chapter 2 New life part 2

As the days begins to countdown for the world Adam is inhe begins to prepare but must take leave from school seven days


(Clack , clack)

Adam begins to put on his regular shoes

Adam (thinking) : goddamn those Japanese shoes are hard to walk !

He steps outside and looks around for the gate

Adam : there it is

(Step , step , step , step)

As soon he immediately begins to walk up to the gate he turn his right side and sees the protagonist

Adam (thinking) : shit it's that guy

Adam (thinking) : wait a minute..why does look so depressed and…oooh now I remember

He begins reminiscing the scene of the anime version about their breakup

Rei : listen their was a time when I felt that way …but you didn't seem to notice


Adam (thinking) : yeah that's about it

Adam : never mind about that shit let's get going on the main task

(Step , step


He cllimbs over the gate and jumps down


(Step , step , step , step)

He begins to run on foot his first reward to earn

(Thud! , thud! , thud! , thud! , thud!)

Adam : : hff ..hff..hfff

He kept running regardless if he has short breath

Adam : hfff..hfff ,hfff, hff!

Adam : hff..status


He looks the list of the the exercises and which it hit to 10k run


Adam : what the …

He looks at the city and roads and Adam begins to question the system that calculated the distance

Adam : what the hell .hfff …hff I thought you said it was three miles


It begins to send notifications

Notification :error miscalculated meant for short cut

He yells

Adam : you IDIOT!!!!!

One hour later

Right now Adam is at the tunnel entrance to the city

Altough he is out of breath

Adam : huff…hufff…..haaa!!


Notification : earned reward one agility point

Adam : s…status


A Blue blight scene pops up

Adam smile


Strength : 1 Perception : 1 Endurance : 1

Charisma : 1 intelligence : 1 agility 2 luck : 1

He look at agility and figures it out

Adam (thinking) : if I'm thinking right the state points I get turn in automatically..very interesting

Adam : okay let's keep running

(Step! , step! , step!)

(Thud! , thud! Thud! Thud!)

Adam : hff..hff.hfff

He resumes running on foot

(Beep! , beep! , beep! ,beeeep!!)

Japanese driver 1 : (whistling)

(Distance thuddings!)

Japanese driver 2(distance voice) : the hell is wrong with you kid !

Adam : don't care asshat!

(Metal thud!)

Japanese driver : what the hell!!?

Adam : have your insurance fix it it then

As turns out he has been jumping car to car running around the city with no care

(Thud! , thud! ,thud!)


Notification : earned reward one agility point

Adam : hff…hff..hff..hff

Adam : I'm starting feel less and less tired

Adam : status




HP : 500

Strength : 1 Perception : 1 Endurance : 1

Charisma : 1 intelligence : 1 agility 3 luck : 1

Adam : Gota keep running…

As he keeps continuing on doing his run around the city

7 hours

(Thud ! , thud! , thud!)

As he begins to take a break next by the city river sitting on the grass

Adam : huff…huff

As righ now he looks at his status and agility points has drastically gone up



HP : 500

Strength : 1 Perception : 1 Endurance : 1

Charisma : 1 intelligence : 1 agility 10 luck : 1

Adam : it ain't bad at all

Adam : …hmm

He looks at his shirt covered in sweat

Adam : holy shit

Adam : sniff..ugh!

Adam : yeah I should get a new set of clothes

Unknown Japanese : ooi!!

Adam : hmm?

He turns to his left and three male student

Adam : oh your talking to me ?

Student bully 1 : who else you think were talking to trash

As they are smirking

Student bully 2 : you know you were supposed to give us launch money

Adam (thinking) : right if I remember body the kid had

Adam (thinking) : he was pushed although he tried to talk back to shido he got killed off

He begins to give 'em a gave of joy

Adam (thinking) : I ain't yamada not the weak version anymore

Student bully 3 : hey how about you come with us under that bridge let's have a nice long chat aye?

As the three bully student are overconfident about it adam cooperates and walks with them to the bridge under shades

Student bully 1: honestly did you ever think that you could avoid us by ditching haaaa!

Adam : what again ?

Adam wasn't even listening to word provoking the bully's

Student bully 2 : he's talking back to us again !

As the bully that was gonna punch him other stop it

Student bully 1 : come on if anything it's my punishment to give 'em

The bully approaches Adam with one hand tuck in but for Adam it was obvious

Adam : you really want this ?

Student bully 1 : what do you think!

As he pulls out his fist with a brass knuckle but unexpectedly for the bully he was hit instead


Student bully 1 : aagh!

Adam made the first hit straight at his nose

Student bully : you little fucker !


New quest Pure justice

Reward 50.000 coins

Details : this reward must obtain by killing the three individuals

Adam (thinking) : killing huh?….haaa

Bully with a broken nose gets up in rage

Student bully 1 oh you little ….IM BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!

He charges at him as he begins to make a swing at him with a straight punch

Student bully 1 : EAT SHIT!-

Adam dodges and his next move


Adam aimed for his windpipe and broke it

Student bully 1 : ugh…aagh!


He fell back on the ground suffocating as for the others they were in shock

Student bully 2 : w….why?

He crouched near the student that fell back and took his brass knuckle

Adam : honestly you made it to obvious

Adam stand ups with a hidden gaze with a killing intent

Adam : you better be ready to die here

Adam : believe me I have no interest of any kind of bullshit your gonna spout

End next chapter