Chapter 59_1

The mountains crouched silently. At the foot of the mountains, the lights of police cars and ambulances flickered alternately.

Liu Ruoyu, unconscious, was already lifted onto the ambulance, safe and sound. Another ambulance was waiting at the side. Xu Mengshan, Fan Jia and others stood silently on the sidelines, wanting to help but unable to do so.

Yin Feng, a big man, had been nestled in You Mingxu's arms since he was found. With his head lowered, he ignored everyone. You Mingxu was still wet, draped in a blanket, holding him with one arm.

Only the two of them could hear their voices.

"Shall we get on the ambulance?"

Yin Feng shook his head vigorously, "No, I won't get on the ambulance! I won't go! I won't go to the hospital. If I go, I won't see you. I want to go home, home. Now!"

He was obviously stubborn, clinging to You Mingxu's waist and dragging her towards her police car. You Mingxu couldn't free herself. Looking up, she saw her coworkers exchanging glances.