032 Counterattack_1

She quickly scrolled down to check his QQ account and saw that he didn't have a single friend!

The photos were sent directly to the terminal through the computer!

"Ding dong," "Ding dong," the QQ alerts flashed non-stop, with photos streaming in one after another!

"This stallion left so many photos behind!! No wonder after taking his pad, he didn't even bother to chase after it!!" Xia Zhisu felt so dizzy with rage that she started deleting the photos as they came in, one by one.

Once he'd sent all of them, his QQ was controlled by him and went offline via his computer.

"Ling, Tian, 'ao!!!" Xia Zhisu was grinding her teeth in fury, almost passing out on the bed from the sheer anger!

She got up and walked around her room for quite a while, pondering what to do!

Stay calm! Stay calm! After several laps, Xia Zhisu had a sudden flash of insight!