Chapter 265 His Contrariness (2)_1

She returned to the ward, and by noon, Yin Feng still hadn't woken up. So, she ate the lunch that Chen Feng had brought over, then took a nap on the couch.

When she woke up, she found Yin Feng already awake. Chen Feng just finished feeding him, having cleaned up the utensils, he chuckled, "Our Lady Boss sleeps so soundly, while I get scorned for feeding him."

A hint of annoyance crept across You Mingxu's face. Rumors sure spread fast among their little group. She pretended not to hear, approaching Yin Feng's side. After Chen Feng left, You Mingxu asked, "How are you feeling?"

Yin Feng had naturally heard what Chen Feng said earlier and answered indifferently, "I feel alright. What do they mean by calling you Lady Boss?"

You Mingxu glanced at him.

His eyes were deep and calm.

But You Mingxu only felt that he was even more unbearable than before. She replied coldly, "Did I agree to that? I didn't."