001 Post you guys on the wall yo_1

"You little shit! How dare you bump into me! Beat him! Beat him to death! Let's see if we don't kill this dog today!" Deep into the night, the sound of a scuffle echoed from the alley by the bar.

Xia Zhisu, just stepping out from the bar, glanced at the gloomy sky.

She opened her umbrella and walked out.

Passing by the alley next to the bar, she saw a group of men beating up another man.

The man on the ground was already drunk to oblivion.

The gangsters were punching and kicking him without restraint.

He had no ability to fight back at all.

Xia Zhisu was used to such sights; in this muddy alley, fights were a daily occurrence, practically as common as a meal at home.

As she was about to leave, Xia Zhisu heard a familiar cry of pain from the man on the ground.

Suddenly, the man leaped up and started fighting the gangsters like a madman.

The pale moonlight fell on his face, showing his handsome cheeks marked with purple bruises—it was a face Xia Zhisu recognized well.

"Ou Shaoheng?" Xia Zhisu was surprised, hardly believing she could see the Ou Family's eldest in such a sorry state.

Seeing Ou Shaoheng growing weaker, Xia Zhisu sighed.

She really didn't want to get involved.

But still, she stepped forward and shouted, "Stop it!!"

The gangsters all halted, finding it amusing to see Xia Zhisu stepping in to defend someone.

"Hahaha! Look at you, girl! You think you can step in with that tiny frame of yours? What, you've taken a fancy to this guy too?" one of the gangsters laughed heartily.

He carelessly threw another punch at Ou Shaoheng.

Ou Shaoheng winced in pain, bending over as several gangsters held him up.

"I told you to stop hitting him..." Xia Zhisu sighed as she spoke.

Even though she felt a sense of satisfaction seeing Ou Shaoheng getting beaten up.

Still, if Ou Shaoheng took any more hits, he would be done for.

"We'll hit him! What are you gonna do about it? Want to save him? Fine! Entertain us first..." The thug stepped forward, reaching out to touch Xia Zhisu's face.

Xia Zhisu sidestepped to avoid the touch.

Seeing her dodge, the thug got even more aggressive, "Hey girl! Don't dodge, don't dodge! Wait until we're done having our fun, then we'll let this pretty boy go right away!"

Lunging forward, Xia Zhisu slipped behind him.

She lifted her leg and kicked.

The kick, light as it seemed, sent the man crashing into the wall opposite, blood streaming from his nose.

The thug touched his bloody nose and flew into a rage, "You damn woman!! How dare you not appreciate the face I'm giving you!! You're asking for it!!"

Rushing to hit Xia Zhisu, she once again dodged with ease.

With another kick, she sent him back against the wall and crossed her arms with a cold laugh, "I told you to let him go, why can't you listen? Come at me again, and I'll plaster each of you onto the wall, and you won't be able to scrape yourselves off."

"Such arrogance!!!" The gangsters were driven to insanity by her words.

This woman was so damn cocky!!

"You, a woman against several of us men? You think we'd be scared of you?!" A few men abandoned Ou Shaoheng and charged at Xia Zhisu.

Before they could reach her, Xia Zhisu executed a spinning kick.

"Smack smack smack!" One after another, the gangsters were kicked against the wall.

They couldn't even cry out.

Xia Zhisu dusted off her hands, "I told you, I can plaster you onto the wall. Now get lost."


This book has already been published, titled "Time is Not as Enchanting as You." You can buy it from Dangdang or Taobao. Dangdang now offers signed copies! For a limited time, you can get both volumes for just 36 yuan, and Dangdang supports cash on delivery—that is, you pay in cash when you receive the book! No need to pay online! Everyone should be able to afford it and support all of Da Shuang's books! The ending in the published book is different! Hurry to Dangdang to grab your signed copy!