Soul strengthening pill

Lu shang was intrigued to what the soul strengthening pill can do so he immediately accepted the task and he was then transported into a endless plat desert with bones everywhere

"Is this a battlefield?" Lu shang thought after seeing the countless bones and the weapons scattered around

Lu shang then used seven lightning steps to find the soul herb much faster but even with twenty five times more speed it still took him an hour just to find it

The soul herb is a violet herb that's emitting a dreadful aura and releasing poison mist within a meter

Lu shang then tried taking the soul herb when suddenly a skeleton swordsman almost slashed him but he was able to dodge it

Lu shang then used thunder dragon with the seven lightning steps activated making it more stronger but the skeleton just slashed it easily

But when the skeleton blocked it it didn't saw Lu shang going behind him and when it noticed Lu shang going behind him Lu shang was already about to cut the skeleton's head

But when Lu shang cut the skeleton's head it just attacked him again getting him stabbed

"What the"

Lu shang then jumped back to not get anymore slashes in his body but he was confused to how he will kill the skeleton when suddenly he saw a small crystal inside the skeleton's rib cage

Lu shang then used chi beam to attack the small crystal but the skeleton just blocked it using his sword before running towards Lu shang

Lu shang then used different techniques but it was all blocked or dodged by the skeleton

"I guess i have no choice but to fight him head on" Lu shang thought after losing hope in killing the skeleton using his techniques

Lu shang then used sword chi to enhance his sword before clashing with the skeleton

Everytime there swords collided a shockwave was being made and Lu shang was being pushed away by a bit while the skeleton is not even flinching

Lu shang then dodge the skeleton's attack and tried stabbing the small crystal but the skeleton just jumped back to dodge it

"How do i even destroy that small crystal? With this skeleton's speed i can't kill it" Lu shang said with a annoyed expression

After a few minutes Lu shang was already exhausted from fighting non stop but the skeleton is not getting tired

"This is like a hopeless situation. that skeleton doesn't even getting tired because it's an undead" Lu shang said

"Do you want some help?" The system suddenly said giving Lu shang hope in defeating the skeleton

"Finally, yes" Lu shang quickly answered and his wound healed by a bit and his fatigue lessen

"I recommend that you cut the skeleton's arm that's holding the sword to disarmed it" the system said

"Why didn't i even think of that earlier" Lu shang said in his thought

Lu shang then rushed towards the skeleton and used inferno strike with sword chi and when the skeleton blocked it Lu shang then targeted the skeleton's hand but the skeleton was able to destroy the inferno strike in time to block Lu shang's attack

But the skeleton was shock when he saw Lu shang's other arm emitting a lightnings turns out Lu shang was preparing to use thunder dragon while he was about to cut the skeleton's arm

The skeleton then blocked the sword to lessen the damage it will do to his body but he was thrown back and when he was about to land Lu shang was already behind him about to destroy the small crystal inside his rib cage

The skeleton wasn't able to block Lu shang's attack getting his crystal destroyed

The skeleton then turned into ashes when the crystal was destroyed and Lu shang immediately went back to the soul herb to pick it up

And a few moments later Lu shang arrived at the soul herb's location but everytime he took a step closer to the soul herb he felt more dreadful

And when Lu shang arrived infront of the soul herb he was already about to pass out but he was able to pluck the herb out and when he pluck it out the dreadful aura disappeared

[Task complete you will now be rewarded with a breakthrough and a soul strengthening pill]

"I was able to breakthrough? How even though im literally more higher level then before that took me two task to breakthrough" Lu shang was puzzled to how he breakthrough with a single task not like before that took him two task just to breakthrough

"The reason to your breakthrough is because you got a bonus reward from killing the skeleton even if you cab just pluck the soul herb without killing the skeleton" the system said

"So i can just take the herb without fighting the skeleton huh just how dumb did i become at that fight" Lu shang sighed

Lu shang then looked at the soul strengthening pill that was emitting a propound aura that's giving him calmness

Lu shang then ate the pill and when he swallowed it he didn't felt pain only pleasure all over his body feeling like his in heaven

"Wow this pill is so relaxing i wish i have more" Lu shang said with a satisfied smile after the effect disappeared

Lu shang then went out of the system and went back to his home but it was already dark and when he arrived to his home Lady xiu is still watching the TV

"What took you so long outside"The lady asked without even turning towards Lu shang

"Just training" Lu shang said before going to his bedroom to sleep