system stage's

When Lu shang got home he went to his room and cultivated with the 4 steel wolf's crystal core

"You can upgrade the system to stage two using the crystal cores" The system suddenly said

"Stage two? What's gonna be new when i upgrade it to stage two?" Lu shang asked

"It will have a new function 'super chi absorption' this can make your chi absorption 10 time's faster" the system explained

"Alright then" Lu shang said

"Now touch all of them and go to the system" The system said

Lu shang then touched two core's in each hand and goes to his system

When his in the system the crystal core's is also there. The system is also different instead of the soul there's pedestals

Lu shang put the crystal core's in the pedestals

"Attempting system upgrade.. Success. The system now is Stage two" The system said

Lu shang then left the system and started cultivating.

The chi in his room is getting absorbed quickly

"Wow this sure is a lot of chi" Lu shang said

In just 5 hour's his body is already half full of chi. he then stopped cultivating to cooked some food even though it's midnight

After eating Lu shang went back to cultivate again

It's already morning when his body is full of chi

Lu shang then breakthrough first before cooking his food

"Successfully breakthrough to seventh level Mortal cultivator"

"Your stats now are Strength 270, Defense 78, Health 805, Speed 51, Charisma 1.8"

Lu shang then left the system and cooked his food before going back at cultivating this went on for another six day's his seventh level Mortal cultivator is now ninth level mortal cultivator

His stats is now Strength 340, Defense 94, Health 1175, Speed 63, Charisma 2

Lu shang then went to meet Xiao jing

"Xiao jing.. are you there" Lu shang said while knocking at Xiao jing's house

but when the door opened Lu shang did not see Xiao jing but a young girl

"Why are you looking for my brother" she asked him

"Im Lu shang one of his friend i came here to invite him to hunt some beast's" Lu shang said

"Please wait here"

The young girl then went to Xiao jing's room and told him what Lu shang said

Xiao jing then went to the door

"Lu shang don't tell me you have already absorbed all of the crystal core i literally needed 3 day's to absorb a single crystal core" Xiao jing said

"Yeah i have so do you want to hunt some beast's? Lu shang asked

"Yeah im already low on money again" Xiao jing said

Thus they went to the Hunted forest to earn some money

They hunted for a few hour's before going back to sell the material's they got

"You need money right? here" Lu shang gave Xiao jing a crystal core

"Thanks Lu shang this this will cost for 4,000 yen i will one return this favor" Xiao jing said with a happy expression

"No need. your my only friend in here it's only normal for me to help you" Lu shang said

"By the way is the girl from before your younger sister?" Lu shang asked

"Yeah her name is Xiao yin my only sister" Xiao jing said

"What's her cultivation level?" Lu shang asked

"I don't know he never told me his cultivation level she always keep it a secret" Xiao jing said

They then went to the cultivators headquarters to sell Xiao jing's materials

"This will be 7,560" the receptionist said

After selling the materials they Xiao jing went to his home and Lu shang went to the restaurant before going back at his house

When Lu shang got home he practiced using the sword until it was morning