do anything at all to anyone.

"No sir, I don't have any evidence. But I have a bad feeling in my gut that I can't ignore." The Head Auror let out a loud sigh, before pulling open one of the drawers in his desk and taking out a stack of papers. He took a minute to look through them before giving them to Artemis. She looked at them confused for a second before she started to register what it was. It was Draco's reports on his behaviour after his trial, so far he had excellent marks on all accords. Not even losing house points once so far.

"If you can make him fill in a report every week I can start the progress of getting him his wand back full time. He still needs to be on his best behaviour of course but it's a start. In addition, he will have to be under Veritaserum while writing it and you need to be present and I can't stress this enough Auror Blackmoore if anything happens you will be held responsible." Artemis nodded in understanding while standing up.

"Thank you, Sir. I will take my leave, sorry for just barging in." As she turned to leave the man stopped her.

"Auror Blackmoore?" Artemis turned again towards the man with her eyebrow raised in question.

"For your own sake, I do hope this gut feeling of yours is wrong, for once." Without saying anything else he turned his attention back to his work, the woman looked at him for a second before leaving the office, softly shutting the door behind her.




With the papers safely tucked in her robe, she started the march towards the elevator again, the room parting like the red sea while she walked. Once again she could relax a little in the safety of the little box, the soft music coming from the speakers was soothing her more than it really should. The first thing she had to do when she got back was take Draco aside and explain the situation to him. Artemis debated if she should just tell the blond straight up who Burns was, but it might not be worth worrying the boy unnecessarily. She would just have to stay as professional as she could around the other woman. Hopefully, by now the other Aurors had discovered that it really was her and were keeping an eye on her.

Artemis went out the same way she had come in, throwing the charm over herself to slip by the security check and went straight over to the floo system. Grabbing some floo powder she threw some in while saying calmly.

"Hogwarts, Aurors' office." Only Cyril was in the office when she came out of the floo and she looked at him surprised.

"I thought you were going to look after Malfoy?" The man shrugged.

"Silver insisted on doing it. Welcome back." Artemis raised her eyebrow at the use of the blond's last name.

"Silver now is he? What happened?" Artemis walked over to her own desk chair and sat down heavily, letting out a groan of relief. She could see Cyril looking at her from the corner of her eye with a dark look.

"He is being an idiot. Can I have your permission to hex him?" She laughed at him.

"You don't need my permission to do that. Where is everyone anyway?" Cyril frowned but in the end, shrugged.

"Zabini and Septimus are walking their rounds, Silver is watching Malfoy. I was waiting for you to come back." He turned his whole body towards her now giving her a look that could see through one's soul.

"What happened in that classroom? Tell me." It was Artemis' look that turned dark this time.

"I won't if you take that tone to me, Thompson. Don't mistake me for a criminal you are about to interrogate." Before either of them could say anything else the painting to the office opened and Orion walked in, Draco trailing behind him. Artemis shot out of her chair faster than she thought was possible.

"What happened?!" Orion looked at her in surprise but shook his head.

"Nothing happened. I brought him back here since he insisted on knowing if you were alright. When did you get back?" She relaxed slightly and looked at the young blond.

"Everything alright Auror Blackmoore?" The younger blond looked at her with pure worry in his eyes. To get this to work smoothly she needed Orion to be on her side so she opened the bond again. From the look of the man she could tell that he felt more at ease now that he could tell more clearly what she was feeling, the guilt was still there but it was slowly replaced by understanding. They would have to talk about everything that happened over the last few days but now was not the time and they both knew it. Artemis turned her attention back to Draco.

"I'm fine, Mr Malfoy. Head Auror Robards send me an important letter, come here please." The female Auror patted her chair for him to sit on, he looked confused for a second before he did as he was told. When he had sat down she showed him the papers.

"These are the reports the Ministry have done of your behaviour after the trial was done. You have been abiding by every rule so far, not even lost any house points. If you come here and fill out a report like this with me every week from now on, under the influence of a Veritaserum, I might manage to get your wand back to you for full-time use." As she spoke she pointed to the different sections of the report, the Ministry wanted to know everything the boy had done in the course of a week. When he did his homework, times he went back to the common room for the night, who he spent the most time with, his sleeping patterns and so much more. The brunette could tell that he was staring at the "Incident" section of the document and she tapped her nail on it.

