Chapter 144_1

Yin Feng stared out the car window for a few seconds, then turned back and got into the car.

Graffiti asked, "What's going on?"

Yin Feng leaned back, closed his eyes and said, "Wait."

Graffiti didn't ask any more questions, resting his head on the steering wheel instead.

But after a short while, just as Yin Feng was starting to feel drowsy, he heard Graffiti start the car. He opened his eyes to see the car in front was already moving. Yin Feng glanced at his watch.

15 minutes.

She only allowed herself a 15-minute break, then continued to drive for more than five hours.

By the time they arrived in Taoling Village, it was completely dark. The meeting point arranged by Xu Mengshan was in a relatively inconspicuous hotel.

You Mingxu parked the car at the entrance of the hotel, and saw Xu Mengshan already waiting there. She walked over, with Yin Feng and Graffiti following a few steps behind.