The Grand Plan Part 3

As soon as the military personnel left, Reign wasted no time in locking the storage area from the inside.

He secured the door, ensuring that no unwanted intruders would disturb his operations 

Next, he meticulously scanned the surroundings for any hidden CCTV cameras, his eyes darting from corner to corner in search of surveillance devices. 

Reign knew how important it was to keep up his bogus image in order to avoid unwanted attention and put his objectives in jeopardy. 

He had worked hard to ensure that those stupid military guards saw him as one of their allies, therefore it would be foolish of him to become negligent now that he was so close to completing his scheme.

'Nothing, this place is clear,' he thought to himself. 

Satisfied that he was not being watched, he allowed himself a moment of relief. 

The room fell silent except for the faint hum of the lights overhead.