"This is preferred if it stays empty. But as long as you do something in self-defence it will not count towards your behaviour score. I am also the one responsible for you, your guardian more or less. Seeing as your mother is in France and your father is in Azkaban this is the easiest way to do it. Do you understand Mr Malfoy?". The boy sat there quietly, staring at the document in front of him. He touched the part where her name was written next to the word 'Guardian' carefully like it would turn to ash if he was too harsh. Artemis put her hand on his shoulder carefully and for a moment she thought she could feel the demon in her stir. The boy flinched a little but looked up at her with big clear eyes.

"Can I really get my wand back?" The female Auror smiled softly at him and nodded. He looked at her with a new light shining in his eyes.

"I'll do it, when do we start?" She breathed a sigh of relief before answering.

"I think Sundays will be the most logical day to do it, so we will do the first one then. Of course, the potion will be brewed by Auror Silver so you have no reason to fear others' involvement. In the meantime, there is also someone coming to Hogwarts later today who is going to help you. A glyph expert." Draco looked at her confused but only nodded. A groan could be heard from Orion then.

"Are you seriously thinking about what I think you are thinking? You are bringing Loftwind here to put some runes on him? The Headmistress will not like this." Artemis just smirked at her partner.

"This is why she is not going to know about it. Right?" She turned to give both her colleagues a cold look, both nodded hastily.

"Good. Now as you probably know Mr Malfoy using glyphs in this way is generally frowned upon, but this can give us some breathing room. As of now, you are totally defenceless if you are not in class and I can't be in two places at once so I called my friend in to help us. So not a word to anyone, understand?" Draco looked at her with a thoughtful expression on his face for a minute before he nodded and got up from the chair. This was the first time Artemis realised how tall the blond was and looked up at him with a smirk.

"Good, now off you go and tell Mr Potter that it's not nice to eavesdrop hm? The ringing in his ears should stop in a matter of five minutes or so." Draco looked at her surprised before he went over to the painting and opened it. Just outside stood Potter with his hands over his ears and a blush on his face. The Aurors all shook their heads at him. After the painting closed behind the two boys, Cyril who had been silent this entire time spoke up.

"I guess I better find the other two and explain to them what is happening. You two should use this time to talk." The auburn-haired Auror put on his cloak and went out the door in a hurry.



The pair stood still watching Cyril leave the office and when the painting closed the silence was heavy in the room. Even though Artemis had opened the bond again for him, Orion still had a hard time getting to terms with his feelings. It had been two days since he had told her the truth but instead of coming to him with her tears, she had gone to Cyril's arms instead. His knuckles turned white as he clenched his fists together and finally picked up the courage to look her in the eye. There was more gold swimming around in the brown now than it normally was, a sign that he had to be careful with his words. He could also clearly feel the temperature dropping in the room but so far she had not moved or said anything. As expected he was going to start this conversation if they were having one at all and if he didn't want to end up in the Hospital Wing he had to tell her the truth.

"Artemis, I am deeply sorry for what I did. I never meant for it to go this far. I only did what Severus wanted with your safety in mind." She raised her eyebrow at him, but still, she stayed quiet.

"When Severus told me in his letter that he feared for your health if you were to find out about his death I felt like I had no choice. I didn't want to see you lose control over your powers and end up hurting innocent people like you di—" Orion stopped himself when he felt a chill run down his spine. This was getting dangerous.

The rage he felt was not his own and he steeled himself before looking at her again. Artemis' eyes were solid gold and they were directed at him. He knew that she could never kill him because of the mark but that would not stop her from hurting him. A person could endure a lot of pain before knocking on Death's door after all. On instinct, he took hold of his wand and pointed it at her.

"Listen to me Artemis. I never meant to hurt you, it was for your own good and even if I could make the choice again I would not choose differently. So please, calm yourself." The witch walked slowly from behind her desk and closed the distance between them. She now stood straight in front of the end of his wand.

"You made Cyril take an Unbreakable Vow. What else did you do to keep this a secret?" Orion could feel goosebumps appear all over his skin at the sound of her voice. It was almost the same coldness as it had been back in the old Defence classroom ten years ago. Had it not been for the branding she would have lost control already.

