Chapter 270 Marrying a Wife (2)_1

"What are you going home for?"

"Late night snack, then sleep!"

Yin Feng asked again, "What for snack?"

You Mingxu had already caught the hint. With a subtle smile on her face, she replied, "Just grabbing some takeout. What about you? What did you eat today?"

He calmly told her about his meals for lunch and dinner.

You Mingxu asked about his condition and how long it would take to recover. He answered one by one, saying the recovery was going well. He expected to be able to get out of bed in about two weeks, but strenuous exercise was still not allowed.

A sweet and surging feeling crept into You Mingxu's heart, silently flowing. She asked again, "When are you planning to come back to Xiang City?"

He was just staring at her, his eyes deep and quiet, answered, "In one or two weeks."

You Mingxu thought for a moment and said, "Don't come back in just one week, wait until you are fully recovered before moving."

Yin Feng said, "I can gauge that myself."