Chapter 120_1

You Mingxu suddenly snapped open her eyes, feeling cold sweat pouring from every inch of her body. Her mind was still foggy, and she could hardly tell whether the tire tracks that just emerged in her thoughts were from her dream or something she saw during the day.

Or was it that she didn't look closely enough during the day and just now remembered a detail she overlooked?

She sat bolt upright, glancing at her watch; it was 3:50 a.m., only 20 minutes had passed. Looking back into the interrogation room, she first saw Yin Feng, absorbed as ever, intently watching Fu Wenxiu, pen flying in his hand, his whole demeanor seemed to transform into another man's.

And under his scrutiny, Fu Wenxiu actually seemed compliant. But there was a cold, sinister smile on the corners of his lips as he spoke.

The lie detector test would take a while longer. But You Mingxu couldn't wait. She rushed downstairs and drove alone into the gloomy night.