"I made the other two do the same. If Thompson had gotten his way you would have known much sooner. I could not take the risk." Orion noticed from the corner of his eye the frost starting to collect on some of the potions on his desk and swallowed thickly.

"You were afraid that I was going to go on a murder spree is that it? Like I did when I was only a child? I am not that weak-minded anymore, Orion." His name was said with such venom that it momentarily shocked him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Orion lowered his wand slowly and put it back inside his robe at the same time as he took a step further toward her. When she did not move he gently placed his hands on her cheeks as he had done many times before. Her eyes were still solid gold, the room was now slowly freezing over and their breaths came out as white puffs of smoke.

"I'm sorry. Please. Please forgive me. Come back to me Artemis." The brunette seemed unsure of what to do, from the bond he could tell she was fighting with her emotions but suddenly the roar of the floo could be heard from behind them.

Orion quickly turned around to see Loftwind coming out of the floo, struggling to drag a big suitcase behind her. The tall woman looked curiously around the room when she managed to get inside before landing on the pair.

"Why in Merlin's name is it so cold in here? Did you blow up a Pepperup Potion?" Orion turned back around to look at Artemis in panic, her eyes were still golden but the room seemed to be getting warmer. The sight of her friend seemed to bring her slowly back to her senses. Loftwind looked at the two before smiling at Artemis. A few seconds of silence passed as she stared into the golden eyes before her, Orion wasn't sure how either of the witches would react, or if he should intervene at this moment.

"You're… beautiful." Eminence finally said, seemingly still transfixed. A second later, her eyes harden, shifting a stern look to the blond.

"Orion?" She stated plainly, standing to attention. The blond looked at the tall woman in front of him speechless. That was not the reaction he had expected. He jumped slightly when he felt a hand on his arm and looked behind him to meet Artemis' brown eyes again.

"She saw… didn't she?" She asked in a whisper. Her hands were trembling slightly. Orion looked down on the shorter woman and was reminded of how she had been ten years ago. Scared of her own power.

"Yes." He whispered back. The room was returning to normal now, the fire in the hearth warming up the office again.

"Do you want me to Obliviate her?" Orion asked seriously as he looked back at Loftwind. A sudden wave of anger through the bond sent him to his knees and he looked up at Artemis in shock.

"Don't you dare. If she saw it's too late now." Her voice did not have the same coldness to it as before but it was still clear that some of the demon still lingered.

"You sound like you think this is the end of something." Eminence suddenly piped up from across the room. Orion got up from his position on the floor as he laughed.

"It would not have been the first." Artemis looked guilty for a second as she looked over at her friend.

"Eminence, I…" The blonde woman quickly closed the gap and took the frightened witch into her arms.

"Just take a moment." Orion felt the familiar twinge of jealousy rush through him when the taller woman hugged his partner but quickly felt reassuring emotions through the bond which managed to keep him in check. He stood in silence as he watched the women embrace each other then sighed in relief when he felt Artemis' emotions stabilise. She was back to her normal self again. The blonde cleared his throat loudly to get the attention of the witches in front of him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but if we are not Obliviating the woman we might have to explain a few things Artemis." Eminence turned her head to look at the blond beside her. Artemis wriggled free from the taller woman's grasp and looked up at her with serious eyes.

"Eminence what did you see exactly?" She took a step back while crossing her arms, a sign of trying to protect herself Orion had noticed.

"You had eyes of pure gold, and… I'd never seen you look at me quite that way before. It felt like something more than you. That was your source awakened, wasn't it?" Orion started to laugh then.

"Yeah, if by source you mean Satan himself." He stopped his laughter immediately when Artemis looked at him with gold eyes.

"Proves my point" He mumbled while holding his hands up in defeat. Eminence sighed.

"A time and a place, Silver. I'm trying to address my friend's serious worries, I don't need comic relief." The blond just frowned in response, while taking a seat at his desk. Artemis turned to Eminence again with a sigh.

"He is not wrong, sadly. I have a lot to tell you but let's move into the bedroom. Away from prying eyes." Orion watched as the two women walked to the bedroom.

"By the way Loftwind, had it been up to me you would not even remember any of this by now." Artemis gave him another cold look before shutting the door firmly behind them, leaving him alone with his thoughts.