Chapter 231_1

Leng Yu didn't have to wait long by the roadside before he spotted a black SUV coming.

As it approached, he didn't recognize the driver, but when he saw the man in the passenger's seat, his brows furrowed. He muttered, "Guns," to the men by his side.

His men immediately moved. Their hands reached under their clothes, ready to pull out their weapons.

The car stopped a few meters from them. Out came a familiar face—Chen Feng, Yin Feng's secretary. Though he stood with his back to them, looking utterly calm, he helped another person out of the car.

When Leng Yu saw who it was, his face paled, and then he dashed over, exclaiming, "Yanjun!"

Xing Yanjun was covered in blood. His arm was wrapped in a bandage, his face was pale. Chen Feng was holding him up gingerly. Yanjun nodded at Leng Yu.

The passenger was Yin Feng, the driver was Graffiti, cold and aloof.