Ten fresh batch recruits standing by infront of Adam and begins to introduce themselves
Adam : troops at ease and begin to introduce yourselfs now
one and each soldier begins to introduce themselves
Private Markus: I'm private Markus green but please call me Markus class assault I hope you take of me
Private McKenzie: : I'm private Sara McKenzie smg specialist in CQB and great with marshal arts and great with handgun to sir
Private Daniel : I'm Daniel Morgan sir marksman and have thing with explosives
Adam : hmmm trap specialist huh no bad
Private bradly : the name is bradly I've been studying in medicine both surgical and physiology..combat medic
Private fyodor : I'm fyodor sir I'm from Russia my grandfather was once a Soviet soldier
Adam looks at fyodors Ak47 Soviet era model weapon customized
Adam : your firearm it looks different compared with everyone's
Fyodor explains
Private fyodor : yes I've always be fond with weapons that's why I've always do maintenance and weapons customization
Adam : so a weapons specialist
Private fyodor : yes but worry sir they've trained me how to take of myself
Adam turns to the other soldier
Adam : soldier what's your name
Corporal Mendez : Alex Mendez sir I've studied all the tactic throughout to Vietnam all the way to Afghanistan
Adam : interesting and how do you propose it will work ?
Corporal Mendez : it can be brutal but I assure you commander they will work regardless
Adams looks at the other soldier waiting for his name
Adam : you
(Boot clad!)
Private miller : Cain miller sir dog tage number 653-56-9821 part of the assault team sir!
Adam smiles
Adam (thinking) : disciplines great I need it coordinated thorough out the school and town
Adam (thinking) : this is what the police had lacked in Japan although the author always had some interesting taste in womens breast sizes
he begins to think womens breast size overexaggerate size
Adam (thinking) : I've been thinking about the breast size in this world the author image were perhaps too big
Adam (thinking) : hmm
Begins to remember the female student and faculties in the school seeing their breast
Adam (thinking) : but again ….mmmmm I've got to squeeze those pair of tits , no wait just gotta be a man okay
The soldier next to him raise his hand
Adam : hmm?.. oh my bad and you are ?
Private Petri : I'm private petri both sniper division unit and assault CQB squad
Adam : it sounds like you were in a special force unit or something?
Private petri : yes you could say that..but I never passed the final selection..it was brutal but I believe in the training I was given
Adam : that's some ambition I like it
Adam looks at the notification
Notification : you will now be removed in training ground troops will be in training now
Corporal Mendez : sir we'll in training please deploy us in you location at any moment
(Boot cladding!)
The LMB soldiers salutes Adam
Adam : I aspect you all to take your training seriously
Private fyodor : [Da] we will commander
He surrounding begins to fade in black later on he opens his eyes
(Eye lids widening)
Adam : hmm….oh looks like I'm back to this shit hotel
(Knock , knock)
Unknown male : hello were with the eastern Tokonosu police department…we'd like a word with you
Adam (whisper) : shit
(Step , step)
(Rip , rip ,rip)
He takes down the photos of the school and parts of it
As for the firearms and ammunition that were on the bed are being store in his inventory
(Knock , knock , knock)
Tokonosu police officer 1 : hello open up now !
Adam : alright I'm coming
(Click clank)
Adam widens the door for the police officer and to their point of view all they see is some teenager with a black sweater and blue jeans
Adam : is their something I could help you officers ?
They begin to ask Adam some questions regarding the incidents
Tokonosu police officer 1 : yes actually its involves with the incident that took place at the academy
Tokonosu police officer 1: it took place around third semester class 3-A a teacher by the name koichi shido was assaulted by a student
Smirks a little bit
Tokonosu police officer 2 : you wouldn't happen to go by the name itsuki yamada
Adam : yeah and?
The officers look at each one of them nodded to each other
Adam : ….of course
He knew what it meant of course because what happened at that school it was gonna happen
Tokonosu police officer 1 : itsuki yamada your under arrest for the assault son of politician ichirou shido
Adam turns around slowly and puts his hand behind his back
(Click , clack! , click , clack!)
The officers begin to escort him in their car to the back seat
Tokonosu police officer 1 : a kid like you needs to think about life choices
Adam : oh …even if it means sucking up to the politicians son hmm?
Tokonosu police officer 2 : it's better then going to for this you know
Adam : yeah well your choice to ain't even forcing ya pig
Tokonosu police officer 2 : haaaaa...
(Swing , clack)
Adam : oooff!
An officer used his baton hitting parts of the abdomen area
Adam looks up at the the officers
Adam : oh…..carefull you better be real careful boys otherwise I get a little angry
Tokonosu police officer 1 : I wouldn't even try to keeping provoking an officer of the law
Tokonosu police officer 2 : who knows …oh what do we have here?
As the officer takes out a butterfly knife and drops it on the ground
(Clack ,Tink)
Tokonosu police officer 2 : a deadly weapon on a minor
Tokonosu police officer 1 : get in the backseat boy
Adam : ...want to say that again
Adam turns around and looks at the officers with a calm look and ask em once more
Adam : you want to say it again?
Tokonosu police officer 1 : hehehehe …look at this one right here
Both the officers laughed at him not taking seriously despite his look and look at him once again with a slight serious look and says it
Tokonosu police officer 1 : sure ….boy!-
(Whack ! Clack!!)
Tokonosu police officer 1 : aagh!
At that split second Adam snaps of the the Chain of the cuffs and hits the officer on the left throat punched
(Whack , thud!!)
Tokonosu police officer 2 : urgh! .
The second officer fell on his back
Tokonosu police officer 2 : (choking)
He crouched down to the two officer and gazed down on them
Tokonosu police officer 1 : s….son of a bi-
He pulls a knife out and the tip of the knife up close to the officers eye
Adam : here's what's going to happen you answer honestly and good
End next chapter