022 Intentionally hitting on me, right_1

Ou Shaoheng just walked past Xia Zhisu, and her eyes were dim as she bit her teeth tightly. She had heard these words too many times, but each time she heard them, it still hurt.

Her surname was Xia, not Yao, because she was taken from the orphanage by a gambler surnamed Xia. Her adoptive father, Xia Zhong, who lost in gambling, sold her into the Yao Family.

Xia Zhisu stood aside, waiting for the three people to leave. If they saw her like this, it would become another laughingstock.

"Hey! You!" Ou Shaoheng suddenly stopped and called out to Xia Zhisu, who was dressed as a bunny girl.

Xia Zhisu stiffened, burying her head even lower, hoping not to be recognized.

"I told you to get Lafite! What are you standing there stupidly for! Are you dumb?!" Ou Shaoheng shouted at her.

Xia Zhisu hastily nodded and turned to run away.

Ou Shaoheng watched her run away, that silhouette. He had watched Xia Zhisu run away from him so many times that with the bunny girl running, he felt a sense of familiarity.

How much she resembled that woman Xia Zhisu!

"Shaoheng, what's wrong?" Yao Danni and Bai Yuanyuan had walked away, and when they saw Ou Shaoheng had not followed, Danni looked back and asked.

"You go ahead, I need to use the restroom!" Ou Shaoheng said and followed in the direction Xia Zhisu had run off to.

"Shaoheng!" Yao Danni wanted to stop him.

"Isn't the restroom over there? Why is Ou Shaoheng going in the opposite direction?" Bai Yuanyuan was surprised.

Yao Danni was also puzzled.

Xia Zhisu had run a good distance before she turned to look back, thankful that Ou Shaoheng hadn't recognized her. Now she was even further from the changing room, and if she ran back, she might bump into classmates or someone else!

Forget it, just go out like this!

Turning around, bam!

Xia Zhisu was knocked back several steps, "Ow!!"

"Xia Zhisu! It really is you!" Ou Shaoheng looked at the woman in front of him, sizing her up and circling around her, holding back laughter, "Dressed like this! Have you switched careers? Became an escort, have you?"

Xia Zhisu, even if she wanted to cover her face now, it was too late. She lowered her head, "I... I came with a friend..."

"Friend? Which of those rabble-rousers you call friends could come to a place like this! Speak! Why did you come here!" Ou Shaoheng demanded.

"Who are you calling rabble-rousers! Those people you hang out with are the real rabble-rousers! I just came here to have fun with a friend!" Xia Zhisu lifted her head, sticking out her chest, reckoning since she had been caught, she might as well face the music!

"I bet you're the one being played by your friend! Who dresses up like you did to accompany a friend!" Ou Shaoheng stepped forward and hooked a finger under the strap on her shoulder, "Squeak, you're dressed so 'cool', how come you still don't have any breasts at all!"

"Dressing 'cool' has nothing to do with the size of your chest!" Xia Zhisu pushed his hand away and turned to leave.

"Stay right there! Who said you could go! I haven't finished talking yet! What are you doing here, dressed like that! Pfft!" Ou Shaoheng couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Xia Zhisu! You're so ridiculous! Haven't you looked in the mirror? Look at you, your thighs are all exposed! And that neckline, why have you pulled it so low, what are you trying to do!"

Xia Zhisu watched, wide-eyed, as Ou Shaoheng hooked a piece of fabric with one finger and then let it snap back, and he seemed to enjoy doing so.

"What are you trying to do, huh?" Ou Shaoheng suddenly had a thought, "Oh! I get it! You knew you'd run into me at the reunion today, and you dressed up like this on purpose to seduce me, didn't you!"