Locked Gazed

"Status," Reign muttered to himself as he waited for George to get ready while Anna was guarding the entrance.


Name: Reign

Level 19

Age. : 18 (+1 year)

Race: Viral Blade Zombie Hunter

Strength :C

Agility. :D+

Stamina :F+

Endurance : B+

Intelligence: C+


Bite - Level III

Undead Eye - Level I 

Night Crawl III

Clawer : V

Viral Slash X

Hawk Bones [30%]

Scorpion Pores [30%]

Mantis Eyes [20%] 


Attribute Points: 40

Skill Points : 0

Evolution Points : 0


At the moment, he had a bunch of attribute points saved up.

He checked his status and tried to understand it better, wanting to know how many attribute points he needed to upgrade each rank.

 As he pondered it further, the system seemed to grasp his thoughts, and another window popped up. 
