037 Specially for Warding Off Evil_1


His breath tickled her neck, driving her crazy, so she leaned back to maintain distance from him.

"What was that just now!"

"This matter is something that can be understood but not conveyed in words." No sooner had he finished speaking than Ling Tian'ao's tongue traced her earlobe, sending shivers down Xia Zhisu's spine!

Xia Zhisu realized he was referring to the kiss at the school gate! What was there to 'understand'?!

She tried to push the man in front of her away, but Ling Tian'ao caught her hand and with a smirk, said mockingly, "Xia Zhisu, you climb into my bed of your own accord, throw yourself into my arms, and now you even initiate a kiss—so proactive! I have to respond somehow, don't I?"

"That was a stopgap solution. Don't you touch me with your filthy mouth!" Xia Zhisu was so disgusted she used the back of her hand to wipe her ear where he had kissed it.

Watching her actions, Ling Tian'ao's gaze darkened, "My filthy mouth? Who was it that kissed me first!"