Progressing way too fast

Lu shang was trying to figure out the weakness of the fire giant ape..and A few moments later Lu shang a small crystal in the chest of the fire giant ape

Lu shang think that it's the weakness of the fire giant ape so he attacked it using chi beam

When the chi beam hit the crystal the beast got hurt but it also saw where the chi beam came from getting Lu shang caught

Lu shang didn't think that the beast can easily find him just from that making him shock from the intelligence of this beast

The beast then used one of it's technique called 'flame palm' the fire shape palm went to Lu shang's hiding spot and exploded the area but Lu shang was able to use chi dash to escape the attack

"That's way more powerful then the undead beast how can i even get close to it's crystal" Lu shang said

The beast used the flame palm and Lu shang was able to dodge it again but this time Lu shang used chi beam to attack the crystal again

The beast was able to block the chi beam using it's arm but Lu shang was able to get much closer to the beast

Lu shang used chi dragon to attack the beast legs but it didn't even hindered the beast's movement

The beast tried punching Lu shang but Lu shang only used it's attack to jump into the beast's arm

Lu shang dashed into the crystal while the beast is trying to get him off from it's arm

When Lu shang was almost at the crystal the beast's other arm almost hit him but he was able to dodge it

Lu shang continued running towards the crystal and when he was at the crystal he used the 'inferno strike'

His sword then got engulfed of flames and when the sword hit the crystal an explosion happened

The beast was knocked by a few meters and the crystal got cracked but not destroyed

The beast was furious because of the pain the inferno strike did

The beast used flame palm rapidly and Lu shang was having a hard time dodging all of it

One of the flame palm was able to scratch his body but Lu shang doesn't care much about it because of the other flame palms coming towards him

A few minutes later the beast stopped attacking because it's energy chi was depleted and Lu shang took this opportunity to attack the beast

"Now it's my turn to attack prepare your self" Lu shang said

Lu shang dashed towards the beast's crystal. The beast tried blocking Lu shang but Lu shang only used it's body as a platform

Lu shang used the inferno strike again and this time the crystal broke killing the beast in an instant

"Task complete, you will now be rewarded" the system announced

Lu shang has received a fruit called 'fruit of hell' and his cultivation reached the first level of the next realm called spiritual lord

"Fruit of hell what will this fruit do to me?" Lu shang thought

Lu shang decided to eat it and in an instant he felt his body getting hotter almost like burning

Lu shang was shouting from the pain it's causing to his body

Lu shang's body is getting stronger and his skin is getting more resistant to fire but it's causing Lu shang so much pain as a price

A few minutes later the pain finally stopped and Lu shang's body has become more refined and his skin can withstand the temperature of a lava

"That hurts so much i don't think i will eat that again" Lu shang said

Lu shang rested for a few minutes before leaving the imaginary world

Lu shang then went to sleep and the next day Lu shang went to the south forest to meet the lady again and question her a few things

When Lu shang arrived at the spirit tree the lady came out and asked him"how did you breakthrough to the spiritual lord that fast what have you been doing to breakthrough this fast"

"Just cultivating" Lu shang said not planning to reveal what his system can do

The lady didn't plan on questioning any further and only thinking why Lu shang went at the forest

"I have a question that's been bugging me for quite sometime now" Lu shang said

"And what is it?"

"What can a Legend rank system do?" Lu shang asked with a serious expression

"A Legend rank system? I only know a bit about that but why? Are you curious what it can do?" Lady asked Lu shang

"Well yeah i want to know how different the Legend rank system compared to the other rank" Lu shang said

"Here's the only thing i know about it, the legend rank have a 3 times chi function when your going to breakthrough and your body will become 5 times more stronger and it also have the best function called automatic learning. It can automatically learn a technique that you have seen or read although it can take an entire day just to comprehend an ordinary technique it still can help your understanding tremendously" The lady said not knowing that she's explaining it to someone with a higher system rank

"Thanks now i know more about the difference between ranks" Lu shang said before leaving

When Lu shang arrived at his home he lay in his bed thinking what he will do this time while there's many more months before the voice come back

Lu shang went to the system and tried finding a task that will take a long time to complete and a few minutes later Lu shang found something that might take months to complete

It's a two star task that needs you to swing your sword a million times. Lu shang accepted the task because not only it will help him pass sometime it will also reward him a more better things

Lu shang was then transported to the top of a huge mountain that have reached the sky giving him a discomfort from the less oxygen