Chapter 214_1

Upon entering the house, You Mingxu got a drink, changed her clothes, and acted as if the person standing behind her didn't exist.

But she couldn't completely ignore him. She still felt a slight bristle at the back of her neck, just in case he were to make some sudden move.

After all, he'd been acting that way more often lately.

Unexpectedly, he walked into the kitchen without uttering a word.

After loitering in the living room, curiosity compelled You Mingxu towards the kitchen. From a distance, she saw Yin Feng hanging his coat on the doorknob, his shirt sleeves rolled up, his eyes focused downward as he washed vegetables in the sink.

You Mingxu: "What are you doing?"

Yin Feng: "What do you think?"

You Mingxu was at loss for words. Observing his fluid movements, she said, coldly, "I've eaten."

Yin Feng picked up a knife, started peeling a head of lettuce, stating, "I know, with Leng Yu." He glanced at her.