Chapter 171_1

Yin Feng smiled, calmly wiped clean each of his fingers with a tissue before throwing it into a trash can, "What, got a new suitor?"

You Mingxu looked him straight in the eye.

Despite his casual tone, the pitch-black eyes gazing at her were devoid of any humour. Under such intense scrutiny, even You Mingxu, for no apparent reason, felt a chill seeping in.

"None of your business." You Mingxu snapped back, "Hasn't it all been settled between us?"

Yin Feng, with his hands in his pockets, replied indifferently, "What if I don't want things settled anymore?"

You Mingxu stared at him in silence.

Yin Feng smirked. Just as he was going to grab her arm, Xu Mengshan's voice echoed from not too far behind them, "Hurry up, guys! We've made a crucial discovery!"

You Mingxu turned around and left.

Yin Feng's reaching hand fell to his side as he chuckled and slipped it back into his pocket.